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2017/08/16 23:47
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  • It's been raining for two weeks in Tokyo.

私も日本に住んでいますが、最近ほんとに雨が多いですね! 「[雨が降る](」は動詞で rain と言うのが一般的です。 現在完了進行形という時制なのですが、 have/has been + ing形 という形を取り「ずっと〜している」という継続の意味を表します。 天気のときは主語を it とするとため、動詞は have ではなくて has になります。 話すときは it has → it's と短縮すると自然ですよ。 It's been raining for two weeks in Tokyo. (東京では2週間ずっと雨が降っています。) for two weeks → 2週間(も) 他にも It's been raining all day. ([一日中](雨が降っている。) のように、現在完了進行形には all day(一日中), all afternoon(午後ずっと), all weekend (週末ずっと)などall +期間の表現もよく一緒に使われます。 参考になればうれしいです!
yui 英会話講師
  • It has been raining in Tokyo for two weeks straight.

  • For the past fortnight it has been raining in Tokyo.

In order to say it has been raining for two weeks in Tokyo, you can say: It has been raining in Tokyo for two weeks straight. Two weeks straight means that for a continuous two weeks. It emphasizes that it has been raining for a long time. You can also say: For the past fortnight it has been raining in Tokyo. Fortnight means two weeks, Past fortnight means for the previous two weeks. I hope that helps!
東京で2週間[雨が降っている](ことを伝えるために、あなたは次のように言うことができます。 It has been raining in Tokyo for two weeks straight. 東京で2週間[連続で](雨が降り続けています。 Two weeks straight は2週間連続で続いていることを意味します。長く雨が降り続けていることを強調します。 また、以下のように言うこともできます。 For the past fortnight it has been raining in Tokyo. 過去2週間、東京では雨が降っています。 Fortnight は2週間を意味します。 Past fortnight は過去2週間を意味します。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • It has been raining for two weeks in Tokyo.

You can say : It has been raining for two weeks in Tokyo. It has been raining for two weeks in Tokyo non-stop. It has been raining for two weeks in Tokyo straight. --> Something that is non-stop continues without any pauses or interruptions. --> Straight means following one after the other, with no gaps or intervals.
以下の様に表現することができます: It has been raining for two weeks in Tokyo. (東京では2週間雨が降り続いている。) It has been raining for two weeks in Tokyo non-stop. (東京ではノンストップで2週間雨が降っています。) It has been raining for two weeks in Tokyo straight. (東京で2週間雨が降り続けている。) - >non-stopは休止や中断なしで何かが止まらずに続きます。 - >straightとは、間や間隔を置かずに連続して続くことを意味します。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Its been raining cats and dogs in Tokyo for two weeks.

  • The rain in Tokyo has been non-stop for two weeks.

  • Rains have persisted in Tokyo for two weeks.

In the first sentence, I used an idiom. The term cats and dogs mean it has been raining for a very long time or that it is raining very heavily.
最初の文では、イディオムを使用しました。 「cats and dogs」はとても長い時間雨が降っている、 もしくは、とても激しい雨が降っていることを意味します。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • It's been two weeks of non-stop rain in Tokyo.

  • We had two weeks of continuous rain in Tokyo.

▪It's been two weeks of non-stop raining in Tokyo. non-stop= it did not stop raining for two weeks. ▪We had two weeks of continuous rain in Tokyo. continuous=without interruption.
▪It's been two weeks of non-stop raining in Tokyo. (東京では2週間ずっと雨が降っています。) non-stop(ノンストップ)= 2週間雨が止まなかった。 ▪We had two weeks of continuous rain in Tokyo (東京で2週間連続で雨が降った。) Continuous(連続)=中断しない。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • It's been raining for two weeks in Tokyo.

"have been ~ing" は「~し続けている」と、物事が今の時点まで継続している状態を表します。"for two weeks"(2週間) や "since yesterday"(昨日から) のように「期間」を添えると、具体的に伝えることができます。 主語の ”It" は、天気・気温・時間などを表す構文の中で使われ、訳されません。"in Tokyo" は「東京で(は)」となります。
  • fortnight

  • two weeks

a "fortnight" is a measure of time equivalent to two weeks A. This weather is dreary. B. Tell me about it, and it's not supposed to clear up any time soon either. A. What? B. You heard it! Weather channel says it's supposed to rain for a fortnight. A. Two weeks? But.. but... my wedding is two weeks! What am I going to do? B. Why are you asking me? I don't know! A. *pacing* B. ...Rain check? A. Arghhhhhh!
"fortnight"とは2週間という意味になります。 A. This weather is dreary.  (この天気憂鬱) B. Tell me about it, and it's not supposed to clear up any time soon either.  (ホント。すぐには晴れそうもないみたいだし) A. What?  (えっ?) B. You heard it! Weather channel says it's supposed to rain for a fortnight.  (聞いたでしょ。天気予報でこの雨は2週間続くって言ってたよ) A. Two weeks? But.. but... my wedding is two weeks! What am I going to do?  (2週間!だ…だけど、私の結婚式は2週間後よ。どうしよう) B. Why are you asking me? I don't know!  (なんで私に聞くの?知らないわよ) A. *pacing* (行ったり来たりする) B. ...Rain check? (雨天順延?) A. Arghhhhhh! (えぇぇぇぇ~~!)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • It's been raining for two weeks in Tokyo

  • For the past fortnight it has been raining in Tokyo.

The second sentence will be used with future present and that's the only differences between the two of them. The easiest and most common way of saying is the first sentence.
この二つの文の唯一の違いは、一つ目の文は未来時制で使われるということです。 最もシンプルで普通の言い方は一つ目の文です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • It has been raining for two weeks straight!

  • It hasn't stopped raining for two weeks in Tokyo.

It has been raining for two weeks straight! - means that it has not stopped raining for two weeks. Within a two week period, there were no days that rain did not fall.
It has been raining for two weeks straight!(2週間雨が降り続けている) は「二週間雨がやんでいない」という意味です。「二週間の間に雨の降らない日はなかった」ということ。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • It's been raining for two weeks in Tokyo.

  • It's been raining cats and dogs for two weeks.

"It's been raining for two weeks in Tokyo," would just be a very general way to say that it's been raining for a certain period of time. "It's been raining cats and dogs for two weeks," uses the popular idiom, "it's raining cats and dogs," which describes that it's raining very hard.
"It's been raining for two weeks in Tokyo"(東京では2週間雨が続いています)は、「ある期間雨が続いている」の一般的な言い方です。 "It's been raining cats and dogs for two weeks"(2週間大雨が続いています)では、よく使われるイディオム "it's raining cats and dogs" を使っています。これは「大雨が降っている」という意味です。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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