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2017/08/18 01:00
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  • I thought I was gonna die.

「[死ぬ](かと思った」の意味です。 「[マジで](」に当たる表現も入れたければ I really thought I was gonna die. としてください。 gonnaはgoing toの略です。 ご参考になれば幸いです(^^)
  • I seriously thought I was going to die.

  • I thought I was going to die for real.

お仕事、かなり大変だったようですね。。。 2つ英訳を見てみましょう。 英訳① I seriously thought I was going to die. 「[まじで](」をseriouslyで表現しています。 同じ意味の別なパターンがこちら。 英訳② I thought I was going to die for real. for realは「[本当に](、実際に」という意味です。 ※die で「死ぬ」という意味です。 いかがでしょうか。 ご参考になりましたら幸いです。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • I was on my last legs, working alone

  • Working unsupported, I though I was going to kick the bucket

To be on one's last legs = A person who is on their last legs is very tired or near to death: "We'd been out walking all day and I was on my last legs when we reached the hotel. "It looks as though her grandfather's on his last legs. I think he will pass away soon." To kick the bucket = To kick the bucket is an English idiom, considered a euphemistic, informal, or slang term meaning 'to die'. Its origin remains unclear, though there have been several theories.
To be on one's last legs = on their last legs の人は、とても疲れていて、死に近い。 例: "We'd been out walking all day and I was on my last legs when we reached the hotel. ー私たちは一日中歩きっぱなしで、ホテルに着いた時は疲れ果てていた。 "It looks as though her grandfather's on his last legs. I think he will pass away soon." ー彼女の祖父は死に近いようだ。 彼はもう直ぐなくなると思う。 To kick the bucket = これは英語のイディオムで、婉曲的で、砕けたスラングで死を意味しています。 これの起源は不明なままですが、幾つかの説があります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I was up to my neck in work

  • I was so overwhelmed I thought I would die

The first phrase can be used to indicate that you had a huge volume of work to do and that you are extremely busy. It indicates that you have no time to do anything else only work and that the situation is overwhelming or too much for you to cope with. You can use the phrase 'up to my neck in......' for any situation that is overwhelming or takes up a huge amount of your time and attention. e.g I am up to my neck in reports at the moment. The second phrase includes the word overwhelmed. Overwhelmed has a number of meanings including; To affect deeply in mind or emotion: 'Despair overwhelmed me.' To present with an excessive amount: They overwhelmed us with expensive gifts. The word overwhelmed therefore tells people that you were heavily burned by your situation to such an extent that you were emotionally upset and thought you would die from exhaustion.
一文目は、やる仕事がたくさんあって、非常に忙しいという時に使います。 それ以外何もする時間がなく、自分ができるキャパを超えてしまっている、という状況で使います。 'up to my neck in......' という熟語は、自分の時間や苦労がたくさんそこに費やさなければいけない、というシチュエーションで使います。 二つ目のフレーズは、overwhelmedです。 色々な意味がありますが、To affect deeply in mind or emotion: 自分の心や感情に深く影響する、という意味があります。 'Despair overwhelmed me.' 絶望が深く心に刻まれた。 To present with an excessive amount 過剰な分量が出現したときなど They overwhelmed us with excessesive gifts. 彼らの過剰なプレゼントの数には驚かされた。 つまり、overwhemedには、感情的な動揺や気苦労で死んでしまうかもしれない、といった程度であるほどのシチュエーションにいるという意味で使われます。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • I had so much work to do I thought I was going to die.

  • I seriously thought I was going to die with work.

1. I had so much work to do I thought I was going to die. 私は仕事が大変だったので、私は死ぬと思った。 2. I seriously thought I was going to die with work. 私は真剣に私が仕事で死ぬつもりだと思った。
1. I had so much work to do I thought I was going to die. 私は仕事が大変だったので私は死ぬかと思った。 2. I seriously thought I was going to die with work. 私は本当に仕事で死ぬかと思った。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Thought I'd drop dead from exhaustion!

  • I was overwhelmed by the work load...I thought i'd drop dead from exhaustion

Thought I'd "drop dead" from a rather dramatic line tha ticks all the buttons here...Sometimes there is benefit in helps get the picture across ina stronger way! In this case overwork almost killed you! Exhaustion: a state of extreme physical or mental tiredness "I was overwhelmed by the work load...I thought i'd drop dead from exhaustion"
Thought I'd "drop dead" from exhaustion (極端な疲労で、マジで死ぬかと思った) これはどちらかと言うと劇的な表現ですが、ここではよく当てはまります。 大げさに言う事は、時には利益があることがあります。 強い方法で、状況を把握することを手伝ってくれます! この場合、超過勤務によってあなたは殺されそうになった! Exhaustion(極度の疲労) 心身又は肉体的な極度の疲労の事です。 【例】 "I was overwhelmed by the work load...I thought I'd drop dead from exhaustion" (あり得ない仕事量で、マジで極度の疲労で死ぬかと思った)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I almost died.

  • That was really killing me.

"almost" は「ほとんど、九分通り」という表現で、 "almost die" で「ほとんど死ぬ」→「死ぬような思いをする、死ぬかと思う」ということを表します。 "kill 人" は、ここでは「人を死ぬほど苦しませる、ひどい苦痛を与える」という表現です。 主語の "that" は「苦痛の原因となるもの/こと」を指します。具体的には "The situation at work was really killing me." (その仕事での状況で本当に死ぬ思いをした) となります。
  • I was so much overloaded with work that I thought I was going to collapse.

  • I was so inundated with work that I thought it was going to kill me.

  • There was so much work on my shoulders that I thought I was going to die.

Sometimes a person can be overloaded with work (given too much work), such that he/she might think that he/she will collapse under its weight. The verb to 'collapse' means to fall down unconscious. It can lead to death. Similarly, the verb to 'inundate' means to overload or overwhelm with things or work as in this case. Being inundated with work can lead to exhaustion and sometimes death. So, if you did get into any of these situations, you might have said: I was so much overloaded with work that I thought I was going to collapse. or I was so inundated with work that I thought it was going to kill me. or There was so much work on my shoulders that I thought I was going to die.
時々、仕事を与えられ過ぎて、その重みに耐えられないと思うことがあるでしょう。動詞 'collapse'は、意識を失って倒れるという意味です。これは死につながります。同様に動詞'inundate'も、この場合は仕事などに圧倒される、仕事漬けになることを表します。仕事漬けになることは、疲労や時として死亡をもたらすことがあります。ですから、このようなシチュエーションにある場合は、以下のように言うかもしれません。 I was so much overloaded with work that I thought I was going to collapse. または I was so inundated with work that I thought it was going to kill me. または There was so much work on my shoulders that I thought I was going to die.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • i was so overwhelmed by the work i thought i would die

  • it was so stressful i thought i would die

  • i was on my last legs

example "I thought the stress would kill me it was so busy, I really thought I was gonna die" (gonna slang for going to) or "I was so overwhelmed with customers at one point I thought I was going to die". or "We were working flat out, I was on my last legs!".
例 "I thought the stress would kill me. It was so busy. I really thought I was gonna die" ('gonna’ は'going to'のスラングです) (ストレスで死ぬかと思いました。とても忙しかったんです。本当に死ぬかと思いました。) "I was so overwhelmed with customers at one point I thought I was going to die". (お客様に圧倒されて、一時は死ぬかと思いました。) または、 "We were working flat out, I was on my last legs!". (一生懸命働いて、マジで死ぬかと思いました。)
Homa DMM英会話講師
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