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私は彼の男らしくて、優しくて、ピュアなところが大好きだけど、嘘が下手な正直者なとこも全部好きだ、と言いたいです:) よろしくお願いします。
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2017/08/18 14:41
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  • I love everything about you, even how you're bad at telling lies.

こんにちは。 ・I love everything about you, even how you're bad at telling lies. 「あなたの全部が好き、嘘をつくのが下手なところも」 上記のように言うことができます。 「嘘をつくのが下手」は bad at telling lies と言えます。bad liar で「嘘が下手な人」にもなります。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • I love everything about you including the fact that you are bad at telling lies.

This means you adore/love your boyfriend. You think it cute that he is bad at telling lies. You always can tell when he is lying.
これは、親愛なる/愛している彼氏を意味します。 嘘をつくのが下手なところを可愛いと思います。彼が嘘をつくときいつもこう言うことができます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I love everything about you, including your bad lying skills.

  • I love everything about you, even the fact that you are bad at lying.

You can say : "I love everything about you, including your bad lying skills." "I love everything about you, even the fact that you are bad at lying."
このように言うことができます。 "I love everything about you, including your bad lying skills." "I love everything about you, even the fact that you are bad at lying."
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • You are very bad at lying and that makes me love you more.

  • I thought I loved you a lot, but I discovered that I even love you more because you are a bad at telling lies.

>You are very bad at lying and that makes me love you more. This is explaining that because he is not a good liar makes you love him more. >I thought I loved you a lot, but I discovered that I even love you more because you are a bad at telling lies. This is saying that you have found out that you actually love him more than what you thought, all because he is a bad liar.
You are very bad at lying and that makes me love you more. 嘘をつくのが下手なので、より彼のことが好きであるということを意味する表現です。 I thought I loved you a lot, but I discovered that I even love you more because you are a bad at telling lies. 嘘をつくのが下手なので、思っているよりずっと彼のことが好きだということがわかったと言いたい時の表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I love everything about my boyfriend, especially his bad lying abilities!

  • I love everything about my boyfriend, especially because he's a bad liar!

Loving someone is very special and to like or love everything about them, means that you have a lot in common, also it means that he has very good qualities. Being a bad liar is a very good quality to have, which means, he's a very honest person. You can use either one of these to express that.
誰かを愛することは特別で、相手の全てを好き、または愛することを意味します。 なのであなたたち共通点がたくさんあり、また彼にはいいところがたくさんあることを意味します。 bad liar(うそをつくのが下手な人)というのはいい性格で、彼が正直な人であることを意味します。 これらの表現のどちらでも使うことができます。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I like every facet of my boyfriend's character, including his transparency when he lies

"Hi Jill! Where have you been. I haven't seen you in a long time." "Well, I met a wonderful man on a dating site. I travelled to France and met him - and after a week we got married! "My god, that's a surprise! Are you sure you did the right thing? You hardly know him!" "Oh, he's wonderful and cute and really looks after me. I love every facet of his character, including his transparency when he lies!" "Does he lie often?" "No, only about silly things."
"Hi Jill! Where have you been. I haven't seen you in a long time." 「やあジル、どこ行ってたんだい。ずいぶん長い間見てなかったけど。」 "Well, I met a wonderful man on a dating site. I travelled to France and met him - and after a week we got married! 「出会い系サイトで良い人が見つかってね、フランスに行って会ってきたのよ。そして一週間後に結婚しちゃったの。」 "My god, that's a surprise! Are you sure you did the right thing? You hardly know him!" 「なんてことだい。本当にそれでいいと思ってるの?その人のこと全く知らないでしょ。」 "Oh, he's wonderful and cute and really looks after me. I love every facet of his character, including his transparency when he lies!" 「んー、彼って素敵でそれに可愛いし、本当に私のこと思ってくれてるの。彼のわかりやすい嘘でさえも愛してるの。」 "Does he lie often?" 「彼はよく嘘つくの?」 "No, only about silly things." 「いいえ、くだらないジョークだけよ。」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I love everything about you, even that you are not good at telling lies

  • I love everything about you, even that you can't tell lies well

The first part of the sentence ' I love everything about you' means that you love all or everything about your boyfriend 'even that you are not good at telling lies' means you even love the fact that they can not tell lies well ( you can always tell when he tells lie's)
例文の最初の「I love everything about you(あなたのすべてが好き)」という部分は、あなたがボーイフレンドのすべてが好きなことを表します。 「even that you are not good at telling lies」は、うそがヘタなところさえも好きなことを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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