When you really like a restaurant or shop that you visit, you can say:
I love this place!
To love - to really like
This place - This venue, this location.
This restaurant is awesome!
Awesome - excellent, fantastic, great, exceptional
I hope that helps!
I love this place!
love - とても気に入っている
this place - この建物、この場所
This restaurant is awesome!
awesome - とても良い、すばらしい、すごい、格別な
"What a great + noun ....! " We use this form when we want to stress that something was exceptionally good in some way.
"What a great character John is! I couldn't believe it when he started singing in the bus station!"
"What a great day it's been! The wedding, - followed by a flight to the Bahamas!"
.."present Perfect + really + Verb .."
We use this construction to stress the verb used in a statement about a recent activity.
"I've really loved being with you today!"
"Likewise! it's really been a pleasure having you visit us."
"What a great + noun ....! " 何かすごく気に入ったところがあったときにそれを強調するために使う構文です。
例:"What a great character John is! I couldn't believe it when he started singing in the bus station!"
例:"What a great day it's been! The wedding, - followed by a flight to the Bahamas!"
.."present Perfect + really + Verb .."の構文は、最近の出来事や行ったこと、特に動詞を強調する伝える時に使われます。
"I've really loved being with you today!":今日は一緒にいられて本当によかったよ。
"Likewise! it's really been a pleasure having you visit us." こちらこそ今日きてくれて本当に楽しかったよ。
1. I really like this restaurant.
This is a simple and direct way to tell the restaurant staff that you like the restaurant.
2. This is an awesome place.
If you describe the restaurant as awesome, you are saying that you think the restaurant is amazing.
1. I really like this restaurant.
2. This is an awesome place.
awesome というと、このレストランがすばらしいと思っていることが伝わります。
When we like something like a restaurant, it is everything about the place, the food, the staff and the "decor" or "ambiance". It is a place where we feel comfortable, a place to relax, to have a good meal and a good time.
"I love your restaurant!"
"This restaurant is amazing!"
"Decor" is the furnishings
"Ambiance" is the aura and mood of a place
レストランのどこかが好きという時、それは、場所、食べ物、スタッフ、「装飾」 や「雰囲気」についてすべてです。
I love your restaurant!
This restaurant is amazing!
I would highly recommend this restaurant.
– adverb – favourable.
You enjoy the restaurant so much that you would recommend to your friends and family.
I will definitely be returning.
You loved the restaurant so much that you will return in the future.
Another way of saying this is “I would definitely return”.
This restaurant is highly recommendable.
Again, meaning that you would recommend the restaurant to others.
I would highly recommend this restaurant.
– 副詞 - 好意的な
I will definitely be returning.
別の言い方で、“I would definitely return”とも言えます。
This restaurant is highly recommendable.
I like this restaurant. - You can say that you like the restaurant with this simple sentence. You may also add 'really' before 'like' to express a stronger affection towards the restaurant and if you like it even more than that you can replace 'like' with 'love'.
I really like this restaurant.
I love this restaurant.
This is a great restaurant. - Rather than using a verb such as 'like' or 'love' you can use an adjective to express what you think about the restaurant. The adjective 'great' can be replaced by various other adjectives.
This is a wonderful restaurant.
This is a cool restaurant.
This is an amazing restaurant. (You need 'an' here rather than 'a' as the next word starts with a vowel)
I like this restaurant.
- そのレストランを気に入っていることを表す表現です。
I really like this restaurant. I love this restaurant.
This is a great restaurant.
This is a wonderful restaurant.
This is a cool restaurant.
This is an amazing restaurant.
1)I will visit again. I really like your food.- This means you really like the food and you will come back again.
2)This is one of the best restaurants I've been to.- This means you really enjoyed the food,atmosphere etc.
"1)I will visit again. I really like your food.
2)This is one of the best restaurants I've been to.
1)This place is awesome/amazing.「この場所いいね!」「この場所最高!」などと日本語で訳す事が出来ます。今回の例文ではamazingやawesomeは形容詞で「すごい!」や「素敵!」という意味で使いました。
2)とてもシンプルな文章ですが日常会話でよく使われます。this restaurant is=この店は(あなたがいる場所) nice=素敵 この2つを組み合わせて、この店は素敵→気に入ったよ!と意訳出来ます。
You can say :
I'm really impressed with the restaurant.
I love this plce.
I will defnitely come back!
This place is awesome.
I'm really impressed with the restaurant.
I love this plce.
I will defnitely come back!
This place is awesome.
お店をThis Placeで表した上で素晴らしいという意味の単語(awesome)で表現をしています。お店を褒めちぎる上で他にもperfect(完璧、ほころびが見当たらないなど意味)やamazing(素晴らしい)などの単語と置き換えることもできます。
お店をThis Placeで表した上で素晴らしいという意味の単語(perfect)で表現をしています。お店を褒めちぎる上で他にもawesome(大変素晴らしいとういう意味)やamazing(素晴らしい)などの単語と置き換えることもできます。
お店をThis Placeで表した上で素晴らしいという意味の単語(great)で表現しています。ちなみにトランプ大統領が選挙中も今もスローガンとして掲げている、"Make America Great Again"(アメリカを再び偉大に国にしよう)の中のGreatは偉大という意味です。
The food was so good this restaurant is a fantastic place to visit!
We could use many words to describe delight or amazement:-D In this case I might say somehting like: "The food was so good, this restaurant is a fantastic place to visit!" (I think they would be pleased with that comment!)
"The food was so good, this restaurant is a fantastic place to visit!"
We can use the verbs, "to like," and, "to love," interchangeably here as they both describe our adoration or positive feelings about the restaurant. In addition we can also refer to the restaurant as, "one of my favorites," to express that it's a restaurant that we enjoy more than most others.