世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/18 15:19
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  • Could you make the beds, please?

  • Please make my bed.

1つ目のフレーズ「Could you make the beds, please?」は、ベッドが複数ある場合に用います。これは「ベッドを整えていただけますか?」という意味です。場面に応じて、「Could you」の形を用いることでより丁寧な表現となります。 2つ目のフレーズ「Please make my bed.」は、ベッドが1つだけある場合、もしくは特定のベッドを指定してベッドメーキングをお願いしたいときに使用します。これは「ベッドを整えてください」という意味です。 さらに、全体の掃除を頼みたい時は、「Could you clean my room, please?」(部屋の掃除をお願いできますか?)という表現も便利です。
Tim Young 主催
  • Would you be able to make my bed?

  • Could you make my bed?

ベッドメーキングはそもそも「make the bed」に由来する表現です。 より丁寧に頼みたい時に、「would you be able」の方を使います。 「Would」の意味 お願いする時、「would」を入れるだけで文章が自然になります。たとえば、 Can You go to the store?(普通) Would you go to the store? (丁寧) I want to eat cake. (普通) I would want to eat cake (丁寧) なので「would」を使うのがおすすめです。 Would it be possible to とても丁寧に可能性を尋ねる時、「would it be possible to」を使います。 Can I have a coffee? (普通) May I have a coffee? (丁寧) Would it be possible to have a coffee? (とても丁寧)
  • Please make my bed in my room.

  • Will someone please make my bed?

The first sentence is a direct request to a person who is responsible for cleaning or making the beds in the hotel rooms. By using the adverb 'please', you are being as polite as possible in your request: Please make my bed in my room. The second request is directed at someone who may not be directly responsible for cleaning or making beds in the hotel rooms but can redirect your request to the person who is responsible for carrying out the task. Hence the polite request: Will someone please make my bed?
最初の文は、ホテルのベッドメイクを行う責任者に直接リクエストする言い方です。 このpleaseを副詞として使うことで、丁寧に伝えるのに役立っています。 例 Please make my bed in my room. 二つ目の文は、クリーニングやベッドメイクの責任者じゃないかもしれませんが、それを行う人に伝えることのできる人に伝える言い方です。 よって言い方はこうなります。 Will someone please make my bed?
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Hi, can you send someone to come make my bed and clean the room please.

  • Hey, can one of the cleaners please come make my bed.

>Hi, can you send someone to come make my bed and clean the room please. *This sentence can be used when you phone the receptionist from your room and asking for your bed to be made and also clean the room. ........................... >Hey, can one of the cleaners please come make my bed. *cleaner=person who's job is to do the general cleaning. ....................***................
Hi, can you send someone to come make my bed and clean the room please. 受付に電話して部屋を掃除してもらいうことを依頼するときに使われる表現です。 Hey, can one of the cleaners please come make my bed. *cleaner=清掃を仕事としている人です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to request for the beds to be made, please.

  • Could I request for the bed to be made?

It never hurts to be a little polite when asking a request, so always remember to say please! ^^ You can use these phrases: - I'd like to request (for the beds to be made, please). - I'd like to request (fresh towels, please). - I'd like to request (a wake-up call for 6, please). You can also use "could" and still sound polite: - Could I request (for the bed to be made)? - Could I request (fresh towels)? - Could I request (a wake-up call for 6)?
丁寧な話し方をして損はしないと思うのでpleaseというのを忘れないでくださいね^^ これらのフレーズを使えます: - I'd like to request (for the beds to be made, please). - I'd like to request (fresh towels, please). - I'd like to request (a wake-up call for 6, please). またもう少し丁寧に話したいのならば "could" を使えばいいと思います: - Could I request (for the bed to be made)? - Could I request (fresh towels)? - Could I request (a wake-up call for 6)?
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • Could one of the cleaning staff please make my bed?

  • Can someone please make my bed?

"Could one of the cleaning staff please make my bed?" and "Can someone please make my bed?" are two good ways to ask the hotel manager to send someone to make your bed for you. cleaning staff = the members of staff whose responsibility is to clean the hotel and its facilities. You may also ask for specific things to be done while they make your bed. Example: May I have a change of sheets when you make my bed today?
"Could one of the cleaning staff please make my bed?" "Can someone please make my bed?" どちらもホテルマネージャにベッドメイクするよう頼む丁寧な文です。 *cleaning staff = ホテルや施設の清掃員。 その他にもお願いできることはあります。 May I have a change of sheets when you make my bed today? 「ベッドメイクするときに、シーツを交換してくださいますか?」
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Make my room up please.

  • I am going out for the afternoon you" can make my room up "now!

Make up my room sounds like nonsene..until you put it into context:-) We are said to "make up lies or stories",but in this context it has come to mean "Please refresh and clean my room/...including making the be;d-D IE put my room back in order..
"Make up my room"は文に入れないとノンセンスに聞こえるであろう。 通常”Make up lies / stories"の様に使われるのですが、この文脈上"Please refresh and clean my room(お部屋のお掃除お願い出来ますか)/...including making the bed(ベッドメーキングも含み"といった意味合いになります。 例:Put my room back in order 訳 : お部屋のお掃除お願いします。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please have someone make the beds?

  • Please can I request that the bed is made?

  • I'm wondering if I can arrange for our beds to be made please?

If you want your room and bed to be tidied by the hotel staff you can make a 'request' that it be done. You can ask politely at the receoption if it is possible that one of the maids can 'make the bed' for you whilst you are not asleep in it. Hope this helps Teacher Jemxi
ホテルスタッフに部屋の掃除を頼みたい場合、”Request"する事が出来ます。 ホテルのフロントに部屋の掃除をしてもらえるかどうか丁寧に聞いてみるとよいでしょう。 参考になるといいです。
Jemxi DMM英会話講師
  • "Please would you be able to make my bed?"

  • "Could you make my bed please?"

  • "Hello, could you get one of the maids to make my bed?"

If you were at a hotel and you wanted to ask for your bed to be made, you could ask any of the following: "Please would you be able to make my bed?", "Could you make my bed please?" or "Hello, could you get one of the maids to make my bed?".
ホテルでベッドメイキングをお願いしたいときは、次のように言えます。 "Please would you be able to make my bed?"(ベッドメイキングをお願いしたいです) "Could you make my bed please?"(ベッドメイキングをお願いしたいです) "Hello, could you get one of the maids to make my bed?"(すみません、ベッドメイキングをお願いしたいです)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Can you make the beds for me please?

  • Can you make the bed in my room please?

  • Please make the beds in my room please.

All three of these sentences can be used interchangeably to have the same meaning, the only real difference are the words that are included/excluded from each of the sentences. Please notice that in the final example, we are using the imperative/command sense of the verb, and therefore it does not have a subject at it's head.
これらの文は全て同じ意味で、置き換えて使えます。違いは単語の違いだけです。 最後の例は命令文です。ですから主語はありません。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I would like the beds to be made please.

  • Please could you send housekeeping to make my bed?

  • Could you make my bed please?

Housekeeping is usually the department who takes care of guests rooms and will make them clean and tidy so asking for them to be sent to your room is asking for them to tidy it. Saying the word 'please' is being polite and respectful when asking someone to do something for you.
"Housekeeping" とは、客室の維持管理や清掃を担当する部門のことです。ですから、「"Housekeeping" を送ってほしい」は「部屋を整えてほしい」という意味になります。 人に何かを頼むときは、'Please' を使うと丁寧です。
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • Please change the bedsheets in my room.

  • Please make the bed in my room.

"Please change the bedsheets in my room." - This is a polite way to ask for fresh, clean sheets in your room while also indicating that you would like the bed to be made up. "Please make the bed in my room" is a polite way of asking for the room to be tidied and the beds to be made.
"Please change the bedsheets in my room."(部屋のシーツを替えてもらえますか) 「シーツを替えてください」の丁寧な言い方です。これは、「ベッドメイキングしてほしい」の意味を含みます。 "Please make the bed in my room"(ベッドメイキングをお願いします) 「部屋を片付けて、ベッドメイキングをしてほしい」という意味です。丁寧な言い方です。
Lizzo DMM英会話講師
  • I would like for housekeeping to make my bed, please.

When making a request, using the phrase "would like" is the most respectful way to do so. "Housekeeping" are the employees who clean the rooms in a hotel. I hope that this helps. :)
人に何かを頼むときは、"would like" を使うのが最も丁寧です。 "Housekeeping" はホテルの「清掃係」を指します。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Can you send up housekeeping, please?

  • Is it possible that you could send someone up to make my bed, please?

  • Do you offer a turndown service?

"Can you send up housekeeping, please?"- "Housekeeping" is the correct term in hotels for cleaners, they will normally clean the entire room on a daily basis & usually knock on the door & shout "Housekeeping" before entering the room. You can also call reception requesting housekeeping. "Is it possible that you could send someone up to make my bed, please?" - This is a request that you can make to the reception & they will be more than likely to oblige. "Do you offer a turndown service?" - Depending on the hotel, normally 4 stars and above, they offer a 'turndown' service in which they will enter your room & prepare the beds for sleeping in. If you are lucky, they may even put a mint/chocolate on your pillow.
"Can you send up housekeeping, please?"(ハウスキーピングをお願いします) "Housekeeping" はホテルの清掃係を指します。普通は部屋全体を毎日掃除しています。部屋に入る前にはノックをして、大きな声で "Housekeeping!" と声をかけてきます。これは受付に電話をして来てもらうこともできます。 "Is it possible that you could send someone up to make my bed, please?"(ベッドメーキングをお願いします) これは受付に対するリクエストです。たぶん応じてくれると思います。 "Do you offer a turndown service?"(ターンダウンサービスはありますか) ホテルによって(普通は4つ星以上のホテルです)、"turndown service" がある所があります。これはベッドメイキングをしてくれるサービスです。運がいいと、枕の上に(ミント)チョコレートが置いてあります。
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • Could someone please make my bed?

  • Excuse me, would it be possible to have my bed made?

  • Excuse me, my bed hasn't been made up yet?

At a hotel you want to ask for your bed to be made. You could try one of the above suggestions for that scenario. The third example is a statement..but the intonation will make it a question.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I was wondering if someone could make my bed please?

  • If it isn't too much trouble, can somebody make the beds in my room when possible, please?

"I was wondering if someone could make my bed, please?" is a very polite way of asking if the beds in your room can be made. It is very polite too, by adding "I was wondering" as it doesn't make it a very abrupt request; especially with the word "please". "If it isn't too much trouble" is also a very polite request. It basically means that if there is a problem and nobody is available to make the beds, then you won't mind. But really you are hoping that there won't be a problem because it is normally part of the duties of the hotel staff. Adding "when possible" is also being polite, not being direct or demanding that they be made at a certain time.
"I was wondering if someone could make my bed, please?"(ベッドメーキングをお願いしたいのですが) は、「ベッドメイキングをお願いしたい」の丁寧な言い方です。"I was wondering" はお願いを遠回しに伝える言い方です。"Please" を加えるのも丁寧です。 "If it isn't too much trouble"(お手数でなければ)も、丁寧にお願いを伝えるときの表現です。これは文字通りには「ベッドメイキングをしてもらいたいが忙しくてできないなら、しなくても構わない」という意味ですが、「できれば、特別な業務ではないので、ベッドメイキングをお願いしたい」という気持ちを伝えます。 "when possible"(できるときに)を加えるのも丁寧です。「いつでも構わない」と伝えます。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
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