世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/08/31 22:54
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  • Who said that?

  • Who told you that?

ひとつめは「誰が言ったの?」というシンプルなセリフ、ふたつめは(誰が)←ここに重きを置いて、「あなたにそれを言ったわけ?」というニュンスがあります。 どちらもよく日常会話で使われる表現です。 犯人を突き止めたいときなどに用いる強い言葉ではありますが、驚いた時にも「え、誰が言ったの!?」といった感じで使われることもあります。
Minako ライター
  • Who said that?

  • Who said so?

  • Where did you here that?

>Who said that? *This is a simple sentence that clearly indicates that you want to know "who said it". >Who said so? *This sentence can be used when the other person "quotes" something that someone else said. *quote=repeat or copy out (words from a text or speech written or spoken by another person). >Where did you hear that? *This is asking where the person heard the story he/she is telling you.
Who said that? 「それを言った人」を知りたいときのシンプルな表現です。 Who said so? この質問では、他の誰かが言ったことを他の人が引用してを答えることできます。 *quote=他の誰かが言ったり書いたりしたことを真似したり繰り返しりすること。引用。 Where did you hear that? どこでその話を聞いたか尋ねるときの表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I wonder where that originated?

  • Where did that come from?

  • Who said?

"Did you know that Mike is having an affair with Jane?" "Really? Who said?" "One of the girls in the canteen was having a conversation." "Well, I wonder where that originated. It doesn't sound like Mike to me. He loves his wife!" "I'm not sure where it came from or who started the rumour, but I saw them holding hands." "Well, I'm really surprised!"
"Did you know that Mike is having an affair with Jane?" 「マイクはジェーンと不倫してたの知ってた?」 "Really? Who said?" 「本当に?誰がいってたの?」 "One of the girls in the canteen was having a conversation." 「食堂で女の子の一人が話しているの聞いたんだ。」 "Well, I wonder where that originated. It doesn't sound like Mike to me. He loves his wife!" 「まあ、どこが発信源かわからないけど、マイクっぽくないな。彼は嫁さん一筋だから。」 "I'm not sure where it came from or who started the rumour, but I saw them holding hands." 「どこからその噂が流れたのかは不明だけど、彼ら手を繋いでいたよ。」 "Well, I'm really surprised!" 「それはびっくりだ。」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Who said that?

  • Where did it come from?

1.Who said that? - This means that you want to know the person who said the information. 2.Where did it come from? - You want to the source of the information.
1.Who said that? - これはその情報を行ったのが誰なのか相手に尋ねる言い方です。 2.Where did it come from? - これはその情報元が誰か尋ねる言い方です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Who said that?

  • Who told you that?

If somebody told you a story and mentioned that he/she heard it from somebody, you would be in order if you wanted to find out the originator of the story. Especially if the story sounded unbelievable or too good to be true, you would be extremely curious to know exactly who said it. So you would ask: Who said that? or Who told you that?
誰かが、誰かから聞いた話をしたとき誰が話を始めたのか知りたくなります。 特に信じられないような話や良すぎる話は誰が言ったのかとても気になるものです。 以下のように聞くことができます。 Who said that? 誰が言ったのですか? Who told you that? 誰が言ったのですか?
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Did someone say something?

  • Who told you that?

  • Who's been telling you that?

If you are curious as to who said something or if you heard a voice but are not sure is talking you can say... "Did someone say something?"
もしあなたが、それを誰が行ったのか気になった、もしくは声が聞こえたけど確かじゃない場合、 次のように言うことが出来ます。 【例】 "Did someone say something?" (誰がなんて言ったの?)
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Who said that?

  • who did you hear that from?

  • Who told you that?

These can all be used to ask what someone had said about something. Hope this helps!
三例とも、人が言ったことを尋ねるときに使えます。 参考になるといいです!
Eli M DMM英会話講師
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