世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/18 15:43
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  • I think you gave me the wrong change

  • I don't think the change is correct

  • The change isn't enough

まず “お釣り” は英語で “change”。 最初の例では “間違ったお釣りですよ” と言いたい時、頭に “I think” を付けるのがポイントで、“You gave me the wrong change” だけ言っても全く問題ありませんが、このように相手に何か訴える時に “I think” や “I believe” を付けて “○○だと思いますょ~!” とちょっぴり優しく言うのも一つ。 これは二個目の例文でも同じ、 “I don't think” (○○だと思わない) と逆の言い方だけでも最初の例文のように “wrong” (間違った) という単語を使わないだけに間接的で、より柔らかい表現です。 はっきりストレートに言う場合はどれも “I think” を除けばいいと思います。また三個目の例文のように、“isn't enough” (十分ではない、足りない)という表現を入れてもいいですね。(多すぎる時は; “You gave me too much” です。)
Hara Ken English teacher
  • I think you gave me the wrong change.

Hara Kenさんと同じ。 この「お釣り間違え指摘シチュエイション」は他にあまり言い方がないですね。 私なら上記のフレーズです。
DMM Eikaiwa バイリンガルチーム
  • Please can you count again.

Please can you count again. This is a polite way of telling someone they gave you the incorrect change. It is a statement and not a question.
Please can you count again. これは、間違ったおつりをくれた人に言う丁寧な方法です。 言及であって質問ではありません。
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, the change is off by XX dollars/cents

  • Wait a second, you gave me $XX.XX , I'm supposed to get $XX.XX back

You could also say like the previous anchors mentioned, "I think you gave me the wrong change." but if you'd like to be more specific you could add something like: -"Excuse me, the change is off by $2.00" or -"Excuse me, the change is off by 45 cents" You could also sound more startled like : -"Wait a second, you gave me $5.80 , I'm supposed to get $6.80 back"
前のアンカーさんが言ったように以下のように言えます。 I think you gave me the wrong change. しかし、より具体的に言いたければ、以下のように付け加えることができます。 Excuse me, the change is off by $2.00 Excuse me, the change is off by 45 cents また、以下のようだと、より驚いたように聞こえます。 Wait a second, you gave me $5.80 , I'm supposed to get $6.80 back.
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, but you gave me the wrong change.

  • The change is wrong.

You can tell the person "Sorry, but you gave me the wrong change" or "the change is wrong".
"Sorry but you gave me the wrong change"、または"the change is wrong"といえば大丈夫です。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Can you check the change please?

  • Sorry,but the change is wrong.

  • I think you have short changed me.

"Can you check the change please?" Asks them to re check the change they have given you. "Sorry,but the change is wrong." tells them that the change they have given you is not correct. "I think you have short changed me." Can be used to express that they have given you to little change.
Can you check the change please? 渡したお釣りを確認するように頼んでいます。 Sorry,but the change is wrong. もらったお釣りが間違っていることを伝えています。 I think you have short changed me. もらったお釣りが少なかったことを表現する時に使うことができます。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Excuse me, that's not right.

  • 2. There's something wrong with my change.

  • 3. I think there's some change missing.

This can happen any time in any country. Being 'shortchanged' may be a genuine mistake or it could be someone just wants your money. Phrase 1 is a polite response to noticing your change is not right. The cashier should then check what she has given you. Phrases 2 and 3 are comments that your change is incorrect. The cashier should check the money she gave you and rectify any mistake.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The change is wrong. Please give me the correct change.

First of all, it is better to point out that the change is incorrect by saying that the change is wrong. Then you may proceed and politely ask: please give me the correct change. You have used the adjective 'wrong' to mean 'not correct'. And then you proceed and use the adverb 'please' which is used to make a request more polite so that it does not sound like a command. So, you may say: 'The change is wrong. Please ,give me the correct change'.
まず初めに、the change is wrongと、お釣りが間違っていることを始めるところからスタートするといいでしょう。 その後、丁寧に please give me the correct change. とお願いしましょう。 wrongという形容詞は正しくない、間違ったという意味で、pleaseをつけて言うことで、丁寧なお願いになり、命令っぽさがなくなります。よってこう言えます。 'The change is wrong. Please ,give me the correct change'.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Sorry, the change is the incorrect amount.

  • Excuse me. I think the change is incorrect. Can you check it again please.

>Sorry, the change is the incorrect amount. *Using this sentence is telling the cashier directly that the change is wrong. >Excuse me. I think the change is incorrect. Can you check it again please. *Using this sentence is when you are not 100% sure if the change is correct or not.
>Sorry, the change is the incorrect amount. (申し訳ありませんが、おつりの金額が間違っています。) *この言い方を使用すると、おつりの金額が間違っていることを店員に直接伝えれます。 >Excuse me. I think the change is incorrect. Can you check it again please. (すみません。おつりが間違っていると思います。もう一度確認してください。) *この文を使う場合は、おつりが正しいかどうかを100%確信できない場合です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Could you check that, please!You gave me the wrong change.

  • I don't think I have the correct change.

  • This is the wrong change, can you check it for me please?

Could you check that, please!You gave me the wrong change. (impolite) You can use this if you believe that the person has given you the wrong change on purpose. I don't think I have the correct change. (polite) This is when you may not be sure if your maths are correct and you would just like to double check. This is the wrong change, can you check it for me please? (polite) When you are sure that the change is wrong and you want them to rectify it.
Could you check that, please! You gave me the wrong change. (丁寧ではない) これは相手が意図的に自分に間違ったお釣りをあげたと思った時に使えます。 I don't think I have the correct change. (丁寧)これは、自分の計算があっているか自信がなく、確認してほしいときに使う表現です。 This is the wrong change, can you check it for me please? (丁寧) お釣りが間違っていて、直してほしいときに使います。
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • I think you gave me the wrong change.

  • Sorry, but I think the change is incorrect.

To tell someone at the register that you received the wrong change, you can say: "I think you gave me the wrong change." "Sorry, but I think the change is incorrect."
レジでお釣りが違っていたときは、次のように言えます。 "I think you gave me the wrong change."(お釣りが違うと思います) "Sorry, but I think the change is incorrect."(すみません、お釣りが違うと思います)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • My change is incorrect.

  • You gave me the incorrect change.

  • There's a mistake here, please check the change again.

If your change is incorrect you can even tell the cashier by how much your change is wrong. "My change is off by R10, please recount it." (the Rand is South African currency) "Sorry mam, my change is incorrect."
お釣りが間違っているなら、いくら間違っているかレジ係に伝えてもいいです。 "My change is off by R10, please recount it."(お釣りが10ランド違っています。計算し直してください) ※ "Rand" は南アフリカの通貨です。 "Sorry mam, my change is incorrect."(すみません、お釣りが違っています)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, but you have given me the wrong change.

  • Excuse me, this is wrong.

  • You gave me....I need....

I think the first is the most polite, although no one would be offended if you said and of the sentences.
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • You gave me the wrong change.

  • This isn't the right amount.

You gave me the wrong change. (あなたが渡してくれた)お釣りが違います。 This isn't the right amount. 金額が違います。 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 「お釣り」は英語で change となります。 例 You can keep the change. お釣りはとっておいてください。
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