世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/04 04:59
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  • I don't love it, but I don't hate it, either.

  • I don't like it, but I can still eat it.

  • It's OK.

一つ目はそのまま、「大好きでもないけど大嫌いでもない。」 二つ目は「好きではないけど、でも食べられるよ。」 三つ目はただ「まぁまぁ」という感じでしょうか。「別にどっちでも」という雰囲気です。 他にも I don't love it, but it's not like I can't eat it, so if necessary, I will eat it. 好きじゃないけど、食べられないほどじゃないから必要だったら食べるよ。 と言えば、好んでわざわざ食べることはない、という気持ちは伝わると思います。
Kyoko Hayashi 日英通訳・翻訳者、米語・アメリカ文化を題材にしたブログ執筆
  • It's okay, I still can eat it.

大丈夫よ。まー食べれるから。問題ないわ。 I still can eat it は良く使われる表現です。 No problem.をつけてあげると良いですね
  • I can take it or leave it

  • I'm indifferent to this food

  • It's not exactly my cup of tea.

Any of these answers would be appropriate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not too crazy about that

  • I'm not too fond of that dish

  • It's alright

So these 3 expressions can be used depending on what you say. For example, "I'm not too crazy about that" can be said when you want to express that you don't really like that food so much but you can handle it. It's quite a casual expression so not for formal situations. "I'm not too fond of that dish" could be used in formal or polite settings. "Dish" refers to the food that you're not too "fond of" (like). "It's alright" sounds very casual and not formal at all. So you might see some food you don't like so much and someone might ask: A: "Do you like pork?" B: "It's alright....I'm not too cray about it"
これらの3つの表現は、あなたが言うことに応じて使うことができます。 例えば、"I'm not too crazy about that"と言えるのは、あなたが本当にその食べ物をあまり好きではないが、それを食べることはできるということを表したいときです。 これはフォーマルな状況のためではなく、かなりカジュアルな表現です。 "I'm not too fond of that dish" とフォーマルまた丁寧に使用することができます。 "Dish"は、あなたがあまり好きではない食べ物を指します。 "It's alright"は非常にカジュアルで、フォーマルではありません。 だからあなたはあまり好きではない食べ物を見て、誰かが尋ねるかもしれません: A:「豚肉は好きですか?」 B:「大丈夫です...すごい好きではありませんが」
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • It's not my favorite but I can eat it.

This means that you don't really like it but if you can eat the food.However if given an option you will not eat it.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not too fond of this kind of food but I can still eat it.

  • It's not my cup of tea but I will have some if I don't have other options.

"I'm not too fond of this kind of food but I can still eat it." fond : Being fond can mean anything from liking something a little ("I'm fond of that band") to be extremely, almost absurdly interested in something ("He's a little too fond of football" "It's not my cup of tea but I will have some if I don't have other options." Not my cup of tea : if something is not your cup of tea, you do not like it or you are not interested in it. There is also a positive version of this expression, 'it's my cup of tea', used to describe something you like. don't have options : This means you don't have other meals to choose from.
"I'm not too fond of this kind of food but I can still eat it." fond : 好む ("I'm fond of that band") あまりにも好きすぎる事("He's a little too fond of football" "It's not my cup of tea but I will have some if I don't have other options." Not my cup of tea :そこまで好まない、興味がないという事。ポジティブな表現にも使えます: 'it's my cup of tea',これは何かが好きという事を表せます。 don't have options : これは選択肢があまりない事です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I am not a big fan of that food, but I can eat it.

  • I don't like it, but I can eat it if necessary.

  • I can eat it, however I don't really enjoy it

You can say "I am not a big fan of that food, but I can eat it." when you don't like, but I don't hate a certain food and can eat if you must. Saying that you are "not a big fan" of something means that you don't like something but not to the point of hating it.
"I am not a big fan of that food, but I can eat it." (その食べ物はそんなに好きではないけど、食べられます) ↑好きではないけど大嫌いでもない、食べようと思えば食べられるものを表します。 「not a big fan of something」は、それ(something)が好きではないけど大嫌いでもない(=そんなに好きではない)ことを表します。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • It's not my favorite, but I'll eat it.

  • I do not really like it, but I will eat it.

  • I do not really like it, but it is not that bad.

If something is "not your favorite", then it is also not terrible. If you "do not really like something", thats another way to say that it's simply ok, but not terrible.
"not your favorite(お気に入りではない)"ということは、大嫌いでもないということです。 あまり好きではないものがある時は、it's simply ok, but not terrible. (それは全く大丈夫。嫌いというわけではない)と言うことも出来ます。 .
Sarah Hu DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not too fond of it, but I'll eat it if I have to.

  • I don't care much for it, but I'll eat it if I have no other choice.

I'm not too fond of it, but I'll eat it if I have to. I'm not too fond of it means that I don't like it much but I don't dislike it to the extent that I won't eat it. I don't care much for it, but I'll eat it if I have no other choice. I don't care much for it means that I don't really like it, but I will eat it if there is nothing else to eat.
例文 I'm not too fond of it, but I'll eat it if I have to. 〔訳〕それ程好きではないけど、食べようと思えば食べれるよ。 「I'm not too fond of it」、あまり好きではないけど食べられない程嫌いではないという意味になります。 例文 I don't care much for it, but I'll eat it if I have no other choice. 〔訳〕あまり好きではないけど、他に食べるものがなければ食べるよ。 「I don't care much for it」、あまり好きではないけど他に食べるものがなければ食べるという意味になります。
Shams DMM英会話講師
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