世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/05 13:45
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  • An empty barrel makes the most noise.

  • His bark is bigger than his bite.

Two common idioms to describe someone who makes a lot of noise but only to cover up the fact they are weak are: An empty barrel makes the most noise. When something is empty, it makes a lot of noise. Just like with a person, they can make a lot of noise but they are not able to achieve very much. It can be used to describe a boastful person who has a lot of words but no action. His bark is bigger than his bite. This means that although the dog barks a lot, it is not able to really bite anything. In the same way a person can make a lot of noise but have no action. I hope that helps!
弱さを隠すがゆえにうるさくする人のことを表すイディオムが2つあります。 An empty barrel makes the most noise. 空っぽのものは、大きな音を出します。人の場合も同じように、うるさくすることはできても、あまり勝ち取ることはできません。 えらそうな人が言葉ばかりで行動が伴っていないことを表すために使うことができるイディオムです。 His bark is bigger than his bite. これは犬が大きな声で吠えるけれど、本当に噛むことはあまりできないことを意味しています。 同じように人間も、うるさく言っても行動はしないことがありますね。 参考になれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Barking dogs seldom bite.

直訳は、Barking dogs seldom bite. 「吠える犬は滅多に噛まない」となります。 つまり、口先ばかりの人は行動が伴わないのような意訳がとれます。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • The weaker you are the louder you bark.

  • The louder the dogs bark the less a lion feels threatened.

  • Words can be said easily, but one can't fake actions

>The weaker you are the louder you bark. *This indicates that the more you talk the weaker you are or the less you do. >The louder the dogs bark the less a lion feels threatened. *This indicates that the more the other person talks the less the other person really listens. >Words can be said easily, but one can't fake actions *This means that actions speak louder than words. To much talking and to little actions.
The weaker you are the louder you bark. 弱ければ弱いほどたくさん話すという意味の表現です。 The louder the dogs bark the less a lion feels threatened. 一方がたくさん話すともう一方はあまり聞かなくなるということを意味する表現です。 Words can be said easily, but one can't fake actions 行動は言葉よりも雄弁だということを示す表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • He's all mouth (and no action)

  • His bark is bigger than his bite

  • He talks the talk but he doesn't walk the walk

If you say that someone talks the talk but does not walk the walk, you mean that they do not act in a way that agrees with the things they say: "When it comes to recycling he talks the talk but he doesn't walk the walk." His bark is worse than his bite = although someone says things that sound frightening, the person's actions will not be as severe as the things that were said: "The boss seems mean, but his bark is worse than his bite." He's all mouth and no action (or no trousers)= to talk a lot about doing something but never do it: "He says he's going to complain to the manager, but he's all mouth."
talks the talk but does not walk the walkといえば、これは言っていることその人の行動が矛盾しているという時に使います。 "When it comes to recycling he talks the talk but he doesn't walk the walk." リサイクリングのこととなると、彼の言っていることとやっていることは矛盾している。 His bark is worse than his bite = 怖いことを言ったりするけど、実際にはそんなことをしない人のことをいう。弱い犬ほどよく吠える。 例 "The boss seems mean, but his bark is worse than his bite." ボスはすごく意地悪に見えるけど、実際に言うほど何かをしたりしない。 He's all mouth and no action (or no trousers)=いろんなことを言うけど、実行しない。 彼は本当に口だけ。 "He says he's going to complain to the manager, but he's all mouth." 彼はマネージャに文句を言うって言ってたけど、口だけだった。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Yappy

  • His bark is bigger than his bite.

Yappy - Normally with small dogs they bark at anything and we call them "yappy." You can also use this to describe someone who may be crazy & talks to much. In the Midlands, we use the word "yampy." as in: "He is a bit yappy this morning!" "She is a bit yampy!" His bark is bigger than his bite - Standard idiom, someone may sound frightening or aggressive, but there is no action after that. "He is always shouting to get the job done!" "Don't worry, his bark is bigger than his bite!"
Yappy - これは、普通は小さな犬が何にでも吠えることを意味する言葉です。狂ったように話過ぎる人に対しても使うことができます。 ミッドランドでは、 "yampy." を使います。 例:  "He is a bit yappy this morning!" 彼は今朝少しうるさい! "She is a bit yampy!" 彼女は少しおかしい! His bark is bigger than his bite 口ほどには悪くない。 これは、基本的なイディオムで、ある人が怖く、アグレッシブに聞こえるけれど、特に何の行動もその後ないという意味です。  "He is always shouting to get the job done!" "Don't worry, his bark is bigger than his bite!" 「彼は、いつも仕事を終わらすように叫んでいる」「心配しないで。口ほどには悪くないよ!」
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • The weaker you are, the louder you bark

  • His bark is worse than his bite

"The weaker you are, the louder you bark" - this saying is the closest to the original quote and means that those who are weak often use their voice or words in a hard or loud way to appear stronger than they are. "His bark is worse than his bite" - this saying is in response to someone who has expressed their experience of someone was of a mean or hard nature. For example: "Wow, your teacher is really mean!" "His bark is worse than his bite" - meaning, he's not as hard as he sounds.
"The weaker you are, the louder you bark" 弱い犬ほどよく吠える。 これは、元々の引用に最も近く、弱い人は、より強く見せるために強く、大きな声や言葉を使うという意味です。  "His bark is worse than his bite" 口ほど悪くはない。 これは、意地悪だったり、激しい気性の人に対する言い方です。 例:  "Wow, your teacher is really mean!" わぁ、あなたの先生ってとても意地悪ね! "His bark is worse than his bite" 口ほど悪くはないよ。
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • His bark is bigger than his bite. (Idiom)

When a dog barks a lot at people or other animals passing by, the intention is to scare away the intruder. The dog's intention at that point is not exactly to bite. Dogs that bite run quietly towards the victim and bite. Furthermore, barking dogs make the most noise when they are behind a fence, making sure that intruders get scared and do not get to their side of the fence. So, really, there will be a lot of barking but no biting. The idiom stated here is said with reference to the dog's behavior in the above paragraph. For example, the boss may be fond of issuing a lot of threats but never really discipline undisciplined employees. In a case like this, you may say to a collegue: Don't worry about the boss, 'his bark is bigger than his bite'.
犬が通り過ぎる人や他の犬にほえるのは、侵入者を追い払うためです。相手をかみつこうとしているわけではありません。本当にかむ時には、静かに近づきます。また、犬はフェンスに守られている時に最もほえます。相手が怖がって自分の方に来ないからです。 英訳例としてご紹介したイディオムは、上のパラグラフで説明した犬の行動について言っています。例えば、上司が口では過激なことを言うが実際に罰したりはしない人なら: Don't worry about the boss, 'his bark is bigger than his bite'. 〔訳〕ボスのことは心配しなくていいよ。ほえる割にはかまないから。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • He is all talk like the dog is all bark and no bite.

  • He is all talk and no action.

  • The barking dog never bites.

There are many expressions to convey that one talks a big game. You may make use of any of the following; He is all talk like the dog is all bark and no bite. He is all talk and no action. He talks a big game. The barking dog never bites. These expressions describe someone who often makes sharp remarks but actually has a soft personality.
口先でうまいことを言う表現はたくさんあります。以下の表現を使うといいでしょう。  He is all talk like the dog is all bark and no bite. 彼は口先ばかりで何もしない。 He is all talk and no action. 彼は有言不実行である。 He talks a big game. 彼は口ではうまいことを言う。 The barking dog never bites. 弱い犬ほどよく吠える。 これらの表現は、よく鋭い批評をするが、実際は弱い人のことを表します。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
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