世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




英会話の練習のために紹介された イギリス人女性との会話のキッカケとして。 先月日本に来たばかりらしいですね! 日本はどうですか? 慣れましたか?
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2017/09/08 00:58
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  • How are you liking Japan? Are you used to it now?

  • How is Japan? Are you used to living here now?

日本に来日したばかりの外国人と英会話を練習したいならこのようは自然です。 I heard you just got to Japan. I heard you just arrived in Japan. I heard you arrived recently to Japan. I heard you just came to Japan. (最近来日したと聞きました。) 「日本はどうですか?」と聞きたいならこのようは自然です。 How is Japan? How are you liking Japan? What do you think of Japan? 「慣れましたか?」 Are you used to it now? Have you gotten used to it? ご参考までに。
  • I heard you just came to Japan last month. How do you find it so far?

I heard you just came to Japan last month. (先月日本に来たばかりだそうですね) How do you find it so far? (今のところどう思いますか?) find には、「見つける」のほかにも「思う」という意味で使われることがよくあります。 How do you find it? で「どう思う?」という意味になります(^^) so far は、「今までのところ」という意味です。あってもなくてもいいかもしれません。 引越しや市役所の手続きなどが終わって「落ち着きましたか?」という意味で Did you get settled alright? と聞いてもいいかもしれませんね! 参考になれば幸いです!
yui 英会話講師
  • How is Japanese life suiting you?

  • Are you settling into Japanese life okay?

How is Japanese life suiting you? – In this context when asking if something suits you, it means is it going well for you, is it okay/comfortable. If something doesn’t suit you then you are finding it difficult to adapt to this new lifestyle or job, etc. Are you settling into Japanese life okay? – Settling in means, how are you adapting/finding this new life? When you go to a new country or place, this is a common question. It is very similar to above – is it good/comfortable/going well. You can also use is for jobs/home/etc. “Have you settled into your new home?” “Are you settling into your new job okay?”
"How is Japanese life suiting you? –この文では、日本の生活はあなたに合っていますか。大丈夫/快適ですか。 と聞いています。否定形でsomething doesn’t suit youというと、 新しいライフスタイルや仕事などに適応するのが難しいという表現になります。 Are you settling into Japanese life okay? – Settling inとは新しい生活にうまく適応していますか?という意味で、 新しい国や場所に行った時によくされる質問です。 上記の文に良く似ています。 is it good/comfortable/going well.(良いですか/快適ですか/上手く行っていますか) 仕事や家の事もこのように聞けます。 “Have you settled into your new home?”(新しい家はもう落ち着きましたか?) “Are you settling into your new job okay?”(新しい 仕事にはもう慣れましたか?)"
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • What do you think about it so far?

  • So, are you enjoying the Japanese lifestyle?

"I've been here nearly two weeks already. Time is just flying by!" "What do you think about it so far? Are you enjoying your stay here?" "Oh, it's amazing! I went to Mount Fuji yesterday and tomorrow I'm going to spend the morning soaking in a hot spring." "So, you are enjoying the Japanese lifestyle?" "Oh, very much!"
「私はすでに2週間近くここにいました。あっというまだったお! 「これまでのところどう思いますか?ここの滞在を楽しんでいますか?」 「ああ、すごいです!昨日は富士山に行きました。明日は午前中は温泉に浸っていきます。」 「なるほど、日本のライフスタイルを楽しんでいますか?」 「ああ、すごくね!」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Are you enjoying it here? I hope you are not homesick.

You can use the above sentence to express yourself. Homesick is an adjective that means experiencing a longing for one's home during a period of absence from it. For example:"He was homesick for America after five weeks in Europe".
こういう表現を使うことができます。 Homesickは、懐郷病、ホームシックにかかっている、という意味です。 例 "He was homesick for America after five weeks in Europe". ヨーロッパに5週間いて、彼はホームシックにかかった。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • how rae you enjoying life in Japan

  • do you enjoying living here

  • how are you settling into things

example "How are you settling into life here?" or "Are you enjoying your time here?" or "Are you liking the culture?"
"How are you settling into life here?" 個々での生活はどうですか?  "Are you enjoying your time here?"  ここで楽しんでいますか? "Are you liking the culture?" 文化を好んでいますか?
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I heard you are new in Japan. Do you still enjoy it?

  • Hows Japan been treating you this far?

>I heard you are new in Japan. Do you still enjoy it? **heard=be told or informed of. **New in Japan= Just moved there recently. **Do you still enjoy it?= Do you still like it in Japan ..**........................###########......................... >Hows Japan been treating you this far? *Treating=behave towards or deal with in a certain way. *Is Japan still good to you. .....................*****...........................****......................
I heard you are new in Japan. Do you still enjoy it? **heard=言われたこと、情報提供されたこと。 **New in Japan= 最近引っ越したこと。 **Do you still enjoy it?=日本で楽しんでいますか? Hows Japan been treating you this far? treating=どう過ごしているのか。 日本を気に入っているか尋ねる表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • How do you like Japan so far?

  • Have you gotten used to living in Japan?

  • Are you enjoying life in Japan so far?

We can use the verbs, "to like," or, "to enjoy," to talk about if someone has been enjoying the life so far or if they like the experience so far. We can also use the verb phrase, "to get used to," to talk about if someone has adjusted to the lifestyle and feels comfortable with the differences from their own country.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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