世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/13 00:21
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  • Even though he's susceptible to heat, he insists on wearing a suit during summer out of a sense of pride.

意地を張っている感じは insist on「~を強く主張する」を使うとうまく表現できます。 英訳 Even though he's susceptible to heat, he insists on wearing a suit during summer out of a sense of pride. susceptible toは「~の影響を受けやすい」、 out of a sense of~で「~の意識から、~の感覚から」という意味です。 いかがでしょうか。 ご参考になりましたら幸いです。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • He wears that suit no matter what!

" matter what" = regardless of. "No matter what the government calls them, they are cuts" We use the phrase matter what' when we want to say that something will happen regardless of changes or what people may try to do. "No matter what you say, I am going to leave you!".
no matter what(どんなことがあっても) = regardless of(~にもかかわらず) "No matter what the government calls them, they are cuts" 当局が彼らのことをどう言おうと、彼らは無断欠席だ 何かが変わったり、人が何を言ったとしても何かをしようとするということを言いたい時にno matter whatを使います。 "No matter what you say, I am going to leave you!". あなたが何と言おうとも、私はあなたと別れる。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • He's unsuitably dressed for the hot weather.

  • The sun is scorching hot, but he insists on wearing this suit.

You may use any of these expressions:- 1. He's unsuitably dressed for the hot weather. If someone is unsuitably dressed for the weather it means that what they are wearing is not the right attire for the weather. 2.The sun is scorching hot, but he insists on wearing this suit. The word 'scorching" means very hot or blistering.
You may use any of these expressions:- 1. He's unsuitably dressed for the hot weather. Unsuitably dressed for the weatherとは、天気にそぐわない服装をしている人に対して使う表現です。2.The sun is scorching hot, but he insists on wearing this suit. 'scorching"とはすごく暑い、灼熱の、という意味です。.
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • He takes pride in his appearance, he still chooses to wear a suit in the scorching heat.

  • Even though he is sensitive to heat, he likes to wear a suit no matter the weather.

He takes pride in his appearance, he still chooses to wear a suit in the scorching heat. - when someone takes pride in their appearance it means they always want to look good, look respectable and/or smart. Scorching heat means really hot weather. Even though he is sensitive to heat, he likes to wear a suit no matter the weather. - this phrase explains that he stubborn, he still likes to look smart "no matter the weather". This means if it's rain or shine he will always choose the suit.
He takes pride in his appearance, he still chooses to wear a suit in the scorching heat.  - 誰かが自分の外見に誇りを持っていると、彼らは常に見栄えが良く、見栄えが良い、スマートに見えます。 Scorching heat -非常に暑い天候の事です。 Even though he is sensitive to heat, he likes to wear a suit no matter the weather.  - この句は、彼が頑固だと描写しています。彼は "no matter the weather""天気に関係なく"スマートに見える格好が好きです。 これは、雨が降っている時もお天気の時も、常にスーツを選ぶことを意味します。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Even when it is scotching hot he wears his suit.

Scotching hot means that it is very hot. This means that no matter what circumstances he wears his suit.
Scotching hotはとても暑いということです。 どんな状況でも彼はスーツを着ているということです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • A) He always wears a suit come rain or sunshine.

  • B) No matter how warm it is outside he will always wear a suit.

A) He always wears a suit come rain or sunshine. *Come rain or sunshine-whether it rains or not; whatever the weather. Example-"he runs six miles every morning, rain or shine" B) No matter how warm it is outside he will always wear a suit. *Warm-of or at a fairly or comfortably high temperature. "a warm evening" *Outside-situated on or near the exterior or external surface of something. Example-"Anne put the outside lights on *Wear-have (something) on one's body as clothing, decoration, or protection. Example-"he was wearing a dark suit" I hope this helps :-)
A) He always wears a suit come rain or sunshine. *Come rain or sunshine-whether it rains or not; 天候に関係なく. 例"he runs six miles every morning, rain or shine" B) No matter how warm it is outside he will always wear a suit. *Warm-暖かい *Outside-外側. 例"Anne put the outside lights on *Wear-身に着ける. 例"he was wearing a dark suit" お役に立てれば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • He has a deeply ingrained habit of wearing a suit at all times

  • He persists in wearing a suit in hot weather even though it's detrimental to his health

Ingrained is the perfect word to use when describing your friends habit (ingrained relates to a habit, belief, or attitude) it means his habit of wearing a suit is firmly fixed or established; it is difficult to change, even though it is detrimental (harmful) to him. ‘Now at nearly 21 the habit is too ingrained to break, he wears a suit even on the hottest of days'. Persists is also another very good word to use to describe his action, as it indicates a course of action taken even in a difficult situation. the action is wearing a suit and the difficult situation is the heat e.g. He persists in wearing a suit in hot weather even though it's detrimental to his health.
Ingrainedとは、友達の趣味を表現するうってつけの言葉です (ingrainedとは、その人の習慣、信条、態度などのに関して使えます)。 この場合、彼のスーツを着る習慣が非常に頑なで、彼にとってマイナスの要素しかないのに頑なに変えようとしないという意味です。 例文 ‘Now at nearly 21 the habit is too ingrained to break, he wears a suit even on the hottest of days'. (まだ21歳だというのに、彼は真夏日でもスーツを着るほど強情だ。) Persists もこの場合、彼の行動を表す良い言葉です。 この言葉もそれを行うに困難な状況でも、その行動に固執することを表します。 この場合、「その行動」というのはスーツを着続けること、「困難な状況」というのは暑さのことです。 例文 He persists in wearing a suit in hot weather even though it's detrimental to his health. (彼は健康に害するにも関わらず、暑い中スーツを着ることに固執している。)
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • No matter how hot it is outside he will always wear a suit

  • He is always unsuitably dressed for the hot weather

If you want to describe this person, you should feel free to use any of these explanations. I would prefer the first one because it has more details.
この人について説明するなら、上記の表現が使えます。 個人的には一つ目の例がおすすめです、二つ目よりも具体的です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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