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待っている子供に「(パパは)そろそろ帰ってくるよー」って言いたいです。 起きて待ってる?とか言いながら(^ ^)
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2017/09/15 16:48
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  • Daddy will be home soon.

  • Stay up and wait for daddy, he will be home soon.

  • Wait up for daddy, he will be home soon.

In order to tell your child that their father will be home soon and they shouldn't sleep before he comes, you can say: Daddy will be home soon. Daddy - You can also say Dad, papa, father. Father is more formal. Daddy is normally used for young children, dad is for older children. Papa is also used by various European countries. Soon - Shortly, in a short while, in the near future. You can also say: Stay up and wait for daddy, he will be home soon. To stay up - This means to stay awake, to not go to bed. Normally you stay up for someone or something. You can also say: Wait up for daddy, he will be home soon. To wait up for is also the same as staying up for someone. I hope that helps!
お子さんにお父さんが家にもうすぐ帰って来るからまだ寝ないほうがいいよ、と伝えたいとき、こう言うことができます。 Daddy will be home soon. daddy - Dad, papa, fatherと呼んでもいいです。Fatherは少しフォーマルです。Daddy は小さい子がよく使う呼び方で、dad は少し大きくなった子どもが使うことが多いです。Papaはヨーロッパ圏の国でよく使われます。 soon - まもなく、じきに、近未来に このように言うこともできます。 Stay up and wait for daddy. he will be home soon. stay up - これは起きていること、まだ寝ないことを意味します。通常、stay up するときは誰かや何かのために起きています。 このような言い方もあります。 Wait up for daddy, he will be home soon. wait up for 〜も 誰かを待って起きているということを意味します。 参考になれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Your father will be home soon.

  • We should expect daddy anytime soon.

You can use the following sentences: 1.Your father will be home soon. 2.We should expect daddy anytime soon.
以下の表現が使えます。 1.Your father will be home soon. パパはすぐに帰ってくるよ。 2.We should expect daddy anytime soon. パパはもうすぐに帰ってくると思うよ。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • A) Daddy will be home soon.

  • B) Daddy is almost home.

A) Daddy will be home soon. B) Daddy is almost home. *Daddy-one's father. Example- I love my daddy. *Home-the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household. Example-"the floods forced many people to flee their homes" *Soon-in or after a short time. Example-"everyone will soon know the truth" *Almost -not quite; very nearly. Example-"he almost knocked Georgina over" I hope this helps ! :-)
A) Daddy will be home soon. パパはすぐに帰ってくるよ。 B) Daddy is almost home. パパはもうすぐ帰るよ。 Daddy 父親。 例  I love my daddy. パパが大好き。 Home 特に家族、世帯の一員として、ずっと住む場所。 例  the floods forced many people to flee their homes その洪水のため、多くの人が家から避難しなければならなかった。   Soon すぐに。 例  everyone will soon know the truth すぐに皆が真実を知るだろう。   Almost 完全に~ではない、危うく 例  he almost knocked Georgina over 彼は危うくジョージアを殴り倒すところだった。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Daddy will be home soon

「そろそろ帰ってくるよ」はhe/she will be home soonと言うことができます。 例文 Daddy will be home soon! パパはそろそろ帰ってくるよ! 細かいですが、この例文でのhomeは名詞ではなく副詞として使われていることに注意してスピーキングで使っていきましょう。 Nice questionでした!その調子で頑張っていきましょう! Fuji
Fuji スパルタ英語講師
  • Your dad is coming home very soon.

  • Daddy will arrive shortly!

  • Your dad is on the way home now.

You should use whichever name your child calls his/her father. Use that instead of "dad" and "daddy and say, "he will be home soon or shortly". You can also shorten it to say "your dad is on the way!"
You should use whichever name your child calls his/her father. 子供がパパを呼ぶ時の言葉を使って下さい Use that instead of "dad" and "daddy and say, dad,daddyの代わりの言葉を使うのなら "he will be home soon or shortly". パパはもうすぐ帰ってくるよ You can also shorten it to say 短く言うのであれば "your dad is on the way!" パパは今帰っているよ
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • Your dad will be home soon.

  • Daddy will be here soon.

You can say : Your dad will be home soon. Daddy will be here soon. Your father is will home soon.
こう言えます Your dad will be home soon. Daddy will be here soon. Your father is will home soon.
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Daddy is coming home soon!

  • Guess what? Daddy is coming here now!

Small children always look forward to their daddy returning home at the end of the day. It's nice to tell your child about it, especially if the child is sleepy and may fall asleep soon - and miss daddy! "Where's daddy?" "Daddy is coming home soon!"
小さい子供はいつも1日の終りにパパが帰宅するのを 楽しみにしています 子供が眠たくて、今にも寝そうになっていてパパを恋しがっている時は こう言うと良いですね "Where's daddy?" パパはどこ? "Daddy is coming home soon!" パパはもう帰ってくるよ
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Your daddy is on his way home.

  • Your father will be arriving shortly.

>Your daddy is on his way home. *This means that the father is driving home already. >Your father will be arriving shortly. *This means that the daddy is almost at home. Example 1 Child:Mom, where is daddy? Mom:Your daddy is on his way home. .......................... Example 2 Child:Mom, where is daddy? Mom:Your father will be arriving shortly. .,.,.,.,...,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,
Your daddy is on his way home. パパは今帰って来てるところよ この文章はお父さんが車で帰宅中という意味です。 Your father will be arriving shortly. お父さんはすぐに帰ってくるよ。 この文章はパパがもうすぐに帰ってくるという意味です。 例1 Child:Mom, where is daddy? ママ、パパはどこ? Mom:Your daddy is on his way home. パパは今帰って来てるところよ。 例 2 Child:Mom, where is daddy? パパはどこ? Mom:Your father will be arriving shortly. パパはすぐに帰ってくるよ。 .,.,.,.,...,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Daddy is coming home" any minute..."

  • Any minute the door will open and my dad will be standing there...home from work!

We use the phrase "Any minute" to suggest something" imminent" or that will happen "soon enough" >EG "the parcel might arrive, at any minute". It's a common phrase in English. And "any minute" you might use it to good effect ;-D Daddy is coming home" any minute."
私たちは早急に、または比較的すぐに起こることについて ”any minute” を使います。 例 “The parcel might arrive at any minute.” (小包はすぐに届くかもしれません。) 英語では一般的に使われる表現です。 “any minute”を使うことで良い効果が得られます。 “Daddy is coming home any minute.” (パパはすぐに家に帰ってきます。)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • "Your dad will be home soon"

  • "Daddy should be home soon, you can wait up to see him"

  • "Dad will be home soon"

If you wanted to let your child know that her/his father will soon arrive home, you could say any of the following: "Your dad will be home soon", "Daddy should be home soon, you can wait up to see him" or "Dad will be home soon".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Your dad can be expected any moment now.

  • Your dad will be here any minute.

1. Your dad can be expected any moment now. 2. Your dad will be here any minute. Both these sentences are emphasizing the fact that the dad will be arriving shortly. The word "shortly" means very, very soon. Example sentence: - The train will can be expected any moment now. - The meeting will start any minute. - The report will reach you shortly.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Daddy is coming home soon!

  • Daddy will be back soon.

Daddy is coming home soon! Daddy will be back soon. どちらも「パパそろそろ帰ってくるよ」の意味で使うことができます。 Daddy は「パパ」のようなニュアンスの英語表現です。 例: Do you want to help Daddy? パパのお手伝いする? ぜひ使ってみてください。
  • He will be home soon.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「He will be home soon.」 =彼はそろそろ帰ってくるよ。 (例文)When will dad come home?// He will be home soon. (訳)パパいつ帰ってくるの?//そろそろ帰ってくるよ。 (例文)Dad will be home soon. (訳)パパそろそろ帰ってくるよ。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
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