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2017/09/15 16:53
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  • Refurb

  • Refurbishment

If talking informally in english you could say the store has had a refurb and people would understand. The store had a refurbishment would be used more formally.
カジュアルに話すなら、"The store has had a refurb"(お店が改装した)と言えば伝わります。 "The store had a refurbishment"はよりフォーマルな言い方です。
Anthony W DMM英会話講師
  • The store was renovated

  • The store was refurbished.

  • The store has a new look!

When a store has been open again after a renovation, in native English we simply say: The store was renovated The store was refurbished. To renovate - To change for the better, to improve, to upgrade To refurbish - To redecorate, to rebuild You can also say: The store has a new look! The new look is produced by the renovation. When a store has been closed and then opened again, you can say: They have reopened for business! I hope that helps!
お店が改装後にまた開店したことを、ネイティブスピーカーはシンプルにこう言います。 The store was renovated. The store was refurbished. renovate - より良くするために変化を付けること、見た目などを良くすること、機能をアップグレードすること refurbish - 内装や外装を変えること、建て直すこと このように言うこともできます。 The store has a new look! 改装によって見た目が変わりました。 お店が閉店していて、もう一度開店したときこう言います。 They have reopened for business! 参考になれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • The store looks brand new

  • The store was renovated/refurbished.

Refresh open may not sound appropriate. It is better if you say the store was renovated or it has been refurbished.
Refresh open は適切な表現ではないですね。 the store was renovated(その店は改装した) 又は it has been refurbished. (それは改装した)という方が良いです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • The opening of the newly renovated store.

  • The opening of the revamped store.

>The opening of the newly renovated store. >The opening of the revamped store. ................................ *renovated=restore (something old, especially a building) to a good state of repair *revamped=give new and improved form, structure, or appearance to. ******* Both sentences clearly indicate that is is the "opening" of the renovated/revamped store. ..............***...............***...............***...........
>The opening of the newly renovated store. 新しく改装した店のオープニング >The opening of the revamped store. 改装した店のオープニング ................................ *renovated=restore (something old, especially a building) to a good state of repair 改装した=(特に古い建物)を修理して新しくする *revamped=give new and improved form, structure, or appearance to. 改装、改修した=形、構造、外観を新しくすること ******* どちらの表現も改装した店のオープニングということを明確に表しています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • A refurbished store

  • A reopened store

  • A store that had a facelift

Refurbished = renovate and redecorate (something, especially a building). "The premises have been completely refurbished in our corporate style" Reopened = a place which has opened again after a period of closure A facelift = a procedure carried out to improve the appearance of something. "The station has undergone a multimillion pound facelift" synonyms: renovation, redecoration, refurbishment, revamp, revamping, makeover, rehabilitation, reconditioning, overhauling, modernization, restoration, repair, redevelopment, rebuilding, reconstruction, remodelling, updating, improvement;
Refurbished = renovate and redecorate (特に建物を)改修、改装する ”The premises have been completely refurbished in our corporate style" その建物は、私達の会社の様式で完全に改装した Reopened = しばらく閉鎖した後に再び営業すること   A facelift = 何かの外観を改善するために行われる手順  "The station has undergone a multimillion pound facelift" 駅は数百万ポンドをかけて改装された 同義語: renovation, redecoration, refurbishment, revamp, revamping, makeover, rehabilitation, reconditioning, overhauling, modernization, restoration, repair, redevelopment, rebuilding, reconstruction, remodelling, updating, improvement;
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A) Wow! the store has a new look!

  • B) The store was renovated.

A) Wow! the store has a new look! *Wow-expressing astonishment or admiration. Example-"‘Wow!’ he cried enthusiastically" *Store-a shop of any size or kind. Example-"a health-food store" *New look- The look of the store has changed'it no longer looks the same. B) The store was renovated. *Renovated-restore (something old, especially a building) to a good state of repair. Example-"the old school has been tastefully renovated as a private house" I hope this helps :-)
A) Wow! the store has a new look! わぁ、お店の外観が新しくなっている Wow 驚きや感嘆を表します。 例 Wow!’ he cried enthusiastically わぁ、彼の泣き方はスゴイね Store- あらゆる種類、大きさの店 例 a health-food store(健康食品店) New look 店の外観が変わり、以前とは全く違うこと B) The store was renovated. そのお店は改装された Renovated- 何か古いもの(特に建物)を修繕して良い状態に すること 例 the old school has been tastefully renovated as a private house   その古い学校は個人の家として品よく改装された  お役に立てば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Renovated

  • Refreshed

  • Refurbished

If a store is reopened after being renovated then you can use the term 'Newly renovated', 'newly refurbished' or 'Refreshed'. Newly meaning it has recently been renovated or 'done up' to make it look better you could also use the term 'freshly' meaning it has been done recently so looks like new
お店が改装してリニューアルオープンしたなら、'Newly renovated'や'Newly refurbished'、'Refreshed'などの表現が使えます。 'Newly'は「最近(改装した)」という意味です。 ほかに、'freshly'も使えます。これも「近頃」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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