世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/09/16 12:23
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  • Which word is used the most, bike or bicycle?

  • Which word is used most commonly?

  • Which word is used in everyday conversation?

When learning any language it is always good to know when to use certain vocabulary words. Some words might be used in formal situations while others may be used in everyday conversation. To ask which word is used most commonly say: "Which word is used most commonly?" or "Which word is used the most?" In most English speaking countries, the word 'bike' is used more commonly when speaking about a bicycle. However, the word 'bike' also refers to a motorcycle, so be careful not to confuse the two.
例:Which word is used the most, bike or bicycle? 「bikeとbicycle、どちらが普通に使われますか?」 例:Which word is used most commonly? 「どちらがよく使われている表現ですか?」 例:Which word is used in everyday conversation? 「どちらの表現が毎日の会話で使われていますか?」 外国語の学習では語彙を増やすことが大切です。 単語によって、毎日普通に使われるものや、フォーマルな場面でしか使われないものがあります。 英語圏では、"bike"が一番よく使う表現です。 しかし、"bike"はエンジン付きのバイクにも使えるので、気をつけましょう。
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • Which is more commonly used, bike or bicycle?

  • Which is often used, bike or bicycle?

  • Which is more common, bike or bicycle?

Which is more commonly used, bike or bicycle? bikeとbicycleどちらがよく使われていますか? 「よく使われていますか」の場合はmore commonly usedと言います。 commonとは「一般的な」という意味です。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • Which word is more common in English, 'bike' or 'bicycle'?

  • Which word is more commonly used, 'bike' or bicycle'?

You can use either the adjective ('common') or an adverb ('commonly') to inquire about the usage of certain words. If you use the word 'common', you do not need a verb ('Which word is more common..?') However, if you use 'commonly' you need a verb 'use' ('Which word is more commonly used?'). Moreover, when it comes to the usage of words 'bike' and 'bicycle', they are synonyms, however, you can use the word 'bike' to refer to a motorcycle as well. Also, you can use 'bike' as a verb ('Would you like us to bike to the city center, or walk?'). This usage is informal, so it's best to avoid it in most standard written contexts.
例:Which word is more common in English, 'bike' or 'bicycle'? 「'bike'と'bicycle'、どちらが一般的な表現ですか?」 例:Which word is more commonly used, 'bike' or bicycle'? 「「'bike'と'bicycle'、どちらが一般的な表現ですか?」 形容詞'common'や副詞'commonly'が「一般的な」もの聞くのに適しています。 例文1の'commen'はbe動詞の後にきますが、例文2の'commonly'は'use'の動詞も使わねばなりません。 もっと言えば、'bike'と'bicycle'は同意語です。 しかし'bike'はエンジン付きのバイクも指します。 また動詞として使うこともでき、'Would you like us to bike to the city center, or walk?'「シティ・センターにいくのに、自転車でいく?それとも歩いて?」のように使えます。 これは砕けた表現なので、文章にはあまり書かないようにしましょう。
  • What is used more commonly 'bike' or 'bicycle'?

  • What word is used the most 'bike' or 'bicycle'?

  • What is more common 'bike' or 'bicycle'?

When talking about how we say things different people might use different words for the same thing you might want to know so you can ask 'what is used more commonly?' or 'what word is used the most' or 'what is more common' these would all give you the answer you want to find out
同じことを表すにも人によって使う言葉が違うかもしれません。 ですから次のように聞けます。 'What is used more commonly?'(どれがより一般的ですか) 'What word is used the most'(一番よく使われるのはどの単語ですか) または、 'What is more common'(どれがより一般的ですか) これらどれも、この状況で使うことができます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Bike

  • Pushbike

The most common in English is Bike. However, as the word Bike is also used for a Motorbike if there is any confusion you can say "no I mean a pushbike, not a motorbike". Example: "I went out on my bike this morning" "I didn't know you have a motorbike!" "No I don't, I meant my pushbike, not motorbike"
最も一般的なのは "Bike" です。ただ、"Bike" には「オートバイ(Motorbike)」という意味もあるので、もし勘違いがあったら、"no I mean a pushbike, not a motorbike"(いえ、オートバイでなく自転車のことです)と言えます。 例: "I went out on my bike this morning"(今朝 "Bike" で出掛けました) "I didn't know you have a motorbike!"(オートバイを持っているなんて知らなかった) "No I don't, I meant my pushbike, not motorbike"(いえ、オートバイでなく自転車のことです)
Hanna M DMM英会話講師
  • Which is used more commonly, the word "bike"or "bicycle"?

  • Is "bike" used more commonly than "bicycle"?

When you want to ask you teacher which word between "bike" and "bicycle" is used more commonly; then you may ask in the following ways: -Which is used more commonly, the word "bike"or "bicycle"? -Is "bike" used more commonly than "bicycle"?
"bike" と "bicycle" のどちらがより一般的に使われるか先生に尋ねたいなら、次のように言えます。 -Which is used more commonly, the word "bike" or "bicycle"? ("bike" と "bicycle" のどちらがより一般的に使われますか) -Is "bike" used more commonly than "bicycle"? ("bicycle" よりも "bike" の方が一般的ですか)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Is it more common to use "bike" or "bicycle"?

  • Is it more common to say "bike" or "bicycle"?

"Is it more common to say "bike" or "bicycle"?" could be asked of your teacher when you want to know which word is more commonly used.
"Is it more common to say "bike" or "bicycle"?"("bike" と "bicycle" どちらがより一般的ですか) これは、どちらの単語がより一般的か先生に聞きたいときに使えます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
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