What is the sell-by date? What is the best-before date?
When you want to check when an item is no longer suitable to be eaten, you can ask:
What is the expiry date?
Expiry date - This is the date when the food can no longer be eaten, it is expired, gone off, gone bad.
When does it expire?
This is the same as asking 'When does it go off?'
You can also ask:
What is the sell by date?
The sell by date is the last day that it can be sold in a store or supermarket.
What is the best-before date?
The 'best-before' date is when the food begins to change and although you can still eat it. It will not taste as good after the best-before date. It would taste better before the best-before date. This date is normally some days or weeks before the expiry date.
I hope that helps!
What is the expiry date?
expiry date - これは食べ物がもう食べられなくなる日のことです。消費期限切れ、腐ったり、悪くなってしまうことです。
When does it expire?
これは When does it go off? (いつ腐る?)と聞くのと同じことです。
What is the sell by date?
the sell by date とは、お店やスーパーが売らないといけない日の〆切のことです。
What is the best-before date?
the best0before date とは、食べ物の状態が変わり始める日ですが、まだ食べられます。the best-before date を過ぎると、あまり美味しくないでしょう。the best-before date の前に食べたほうが美味しいです。この日付は、通常expiry date(消費期限日)の一週間前です。
Expiry date
= This is the date after which an item may not be used or consumed because of health concerns or the rules of sale existing in the country where cthat item is being sold.
Out of date
= This refers to something which may have been replaced by a superior version - or in the case of food, is considered no longer edible due to safety rules or concerns.
Expiry date (賞味期限)
Out of date (期限が切れた)
= より良い物に交換したほうが良いということを表しています。
--> When something such as a contract, deadline, or visa expires, it comes to an end or is no longer valid.
--> Expiry date = the date on which something comes to an end, can no longer be used, or is no longer safe to be eaten
-When something such as a contract, deadline, or visa expires, it comes to an end or is no longer valid.
Expiry date(有効、賞味期限)
>Does this product have an expiry date?
*This is asking if the product/item has an expiry date because some items does not have.
>By when must this product be used?
*This is a simple way of asking when the product will expire.
>Does this product have an expiry date?
By when must this product be used?
"What is the best before/expiration date?" This asks what the date is when the item will go off/not be good to eat anymore.
"How long can I keep these for?" This asks them to tell you how long you can have them before they go off.
"What is the shelf life of these?" This asks how long they can be stored/kept for.
What is the best before/expiration date?
How long can I keep these for?
What is the shelf life of these?
I always check the expirey or sell-by dates on food stuff that is on sale...
It is mandatory these days fo all food stuff to carry details on the packaging
regarding the optimum usage point of the products on display...
Sell by date is the most common phrase for this information.I always check the expirey or sell-by dates on food stuff that is on sale...
現代ではすべての食品のパッケージに保存期限についての詳細を記載することが義務となっています。この情報に関しては"Sell by date"と表記することが最も一般的です。
"I always check the expiry or sell-by dates on food stuff that is on sale."
Here we can either use the words, "expiration date," or sometimes refer to it as the, "best before," date to describe that an food item should be used or eaten before a particular date or time.