世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/18 18:17
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  • We had a day off from school because of the snow

  • We had a snow day at school

We had a day off from school because of the snow = 雪のせいで学校が休みになった We had a snow day at school = 雪で学校が休みになった Snow dayと言うのは「雪で休みになる」と言う意味です。 雪が降っただけではなく、大雪で学校や仕事が休みになる、と言う意味です。 因に激しい嵐で学校や仕事がなくなってもstorm dayとは言わないので気をつけましょう。 休学と言う言葉は特にないです、day offと言って、日本語で言うと「休日」に当たります。 <ボキャブラリー> day off = 休日 because of the snow = 雪のせいで
  • I/We had a day off school because of the snow.

  • I/We had a snow day.

snow day だけで、「大雪のために学校(仕事)が休みになった」ということが伝わります。 その他の表現: - There was no school because of the snow. - School was closed because of the snow.
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • We had a snow day today.

  • School was closed because of heavy snow.

  • There was no school because of the heavy snow.

When I was growing up in the UK we had frequent 'snow days' in winter throughout high school. A snow day is when school is closed because of heavy snow. It is normally because of it is difficult to maintain a suitable temperature within the school and because many teachers would not be able to make it to school due to traffic. You can also say: School was closed because of heavy snow. This is a simple phrase that has the cause and effect. There was no school because of the heavy snow. 'No school' means that the school was closed or that you did not attend school. I hope that helps!
イギリスで私が育っていたとき、snow days は高校生の頃、冬によくありました。 snow day は、雪がひどくて学校がお休みになることです。学校で適切な気温を保つことが難しいから、そしてたくさんの教師たちは交通のせいで学校に来ることが難しいから、というのが主な理由です。 また、このように言うこともできます。 School was closed because of heavy snow. これはシンプルで因果関係がわかりますね。 There was no school because of the heavy snow. no school ということで、学校が休みになった、またはあなたが学校に行かなかったことを意味します。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • We had a snow day

  • School was cancelled because of the heavy snow

A "snow day" is a day when school or businesses get cancelled because the snow makes it difficult or dangerous to travel outside in.
「snow day」は雪のせい外に出るのが難しく危険なので、学校や仕事が休みになる日のことです。
Kim Z DMM英会話講師
  • School was cancelled today due to heavy snowfall.

  • Snow caused many schools to close today

In some countries a little snow may cause havoc to the road, rail and air services. The local areas of administration may be unused to dealing with snowfall and iot can take a while to respond and clear the roads, lines and runways to get things going again. In that event, schools may have no option but top close: "School was cancelled today due to heavy snowfall."
いくつかの国では少し大雪が降ったりすると道路や鉄道、空港などが大混乱になったりしますよね。 地方自治体などはこの慣れない大雪の対応のため道路や鉄道、滑走路などの除雪作業に時には時間がかかったりします。 このような場合、学校は休校にするしか選択はないですよね。 【例】 "School was cancelled today due to heavy snowfall." (大雪のため今日は学校は休校です)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A SNOW day...

  • The school had a Snow day...and we stayed at home because of the weather

" Sometimes things can be cancelled due to inclement weather... The game was "rained off"... or "Snowed off". In educational circles " a SNOW day" is any day when heavy snow falls... make too difficult for students/ pupils to get to school!
時々、荒れ模様の天気の為に何かをキャンセルしなくてはいけないことがあります。 試合などは "rained off"(雨のため中止)や "Snowed off"(雪のため中止)になります。 教育界では " a SNOW day" が大雪が降った日などにあります。 生徒/児童たちが大雪のため学校に行けない日の事です。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Heavy snow forced us to take a day off from school.

  • The school was closed today due to bad weather and heavy snow.

>Heavy snow forced us to take a day off from school. *This is saying that the school was not going to be closed for the day but the heavy snow forced the school to close for the day. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >The school was closed today due to bad weather and heavy snow. *The is saying that the school had no choice but to close for the day because the weather was bad and there was heavy snow.
Heavy snow forced us to take a day off from school. これは、学校が休校になる予定はなかったが、大雪で学校が強制的に休校になったことを言います。 The school was closed today due to bad weather and heavy snow. これは、天気が悪く、大雪だったので学校が休校せざるを得なかったことを言います。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • School was cancelled today due to the heavy snowfall

  • We had a snow day today!

Sometimes heavy snowfall can cause places to close, such as schools or even businesses. For children, this is always a joyful experience because they don't have to go to school that day. It may be a rare occurrence, for example, if the city that got heavy snowfall is not a city that usually receives much snow, more than likely the city is not prepared for such an event so many things have to be shut down.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Due to inclement weather, school will be closed for the day.

  • The kids had a snow day because of the storm.

  • Heavy snowfall and bad weather caused schools and some businesses to close.

Inclement means severe weather that can be wet and cold. The first sentence is saying, because of the heavy snow and ice the schools are closed. In America, it is widely known as, "having a snow day". So children are excited to have the day off from school. Describing how bad the weather is/was is a great way to inform someone of why you didn't have school today.
"Inclement" は「〔天気が雨や寒さなどで〕厳しい」という意味です。一つ目の文では、「大雪と凍結により学校が休校になる」と伝えています。 アメリカではこれは "A snow day"(大雪による休校)として知られています。子どもたちは学校が休みになるのでみんな喜びます。 天候の悪さを説明すれば、休校になった理由が伝わりますね。
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
  • All our classes were cancelled because of the heavy snow.

  • The authorities announced a snow day for tomorrow.

1.All our classes were cancelled because of the heavy snow. The management of the school decided that classes would not go ahead because of the heavy snowfall. 2.The authorities announced a snow day for tomorrow. Authorities are the people in charge. A snow day is basically a day when schools or businesses are closed due to heavy snow which makes getting around virtually impossible.
1. All our classes were cancelled because of the heavy snow.(大雪で授業は全て中止になった) これは「学校の経営陣が大雪を理由に授業の中止を決めた」ということです。 2. The authorities announced a snow day for tomorrow.(学校が大雪による休校を発表した) "Authorities" は「責任者」を指します。"A snow day" は大雪で会社や学校が休みになることをいいます。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I had a such a fun day, I didnt have to go to school because of the snow.

  • The snow was so heavy that I didnt have to go to school!

  • I had a snow day today at home, they had to shut the school.

When schools close due to having large amounts of snow, in English we call this day a 'snow day' This is normally a day where you don't have to go to school because of the heavy snow as it might make it difficult for some people to get to school, so they just close the school. I had a snow day today at home, they had to shut the school. This is a good way of saying you didnt need to go to school because of the snow
大雪で学校が休みになることは、'a snow day' と表せます。 'a snow day' は大雪による「休校日」を指します。大雪で学校に来られない生徒が出る可能性があるため、学校を休校にします。 I had a snow day today at home, they had to shut the school.(今日は大雪で学校が休みだったので、家にいた) これは「大雪で学校が休みだった」のいい言い方だと思います。
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • My school was closed due to the heavy snow.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) My school was closed due to the heavy snow. 「学校が大雪のため閉じられた」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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