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2018/01/22 11:02
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  • I couldn’t go to school due to heavy snow.

I couldn’t go to school due to heavy snow. 「大雪のせいで学校に行けなかった。」 大雪はheavy snow といいます。 snowfall というと降雪という意味になります。 <ボキャブラリー> snow = 雪、雪が降る heavy snow = 大雪 snowfall = 降雪 due to ... = 〜によって ご参考になれば幸いです。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • snowed a lot

  • We had a lot of snow so no school today.

  • We had a bunch of snow last night so no school tomorrow.

We don't have school because it snowed a lot in our area. We had a lot of snow so no school today. We had a bunch of snow last night so no school tomorrow. We often use "a lot", "bunch of" to express "heavy snow".
We don't have school because it snowed a lot in our area. (こっちでは雪がたくさん降ったので今日は学校がありません) We had a lot of snow so no school today. (雪がたくさん降ったので今日は学校が休みです) We had a bunch of snow last night so no school tomorrow. (昨日の夜雪がたくさん降ったので、明日は学校が休みです) "heavy snow"(大雪)を表すときには、"a lot" や "bunch of" がよく使われます。
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Heavy snow

When there is a lot of snow, we would say "heavy snow". An example sentence is "I cannot come today because there is heavy snow". In line with this, if there is a small amount of snow, we would say "light snow". An example sentence would be "The forecast is showing light snow for tomorrow". Some may also say "a sprinkling of snow" when there is light snow.
大雪が降ることは "heavy snow"(大雪)と表します。 例文です: "I cannot come today because there is heavy snow". (大雪のせいで今日は行けません) "The trains might be affected because of the heavy snow." (電車が大雪の影響を受ける可能性があります) また、雪が少し降ることは "light snow"(小雪)といいます。 例文です: "The forecast is showing light snow for tomorrow" (天気予報によると明日は小雪が降ることになっています) また、雪が少し降ることは "a sprinkling of snow"(小雪)と呼ばれることもあります。
Reagan DMM英会話講師
  • heavy snowfall

  • mountain of snow

  • snow day

One of the most common phrases we use to refer to a lot of snow is 'heavy snowfall'. 'snowfall' is the noun form of snow that will or has already fallen to the ground. For example: "How much snowfall will we receive tomorrow?" or "There was a heavy snowfall last night, so school will be closed today." If a city closes schools and businesses due to heavy snowfall, then we call this a 'Snow Day'. You might also hear native speakers use the word 'mountain of...' to refer to a large amount or pile of something. For example, "There is a mountain of snow in my yard!" or "There is a mountain of laundry that needs to be washed."
「大雪」を表す最も一般的なフレーズの一つは 'heavy snowfall' です。 'snowfall' は 'snow' の名詞形で、これから降る雪、あるいは既に降った雪を表します。 例えば: "How much snowfall will we receive tomorrow?" (あしたはどのくらい雪が降りますか) "There was a heavy snowfall last night, so school will be closed today." (昨日の夜大雪が降ったので、今日は学校は休みだと思います) 大雪のために市が学校や会社を休みにすることは'Snow Day'(大雪による休業日)と呼ばれます。 また、多量にあること、あるいは山積みの物を表すときに'mountain of...'が使われることもあります。 "There is a mountain of snow in my yard!" (庭に雪が山のようにあります) "There is a mountain of laundry that needs to be washed." (洗濯が山のようにあります)
Miranda DMM英語講師
  • Heavy Snow

  • Lots of Snow

  • Too much Snow

There are many ways to say that there was a lot of snow from "Heavy Snow", "Lots of Snow", "too much Snow", "Loads of Snow". you can also say to someone, "We had so much Snow last night". When saying you could not go to school because there is too much snow, we call it a snow day. as you get to stay home and play in the snow instead of going to school.
雪がたくさん降ったことを表す言い方は、"Heavy Snow" "Lots of Snow" "Too much Snow" "Loads of Snow" などたくさんあります。 また、次のように言うこともできます。 "We had so much Snow last night" (昨日の夜雪がたくさん降った) 大雪で学校が休みになることは、"snow day"(大雪による休校日)といいます。家にいて "snow"(雪)で遊べるからです。
Hanna M DMM英会話講師
  • heavy snowfall

We use the word "heavy" because a lot of snow is very heavy and hard to pick-up. When we are talking about one instance in which it snowed, we call it a snowfall. I hope that this helps. :)
"heavy"(重い)を使うのは、雪がたくさん積もるとすごく重くてなかなか持ち上がらないからです。 1回の降雪は、"a snowfall" といいます。 参考になれば幸いです!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Heavy snow

  • Heavy snowfall

If it snows alot then this is called a 'heavy snowfall' so you could say 'we had a heavy snowfall last night' it could also be just called 'heavy snow' so you could say 'the kids didn't go to school due to the heavy snow'
大雪は英語では'heavy snowfall'といいます。 例えば、次のように言えます。 'We had a heavy snowfall last night'(昨日の夜は雪がたくさん降りました) また他に、'heavy snow'と言うこともできます。 例えば、次のように言えます。 'The kids didn't go to school due to the heavy snow'(大雪で子どもたちは学校に行きませんでした)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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