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まず思いつくのはcheapなのですが、一般的に使われる単語なのでしょうか。 cheapというのは馬鹿にしている感があるような感じがするので、 low price という言い方の方が良いのでしょうか。
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2017/09/20 11:02
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  • cheap

  • inexpensive

こんにちは。 cheap はカジュアルに一般的に使われる言葉です。 [品質](が安っぽいようなニュアンスで使うこともできます。 inexpensive はもう少しフォーマルな感じの表現です。 意味は同じく「[値段](が安い」です。 例: This product is cheap but it's really good quality. この商品は安いけど品質がとても良いです。 Do you have anything more inexpensive? もう少し安いものはありますか? ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • That's cheap!

  • That's affordable.

  • That's a reasonable price.

It is very common to use the word cheap. It is an informal phrase that means it is a low cost. There are times where it can also mean that the item is of a low or poor quality. If the item is of a very high quality and you don't want to say cheap, you can say affordable. You can also say: That's a reasonable price. It is not so common to say ' It is of a low cost.' I hope that helps!
cheapという単語を使うことは一般的です。[金額](が少ないことを意味する、格式張っていない言い方です。ときによって、そのアイテムの[質が低い](ことを表す場合もあります。 もしそのアイテムの質が良くcheap だと言いたくなければ、affordable と言うことができます。 このように言うこともできます。 That's a reasonable price. 'It is of a low cost.'という言い方はあまり一般的ではありません。 参考になれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • This is cheap.

  • This is inexpensive.

  • That is a good price.

"This is cheap!" You are exclaiming that the item you are looking at is a low cost. "This is inexpensive!" Expensive tells us that the item is not cheap. However, by adding the prefix "in-" we are stating the opposite, that the item is actually cheap, or a good price. "That is a good price." You can say that the item is a price that is good, not a high cost.
"This is cheap!" 今あなたが見ているその商品が安い、とびっくりしている表現です。 "This is inexpensive!" expensiveといえば、その商品が安くないという意味になります。 一方で、接頭語であるinをつけることで、その商品が安いと、反対の意味を表すことができます。 "That is a good price." これはその値段が悪くない、高くないという時に使います。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • This dress looks like its made from cheap material.

  • This pantsuit is very inexpensive.

  • Walmart is for economical shoppers.

There are two ways to use the word cheap. On one hand, you have inexpensive or low cost. For example, "This is a cheaper version of Louis Vuitton." On the other hand, you have cheap as in not worth much. For example: I purchased a cheap bag from the supermarket and it broke within an hour of purchase. If you want to indicate that something is low-cost, you may use words like economical, reasonable, modest or cost effective. If you want to state that something is cheap as in not worth much, you can say that it is poor quality, substandard or inadequate.
cheapには二つの意味があります。まず一つ目は、安い、低価格という意味です。例えば、"This is a cheaper version of Louis Vuitton." 「これはルイヴィトンの安いものだ。」 もう一つは、そんなに価値がないという意味です。例えば、  I purchased a cheap bag from the supermarket and it broke within an hour of purchase. スーパーで安いかばんを買ったけれど、買って一時間で壊れた。 もし、低価格ということを言いたいなら、 economical, reasonable, modest または cost effectiveという単語を使うことができます。安くて、買う価値のないものに対しては、 poor quality, substandard または inadequateという言葉を使うことができます。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • This is budget friendly!

  • This is a wallet-friendly price tag

  • This is a really cheap price.

Positive sayings: *This is budget friendly! *This is a wallet-friendly price tag *This is a really cheap price. *Other positive ways of using 'low price' etc are... *What a great low price *This is a great price for the quality. *For the product, this is really low price In terms of using the word low cost, if you're talking about something which is advertised as low cost or budget as a promotion etc, then it can be used as a positive thing. For example: low cost airline, low cost meals on the go etc. If you wanted to say that something is cheap in a negative way (that it isn't made very well, build quality etc) you could say: *This dress feels really cheap *The packaging of this phone is really cheap *My shorts are made of nylon so they feel really cheap. Saying something feels/looks cheap= negative comment. Hope this helps! ^ ^
ポジティブな言い方 *This is budget friendly! これは財布に優しいね *This is a wallet-friendly price tag これは本当に財布に優しい値段ね *This is a really cheap price. これは本当に値段が安い 'low price' を使う他のポジティブな表現 *What a great low price 本当に値段が安いね *This is a great price for the quality. 品質の割に値段が安い *For the product, this is really low price 製品の品質を考えると、これは本当に値段が安い low cost,という語を使っているという点では、低コスト又はプロモーション等で低予算と宣伝している商品について話すのであれば、その語はポジティブな意味で使うことが出来ます。例えばlow cost airline低コストの飛行機、low cost meals低コストの外食 悪い意味で値段が安いものを言いたいのであれば(商品の作りが良くない、品質が悪い等)こう言うことが出来ます。 *This dress feels really cheap このドレスはとても安っぽいね *The packaging of this phone is really cheap この電話の包装は本当に安っぽい *My shorts are made of nylon so they feel really cheap. 私のショーツはナイロンで出来ているので、とても安っぽい 何かがfeels/looks cheap(安っぽく見える)と言うと、ネガティブばコメントになります。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • cheap

  • lost cost

Cheap means low in price, especially in relation to similar items or services. For example: "local buses were reliable and cheap" Low cost relatively inexpensive. For example: "A low-cost airline." Cheap is commonly used to refer to something that has a low price.
cheapは、特に似た物やサービスに関して値段が安いことです。 例えば、地方のバスは、信頼性が高く、値段が安い。 low costは比較的値段が安いことです。 例えば、値段が安い飛行機 cheapは一般的に値段が安いものを言う時に使われます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • cheap

  • inexpensive, low cost, economical

examples "this coat was in the sale, it was really cheap". or "this car is cheaper to run, its more economical". or "I prefer this baker, the low cost range is more economical for me". or "this restaurant is great and inexpensive, making a great night out".
例文 "this coat was in the sale, it was really cheap". このコートはセール品で、値段が本当に安かった 又は "this car is cheaper to run, it's more economical". この車は維持費が安く、より経済的だ "I prefer this baker, the low cost range is more economical for me". この小型パン焼き器の方が好きだ。低価格の商品の方が私にとって経済的だ。 "this restaurant is great and inexpensive, making a great night out". このレストランは素晴らしく、値段も安いので、素晴らしい夜の外食になる。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Cheap

  • affordable

"Cheap" can be used in a variety of contexts, not always considered looking down on someone or something, this is the expression used more frequently as it is a more casual and widely used word. ex. "This car was so cheap, I had to buy it!" and "Those clothes look cheap"- this phrase can make the word cheap sound as if the clothes are not good enough or maybe look bad. "affordable" Is a more formal and polite way of suggesting or stating something is cheap or within your budget/price range, something you are able to afford.
"Cheap" はいろいろな文脈で使えます。必ずしも見下している印象にはなりません。"Cheap" はカジュアルで一般的な言葉です。 例: "This car was so cheap, I had to buy it!"(この車すごく安かったから、買うしかないと思った) "Those clothes look cheap"(その服は安っぽい) - このフレーズの "Cheap" は「その服は気に入らない(あるいはかっこ悪い)」のニュアンスです。 "Affordable" は「安い/予算内の/手頃な」の意味のフォーマルで丁寧な言い方です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Inexpensive.

  • Lost cost.

Inexpensive - This means not expensive so low in price. Low cost - Means low in price this phrase is used very commonly.
Inexpensive - これは "not expensive"、つまり「値段が安い」という意味です。 Low cost -「値段が安い」という意味です。非常に一般的な言い方です。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Cheap

  • Inexpensive

  • Affordable

There is no main difference between saying something is, "cheap," or, "low cost," and doesn't given an expression of looking down on something. However we can also use the adjectives, "inexpensive," or, "affordable," if we wanted to change our word choices.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • These apples are really cheap!

  • My electricity supply is on a low cost payment scheme

I think 'cheap' has quite a wide meaning and may be used for anything that is not expensive. 'Low cost' usually refers to longer term things such as car or engine maintenance over the life the car or engine, payment plans or finance for products, the overheads of a company, service plans, insurance and investment plans etc
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Cheap.

  • Affordable.

You can use cheap to describe something of a low cost it can also be used to describe something that is low quality. Here is an example of using cheap to describe something that is low cost: I went to the local restaurant it was really cheap, you get so much value for your money! Here is an example of using cheap to describe something that is low quality. My shoes are very cheap, they are made with low quality materials. You pay for what you get, I guess.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • This is cheap.

Have you seen this before? Yeah, I really need one for home as well. Well, get this one, it is cheap. That is cheap, I am going to get that. I am looking for a place to stay at the minute. Down the road there are some low-cost housing, you might want to have a look. Great, thanks for the help. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Cheap

  • Inexpensive

  • Affordable

You could use any of the above three words to describe that something is cheap. Examples; - The meat is cheap at that shop. - The items they have at this store are really inexpensive. - They have affordable furniture items at a market downtown.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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