世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/18 18:43
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  • Work is a way to make money.

  • My work is a way for me to make a living.

hello! ユーコネクトの英語コーチのアーサーです! お金を得る = make money (お金を作る) お金は生活に必要な物ですから英語でもよく「make a living」. A living = 生活・単に生きる事 I make a living by being a doctor. 医者をやって生活をしている 手段= way, a means meansは少し硬いので、wayをお勧めします。 もし一般的な事を述べるのであれば、 Work is a way to make money Work is a way to make a livingと言います。 しかし自分の場合だと、 My work is a way for me to make a living. My work is a way for me to make money. と言います。 よろしくお願いします! 応援しています!
  • Working is the only means to get money.

  • I’m making money by working.

「手段」という表現は、 「means」という英語で表せます。 「お金を得る」という表現は、 「get money」 「make money」 というシンプルな表現で表してみました。 ご参考にされてください☆
  • Working is a means to survive financially.

  • Working enables one to earn money.

  • Working enables one to earn a living.

If one is not working, it is almost impossible for one to make money, unless one is a business person or unless one is a thief. Being a thief in order to make money is a very risky undertaking. Thieves eventually get caught and get thrown in jail. If one is a business person, one is still working, but for oneself. So, you may say: Working is a means to survive financially. or Working enables one to earn money. or Working enables one to earn a living.
経営者か泥棒でもない限り、働かずにお金を稼ぐというのは無理な話です。お金を稼ぐために泥棒になるのはとてもリスキーなことです。泥棒は結局捕まり刑務所いきになります。経営者は働いていますがそれは自分のためです。 "Working is a means to survive financially." (働くのは経済的に生きていくための手段だ。) "Working enables one to earn money." (働くことでお金を稼ぐことができる。) "Working enables one to earn a living." (働くことで生活費を稼ぐことができる。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Working is a means to an end

The example saying is something of a cliche and means that people work (to earn money) so that they can do the things they want in their lives.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The only way to earn money is to work.

  • I am working to earn money so that I can make a living.

▪ The only way to earn money is to work. This is saying that earning money means to work for it. ▪ I am working to earn money so that I can make a living. This sentence indicates that you are working to get money so that you can make a livling.
▪ The only way to earn money is to work. このフレーズはお金を稼ぐには労働を伴うと説明しています。 ▪ I am working to earn money so that I can make a living. このフレーズはあなたは生活を支えるためのお金を稼ぐために働いていると説明しています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • A means to an end...

  • I work hard for money, its a means to an end...I want to build my own house!

"A means to an end"...Is the perfect idiom in a situation like this:-D Something that is not valued or important in itself ...but is useful in achieving an aim or a desired goal! "I work hard for money, its a means to an end...I want to build my own house!"
"A means to an end"(目的達成のためへの手段)がこのような状況では完璧なイディオムです。そのこと自体はあまり重要ではないかもしれないけど、目的や望んでいる目標を達成するためには役に立つということです。 例文 "I work hard for money, its a means to an end...I want to build my own house!" お金のために一生懸命働いているけど、それは目標達成のための手段だ。自分の家を建てたいと思っている。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Working is a way to make money.

  • If you work at a job, you will acquire some money for yourself.

  • Working is a means to get money.

These sentences all explain that if you work, you will make some money.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
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