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2016/01/18 22:58
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  • Whatever the school, the most important thing is having a very good teacher.

  • Wherever the school, the most important thing is having a very good teacher.

I totally agree with you! 私も同感です。 Whatever the school, the most important thing is having a very good teacher. どこのスクールでも、結局のところ最高の先生に出会えるかどうかが1番大事 *whateverは学校名関係なくニュアンス的に→「どこのスクールでも」 直訳のwhereverでも大丈夫ですが、なんとなくこの場合whateverがしぜんに聞こえる。 the most important thing→一番大事なこと
  • It doesn't matter which school you go to, all that matters is that you get a good teacher

  • It's the person not the place that matters

Matters' (in this context), means something that is important and significant. To say 'all that matters' is to state that the only important or most significant thing, is to 'get a good teacher'. The second example is a popular phrase which can be used in this, as well as many other circumstances. It means that regardless of the location, your happiness and satisfaction, depends not on the place where you both are, but only on the person that you are there with.
Matters' (in this context), 重要で大切なことを意味します。 'all that matters' ということは唯一重要なこと、最も重要な事は、 'get a good teacher'(良い先生に会うこと)です。 2番めの例は多くの他の状況でよく使われる表現です。場所に関係なく、あなたの幸福や満足は場所ではなく一緒にいる人によるという意味です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • The most important thing when learning English is finding a good teacher.

  • I think finding a teacher compatible with your own learning style is the most important thing when learning English.

  • I think the most important thing when learning English is finding a teacher you connect with.

A teacher compatible with your own learning style' means you can easily interact with each other as student and teacher. When two people in any relationship are compatible, they get along easily. People 'connect' when there is common understanding and mutual respect.
A teacher compatible with your own learning style'(自分の学習スタイルに合う先生)は、生徒にとって相性の良い先生をいいます。 'compatible' は、人と人の相性が良いことを表します。 お互いを理解し尊敬し合えたときに、人と人は 'connect' します。
Onica DMM英会話講師
  • It's not about the best school. It's about the best teacher.

  • Good education does not come from the school but from a good teacher.

▪ It's not about the best school. It's about the best teacher. This is saying that you should not worry about looking for a good school but for a great teacher. ▪ Good education does not come from the school but from a good teacher. This is directly saying that it is not the school that gives you good education, it is a good teacher that gives you good education.
▪ It's not about the best school. It's about the best teacher. (一番いい学校ではなく、一番いい先生ということです) これは、一番いい学校を探すことを心配するより結局は一番いい先生を探すことです、と言う事を言い表しています。 ▪ Good education does not come from the school but from a good teacher. (良い教育とは学校から受けられるのではなく、良い先生から受けるものです) これは、率直な言い方で、学校が素晴らしい教育をしてくれるのではなく、良い先生によってよい教育が受けられる、と言う事を表現しています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I think having a good teacher is more important than what school you attend.

  • Good teachers are more important than the school.

  • Don't you think a good teacher makes all the difference over the school itself?

I think having a good teacher is more important than what school you attend. Good teachers are more important than the school. Don't you think a good teacher makes all the difference over the school itself? A good school is important but a good teacher is best. It's better to have a good teacher than it is a good school.
I think having a good teacher is more important than what school you attend. (どの学校に行くかよりも良い先生に出会うことの方が重要だと思う) Good teachers are more important than the school. (学校よりも先生が良いことの方が重要です) Don't you think a good teacher makes all the difference over the school itself? (学校よりも良い先生と出会うことの方が重要だと思いませんか) A good school is important but a good teacher is best. (学校が良いことも大切だけど、良い先生が理想) It's better to have a good teacher than it is a good school. (良い学校に行くよりも良い先生と出会うことの方が重要)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • A good teacher overrides belonging to a good school

  • Having a good teacher is far more important than going to a good school

"A good teacher overrides belonging to a good school" This sentence implies that having a good teacher is far more important and better for oneself than belonging/being part of a good school. 'Overrides' is the expression used when explaining how something is more valued than another thing, in this case, a good teacher opposed to a good school.
"A good teacher overrides belonging to a good school"(良い学校に行くことよりも良い先生の方が優先されます) これは「良い学校に行くことよりも良い先生を持つことの方がはるかに重要」というニュアンスです。 'Overrides' は、何かが別のものよりも重視されていることを表します。ここでは「良い学校」と「良い先生」を比べています。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • No matter which school you go to, it's the quality of teaching that's most important

  • Wherever you attend school, your experience depends upon how good the teachers are

When talking about English schools, you think that, regardless of which school someone chooses, it's whether they have a good teacher that matters the most. You may express that idea by using one of the above sample statements.
英会話スクールについて、「どのスクールを選ぶにせよ、結局のところ良い先生に出会えるかどうか、これが一番大事」と言いたいということですね。上記どちらの文でも、 これについて表すことができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I don't think it matters much which school one goes to; what's more important is having a good teacher

  • The school one chooses isn't as important as having a very good teacher.

When you want to express that you are of the opinion that it does not matter which school one goes to, it's whether they can meet a good teacher that matters the most; then you may express it in the following ways: -I don't think it matters much which school one goes to; what's more important is having a good teacher -The school one chooses isn't as important as having a very good teacher.
「大事なのは、どこの学校に行くかではなく、良い先生に出会えるかだ」は、次のように言えます。 -I don't think it matters much which school one goes to; what's more important is having a good teacher (どの学校に行くかはそれほど重要ではないと思います。大事なのは良い先生と出会うことです) -The school one chooses isn't as important as having a very good teacher. (「どの学校に行くか」は、「良い先生に出会えるか」ほどは重要ではない)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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