世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/04 06:44
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  • ① I want to continue where we left off.

色んな言い方がありますが、私だったら「① I want to continue where we left off.」を使います。理由としては、簡単で相手に分かりやすいうえ、リズムがいい表現ですから。 「◯◯◯◯◯を[したい](」と「◯◯◯◯◯◯を[しましょう](」のニュアンスの違いがあります。 「① I want to」は「◯◯をしたい」、その意思を伝えます。 「We will 」は「◯◯をします」で、宣言の様です。つまり、講師の言うセリフなのです。生徒はこういう風に言いません。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • We will start from where we left off.

  • We will continue from where we ended last time.

オンライン英会話のレッスンが始まったとき、前回の続きからレッスンを始めたいというケースなら、日本語で「前回の続きから始めたい」と言います。 英語では: Will will start from where we left off. We will start where we left off. We will continue from where we ended last time. we will start: [始める]([前回](のところから) We will continue:続きは(にします) from:から where we left off:終わったところ ended:終わった(ところ) last time:前回 「We will start from where we left off」は簡単な表現でよく使います。 Good luck! :)
  • I would like to begin where we left off last time

  • I request to start where we stopped in the previous lesson.

  • I want to resume where we had stopped in the last lesson.

You are saying that you would like to continue from the place you that you have stopped in the material.
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • Let's continue from where we got to last lesson.

  • Can we pick up from where we left off last time?

  • I want to begin from where we stopped last time.

Any of these sentences are fine for expressing to your teacher that you want to continue from where you ended in the previous lesson. It may also be a good idea to specify where you got to last lesson. For example, 'I want to continue from where we got to last lesson, we got to exercise 3 on this material'.
どの表現でも前回のレッスンで終了したところから続けたてレッスンしたいということを先生に表現することができます。 また、前回のレッスンどこで終わったかを示すことができるとさらに良いです。 以下のような表現で伝えることができます。 I want to continue from where we got to last lesson we got to exercise 3 on this material. 前回勉強したエクササイズ3の教材を続けたいです。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • Can we pick up where we left off?

  • If it's alright, can we continue from last time?

  • Do you mind if we keep going from last time?

You can use "pick up" as a casual way to say "start" and "left off" for "where we ended." In other words, "can we pick up where we left off" is a casual way to ask if you can continue from where the last lesson ended. All three of these phrases can be used by a teacher or a student.
"pick up" は "start" のカジュアルな言い方です。「終わったところ」には、"left off" が使えます。"Can we pick up where we left off?" は、前回レッスンが終わったところから始められるか尋ねるカジュアルな質問です。 この三つのフレーズは、先生が使うことも生徒が使うこともできます。
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • I would like to continue from where we left off in our last lesson, if you don't mind.

  • I would like to finish the material we did in our previous lesson first.

  • I would like to complete the material we did in our previous lesson.

All three sentences are polite, correct and very clear about what you would like to do before getting started with that day's material. The most polite one would maybe be the first one because in that way you are also saying ''if you don't mind'' and in that way you are respecting your teacher's opinion and the teacher will feel as if you appreciated their opinion.
3つの文は、その日の教材を使い始める前に何をしたいのかについて、丁寧に正確に述べています。 一つ目のフレーズが最も丁寧です。なぜなら、この文章では、''if you don't mind''が使われており、またあなたが教師の意見を尊重しているため、教師は、あなたが教師の意見に感謝したかのように感じるかもしれません。
Tanja M DMM英会話講師
  • Can we continue from where we left off?

  • Let's continue from where we left off.

The first expression "Can we continue from where we left off?" is a question and you are asking the teacher if it okay. The second expression "Let's continue from where we left off." you are telling the teacher what you want to do on that day.
一つ目の "Can we continue from where we left off?" は疑問文で、先生に「(続きから始めても)いいですか」と尋ねています。 二つ目の "Let's continue from where we left off." では先生に「あなたがその日したいこと」を伝えています。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I want to continue where we left off.

  • I want to continue with the material that we done in the previous class.

A : What do you want to do today? B : I want to continue where we left off. A : No problem! ------------------------------------------ C : What would you like to do today? D : I want to continue with the material that we done in the previous class. C : Sure!
A : What do you want to do today? (今日は何がしたい?) B : I want to continue where we left off. (前回終えたところから続けたいです) A : No problem! (問題ないよ!) ------------------------------------------ C : What would you like to do today? (今日は何をしたいですか?) D : I want to continue with the material that we done in the previous class. (前回のレッスンでやった教材を続けたいです) C : Sure!(もちろんです!)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • We couldn't complete yesterday's lesson would it be okay if we continued with it today please?

  • I would like to proceed with yesterdays lesson please ?

Hi Ono :-) I hope this helps! A)We couldn't complete yesterday's lesson would it be ok if we continued with it today please? Definitions *Couldn't-could not. *Complete- Finish *Continued- Carry on/Begin *Ok-used to express agreement or acceptance. B)I would like to proceed with yesterdays lesson please Definitions *Would-past of will * Proceed - Start/begin
Onoさん、こんにちは、参考になるといいです! A)We couldn't complete yesterday's lesson would it be ok if we continued with it today please? 【語句】 *Couldn't- could not の短縮形 *Complete- Finish(終わらせる) *Continued- Carry on(続ける)/Begin(始める) *Ok- 同意や承諾を表す B)I would like to proceed with yesterday's lesson please 【語句】 *Would- "will" の過去形 * Proceed- Start(始める)/begin(始める)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Could we start where we left off last time please?

  • 2. Let's kick off where the game was interrupted at the end of the last lesson!

1. Here, quite clearly you request to continue the lesson from the point where it stopped last time. "Could we start where we left off last time please?" "Sure. it was Exercise 4 question 3 I think." 2.To kick off something = kick something off. To begin something; to hold a party or ceremony to mark the start of something. (Alludes to starting a football game by kicking off the ball for the first play.) To continue the football analogy, you refer to the lesson as 'the game.' This is a slightly hunorous way of saying this.
1. 前回途中で終わったところから、またレッスンをはじめたいとお願いする時に使います。 例 "Could we start where we left off last time please?" "Sure. it was Exercise 4 question 3 I think." 2.To kick off something = kick something off. は、To begin somethingと同じで、始めるという意味があります。セレモニーやパーティを一旦ストップして、何かをスタートする時に使います(サッカーの最初にキックオフすることなど)。 サッカーの比喩から、レッスンをゲームに喩えてユーモアな言い方をすることもできます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you mind if we skip to exercise three? I've already completed exercise one and two.

  • Can we pick up where we left off?

If you started the exercise with the same teacher then you can say ''Can we pick up where we left off? ''. This idiom means to start at the place you stopped the last time. If it is a different teacher you can say: ''Do you mind if we skip to exercise three? I've already completed exercises one and two.'' - This tells the teacher that you have already done the first two exercises and would like to start off at exercise three.
前回と同じ先生の場合には: ''Can we pick up where we left off?'' (前回終わった所から始めていいですか) ↑と言えます。これは、前回やめた所から始めるという意味のイディオムです。 前回と違う先生の場合には: ''Do you mind if we skip to exercise three? I've already completed exercises one and two.'' (エクササイズ3から始めてもいいですか。エクササイズ1と2はもうやったので) ↑エクササイズ1と2はもうやったので、エクササイズ3から始めたいと伝えています。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • I would like us to start with the next exercise in our previous lesson.

  • May we please continue from where we left off in our previous lesson?

Due to time constraints and the number of questions a student may be asking in a particular lesson, certain lessons may not be done up to the last exercise as a result. However, the student may still want to do the exercises that were left undone. He/she may in the next lesson ask the teacher to continue from where they left off in the previous lesson. So, if you are one of those affected in this way, you may say: I would like us to start with the next exercise in our previous lesson. or May we please continue from where we left off in our previous lesson?
時間的制約と特定のレッスンの中で生徒が尋ねる質問の数によって、結果として最後のエクササイズまで終わらないレッスンもあるかもしれません。 しかし生徒は終わらず残されたエクササイズをやりたいかもしれません。 彼または彼女は次のレッスンで先生に前のレッスンで終わったところから始めたいことを伝えても良いです。 したがってもしあなたがこのような影響を受けた場合は以下のように言うことができます: “I would like us to start with the next exercise in our previous lesson.” (前回のレッスンの次のエクササイズから始めたいです) または “May we please continue from where we left off in our previous lesson?” (前回のレッスンの続きから始めても良いですか)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Can we start from where we stopped last time?

前回終わったところから、始められますか? の意味です。   where S Vで「SがVしたところ」という意味です(*^-^*)
  • Can we continue where we ended the previous time please?

  • I would like us to resume from where we stopped previously please.

Can we continue where we ended the last time please? This means that we can carry on with the lesson material from where we ended the last time. I would like us to resume from where we stopped previously please. To resume means to continue from the last section that was completed during the previous lesson.
Can we continue where we ended the last time please? (前回終わった所から始めてもいいですか) - 前回終わったところからレッスンを引き続き行うことができるか尋ねています。 I would like us to resume from where we stopped previously please. (前回終わった所から続けたいです) - resumeは、前回のレッスンの続きから始めることを表します。
Shams DMM英会話講師
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