Through the good times and bad times, you've always stood by me.
You stood by me in/through good times and the bad.
Through the good times and bad times, you've always stood by me.
You stood by me in/through good times and the bad.
stood by me
You were always by my side for the good and the bad.
You were there for me even during the tough times.
「辛い時も楽しい時も」は英語で "through thick and thin" と言う表現を使います。又は単に "the good and the bad" も使っても良い。
"during tough times" は「辛い時でも」と言う意味です。
「側にいたね」= "You were by my side"
"You were there for me" は 「私のために側にいた」と言うニュアンスです。どちらも使ってもいいです。例えば "Thanks for always being there for me" = 「いつも私の側にいてありがとう」
「振り返れば」を使いたい時は "Looking back" です。例えば過去のことを振り返って「楽しかったね」と言いたい時は "Looking back, we had a lot of fun!"
You've been there for me during the good times and the bad.
You've been there for me during the good times and the bad.
good times and the bad は「楽しい時も辛い時も」という意味の英語表現です。