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2017/10/12 19:52
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  • I don’t have any more room, my bag is already overflowing !

By saying this phrase you are indicating that the bag you have is already full and you don’t have any more room to fit anything else. The word “overflowing” means that something if filled past its capacity In this case when describing the state of the bag, things are almost falling out because it is so full.
このフレーズを使うことで、あなたが持っているバッグはすでにいっぱいで、他のどんなものも入れる余地がないことを示します。 “overflowing” という語は、何かがその能力を超えて満たされていること。 このケースでは、バッグの状態を説明する時、バッグの中は満杯でものが溢れでてしまいそうであるということを意味します。
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • My bag is to small for all my things.

  • I have so many things I want to take with but my bag is very small.

▪My bag is to small for all my things. ▪I have so many things I want to take with but my bag is very small. ● Both sentences can be used in the situation. "things" is referring to baggage, luggage or any other items.
▪My bag is to small for all my things. ▪I have so many things I want to take with but my bag is very small. ● どちらでも構いません。"things" とはカバンや荷物などなんでも指します。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I can't fit all my things in my bag.

  • This bag is too small for all my things.

Hi Kana-San, Here is a detailed explanation of the answers above. "I can't" says that you are unable to do something. "fit" is the verb. "all my things" is the object. "in my bag" is the place. "I can't fit all my things in my bag" indicates that you have too much stuff and it won't all go in your bag. "This bag" indicates the place. "is too small" describes the bag. "for all my things" is what you are trying to put in your bag. "This bag is too small for all my things" says that you bag isn't the right size for all the things you need to carry.
Kanaさんこんにちは。 回答に対する解説です。 "I can't " は、それができないことを意味します。 "fit"は動詞「フィットさせる、入れる」です。 "all my things" は、目的語「すべての私のもの」です。 "in my bag"は場所「私のかばんの中」を示します。 "I can't fit all my things in my bag." これはあなたがたくさんのものを持っていて、かばんにすべて入りきらないことを意味します。 "This bag"は場所を意味します。 "is too small"は、かばんが小さすぎることを表します。 "for all my things" はあなたがかばんに入れようとしていることを意味します。 "This bag is too small for all my things." これはかばんが小さすぎて、持っていきたいものがすべて入らないことを意味します。
Joshua R DMM英会話講師
  • There is way too much in my luggage, I simply can not fit any more in there.

  • This luggage is to full, there is no way anything else will fit.

  • This luggage is busting at the seems, you can not possibly fit any more in there.

All of these expressions can be used to tell someone that the luggage is to full and will not fit anymore items. "busting at the seams" means that the luggage is extremely full.
3つの例文はどれも「スーツケースにいっぱいつまりすぎていて、これ以上ものを入れられない」と伝えることができる文章です。 ”busting at the seams” 「〜があふれそうでいっぱい」という意味です。
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • My bag is stuffed full

  • My bag is not big enough to hold everything

  • My bag is not up for the job

To be up for the job = "To be up to a job" means to be able, qualified, and willing to perform the job. So the man or thing in question isn't really able or qualified to do the job or function required. Eg. "Sorry, but old Mr pearson is not up for this job - it's too physical for him." Stuffed full = To pack (a container) to the top, tightly; cram: "The children were busy stuffing their Christmas stockings with their opened presents.".
To be up for the job =仕事ができる、仕事をする資格がある、仕事を進んでするという意味です。ですから問題の人や物が、実際に必要な仕事をすることが出来ない、上手く機能していないということです。 例文 "Sorry, but old Mr pearson is not up for this job - it's too physical for him." すみません、でも年を取ったピアースン氏にこの仕事は無理です。彼には体力的にきつすぎます。 Stuffed full =上まで中身が詰まっている、中身がきつきつの、詰まっている 例文 "The children were busy stuffing their Christmas stockings with their opened presents.". 子供たちは、クリスマスの靴下に、開けたプレゼントを詰め込むのに忙しい。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I have so many items that they won't all fit into my bag.

  • My bag won't accommodate all the items that I am carrying with me.

  • There isn't enough space in my bag to accommodate all the goods that I am carrying with me.

The noun 'item' means an individual article or unit, especially one that is part of a list, collection, or set. If you are travelling, all the 'items' you need to carry with you must be loaded into a bag without leaving out any of them. The bag must 'accommodate' all the 'items' that you are carrying with you. Which means that the bag must have 'enough space' to accommodate all the 'goods' that you are carrying with you. The noun 'goods' means 'items' that you buy, such as food, clothing, toys, furniture, and toothpaste. If there isn't enough space' in your bag to accommodate all the goods that you are carrying with you, you may say: I have so many items that they won't all fit into my bag. or My bag won't accommodate all the items that I am carrying with me. or There isn't enough space in my bag to accommodate all the goods that I am carrying with me.
"item"という言葉は、一つひとつの「品物」のことで、旅行に必要な"items"と言うと「バッグに入れ旅行に持っていく様々な物」のことを意味します。 "accomodate"は「収容する」という意味で、持ち物全てが入るバッグでなければいけません。 "goods"は"items"と同じ意味で、持ち物や買ったもの(食べ物、洋服、おもちゃ、家具など)のことです。 もし「バッグに全ての持ち物を入れるスペースがない」と言いたい場合は、下記のように言うといいでしょう。 I have so many items that they won't all fit into my bag. ー私は持ち物が多すぎてバッグに全てを入れることができません。 My bag won't accommodate all the items that I am carrying with me. ーバッグに全ての持ち物が入りません。 There isn't enough space in my bag to accommodate all the goods that I am carrying with me. ーバッグに十分なスペースがないので、全ての持ち物を入れることができません。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I can't fit everything into my bag.

  • My bag is too small for all my stuff.

  • I need a bigger bag.

When travelling, if you have too many clothes or objects to fit in your bag or suitcase you can say "I can't fit everything into my bag", "My bag is too small" or "I need a bigger bag". Overflowing can be used for things but is also most common when talking about liquids. For example, the bathtub is overflowing. Nowadays where airlines are strict on baggage weights another common phrase is that "my bag is overweight" or "I'm going to be over the baggage allowance".
旅行をする時、バッグやスーツケースに入れる洋服、または物が沢山あり過ぎるときは、下記のように言えます。 "I can't fit everything into my bag." 「バッグに全部入りません。」 "My bag is too small." 「バッグが小さすぎます。」 "I need a bigger bag." 「もっと大きいバッグが必要です。」 あふれている(overflowing)とは、物に対して使えますが、液体のことを話してるときにも最もよく使われます。 例: "The bathtub is overflowing." バスタブが、お湯であふれてます。 近頃、手荷物重量に厳しい航空会社では、下記の表現が一般的です。 "My bag is overweight." 「私のバッグは、重量超過してます。」 "I'm going to be over the baggage allowance." 「手荷物制限を超えてしまいそうです。」
Bronwyn D DMM英会話講師
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