世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/10/12 21:45
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  • I requested, but they refused.

  • I asked, but I was rejected. I asked, but I was declined.

「頼んだけど、断られた」は英語に訳すとこのようです。 I requested it, but they declined. I requested, but they refused. I asked, but I was rejected. I asked, but I was declined. 「頼む」というのは to ask; to request になります。 「断る」というのは to decline; to refused; to reject になります。その中に to decline は一番丁寧なので、ビジネス場面で一番ふさわしいかもしれません。 to reject は結構厳しい「こだわる」の言い方です。To refuse は to decline と to reject の間ぐらいです。 例文 I asked her out in high school, but she rejected me. 高校の時、付き合ってくださいと言っていたけど、断られた。 I asked our client to attend, but they declined. 取引先に参加してくださいと言っていたが、断られた。 こ参考までに。
  • My request to the business partner regarding the project resources was declined.

  • The business partner declined my request to extend the project timeline.

You might have requested the business partner to provide more resources for the project you are managing, but the business partner refused stating that the resources already provided were more than enough. In this case, the noun 'resources' means 'a stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively'. In the second sentence, you are reporting to your boss that due to the fact that the project timeline is short and that the project may not be completed in that time span, you requested the business partner to extend it. However, the business partner declined the request, stating that he needed the project to be delivered as soon as possible.
ビジネスパートナーに自分の運営しているプロジェクトへのリソースを供給するよう依頼したが、ビジネスパートナーがもう十分にリソース供給したと拒否したという文を考える場合など、リソース(resource)は、物資であったり、お金の供給、その他の財産など、何かを効果的に運営する際に利用されるものを指します。 二つ目の文は、自分のボスにプロジェクトのタイムラインが短く、そんなタイムスパンでは完了できないと報告する場合、ビジネスパートナーにもそのタイムスパンを長くするようお願いするでしょう。 しかし、ビジネスパートナーがその要求を拒否し、そのプロジェクトの納期を可能な限り早めるように言ってきた場合を想定しています。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I asked and he turned me down

  • I went through the motions but he wasn't interested

  • I put the question but he wasn't up for it

To turn someone down =to issue a refusal to someone. Eg "We had to turn Joan down, even though her proposal was okay. .." To go through the motions = to act or perform the task (of doing something) mechanically or without sincerity. In the example, the speaker uses 'go through the motions' because he was of the opinion that the offer would be refused. To put the question = to ask someone a specific question. To be up for something = willing to do a particular activity, willing to do or accept something:willing, ready, interested ‘What do you feel like doing?’ ‘I’d be up for just about anything.’
To turn someone down =断る、却下する 例 "We had to turn Joan down, even though her proposal was okay. .." (ジョーンの提案は良かったけど、却下しました) To go through the motions = ~のふり(しぐさ)をする 例文の中では 'go through the motions'と言うフレーズを使っていますが、これは申し出は断られるであろうと彼が思ったからです。 To put the question = 具体的な質問をする To be up for something = 意気込んで~する、乗り気で~する 例 ‘What do you feel like doing?’ (何がしたい気分ですか?) ‘I’d be up for just about anything.’ (なんでもしたい気分です)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My request was unfortunately denied by him/her.

  • I made a proposal but it wasn't successful.

My request was unfortunately denied by him/her. denied: not allowed/declined unfortunately: sadly I made a proposal, but it wasn't successful. proposal: an offer or suggestion
My request was unfortunately denied by him/her. (お願いしましたが、残念ながら彼(彼女)に断られました) denied: 認められなかった、断られた unfortunately: 残念ながら) --------- I made a proposal, but it wasn't successful. (提案をしましたが、ダメでした) proposal: オファー、提案
Hendrik DMM英会話講師
  • I asked them, but they refused to comply.

  • My request to them was denied.

  • They said no to my request.

If you ask someone for something, that is a request, and they can refuse to give you what you ask for or to comply with your request, showing that they are not cooperating. This works in business as well as in other situations. If your request is denied, that is less negative than in the first example. Furthermore, sometimes a simple, "no" is given to a request, and this is all that needs to be repeated.
人に何かをお願いすることは "request"(要請)と言えます。相手はこれを断って、協力しないことも出来ます。これはビジネスなどであります。 二つ目の例は "denied"(拒否)を使っていますが、これは一つ目の例ほど否定的ではありません。時には、"request"(要請)に対して単純に "no"(ノー)とだけ言われる(繰り返されるだけ)のこともあります。
Amy H English teacher
  • My purposal to (Buisness partners name) has been declined.

If you are trying to describe that your request has been declined it is very important to first state the third party (business partner) who is involved and rejected your request. There are many different synonyms which can be used for request, another including a proposal. By telling your boss that your proposal has been declined by your business partner will allow your boss to understand your current situation.
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • I submitted a request but it was denied.

  • My boss did not grant my request.

"Request" is a formal/business way to say that you asked for something. A person can request things like time off work, to change your work schedule, asking for work equipment ect. This would indicate that you formally requested, or asked for something via an email or some type of written form that could be tracked and filed for future reference.
"Request"(要請)は「お願い」を表すフォーマル/ビジネス的な言い方です。仕事の休み、スケジュールの変更、設備などを "request"(依頼)することが出来ます。これは、メールや書面など、将来記録に残る形で正式にお願いしたというニュアンスになります。
Meli D DMM英語講師
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