世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/07/04 16:44
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  • There are no chopsticks

「~がない」=There is/ are no 「箸」=Chopsticks 「箸」は複数なので、「箸がない」=There are no chopsticks になります。 また、定員に訪ねる場合は、Excuse meを先に入れると、丁寧な言い方になります。 Excuse me, there are no chopsticks. 是非参考にしてみてください。
  • Could I have some chopsticks please?

Well, you could just sit and bawl and complain that you have no chopsticks! Or you could politely ask for a set.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I need some chopsticks.

  • May I have some chopsticks, please?

  • Do you have any chopsticks?

When we go to a restaurant, we can order some very delicious food. However, sometimes the waiter might not bring all the utensils we need. This could happen because the waiter forgot or maybe it is not the usual custom of the restaurant. If this is this case, we could use some expressions such as: 1) "I need some chopsticks." 2) "May I have some chopsticks, please?" 3) "Do you have any chopsticks?"
レストランに行くと、とてもおいしい食事を注文することができます。しかし、時々ウェイターが必要な用具を全て持ってこない場合があります。 ウェイターが忘れたか、多分そのレストランの通常のルールではないかどちらかでしょう。 この場合、以下のような表現が使えます: 1) "I need some chopsticks." 2) "May I have some chopsticks, please?" 3) "Do you have any chopsticks?" (箸をいただけますか?)
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • Could you bring me some chopsticks please?

  • Excuse me, you have forgotten to bring the chopsticks.

  • Could I have some chopsticks please?

When in a restaurant and the waiter or waitress has forgotten to bring you chopsticks, you may simply ask the following; Could you bring me some chopsticks, please? Excuse me, you have forgotten to bring the chopsticks. Could I have some chopsticks please? These are all wonderful, polite ways of asking the waiter for chopsticks or reminding him or her that they have forgotten to include it.
レストランで、ウェイターやウェイトレスが箸を持ってくるのを忘れたら、単純に以下のように聞けるでしょう; Could you bring me some chopsticks, please? (お箸を持って来てもらえますか?) Excuse me, you have forgotten to bring the chopsticks. (すみません、まだお箸をもらっていません。) Could I have some chopsticks please? (お箸を持って来てもらえますか?) これらはすべて、ウェイターに、箸を頼み、彼らが持ってくることを忘れていることを思い出させる完璧で丁寧な頼み方です。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • Could you bring me some chopsticks please?

  • Do you have chopsticks?

If you find that your waiter at a restaurant has neglected to leave cutlery or other eating utensils, you can get their attention and ask: Could you bring me some chopsticks please? Do you have chopsticks? Could I get some chopsticks please?
レストランでウェイターがカトラリーなどを置き忘れたときは、ウェイターの注意をひいて次のようにお願いできます: Could you bring me some chopsticks please? (箸を持ってきて頂けますか?) Do you have chopsticks? (箸はありますか?) Could I get some chopsticks please? (箸を頂けますか?)
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, can I get some chopsticks please?

  • There doesn't appear to be any chopsticks, can I get some please?

  • Could you get me some chopsticks please?

Excuse me, would you mind getting me some chopsticks please? Firstly, it is always important to be polite. You can ask in many different ways but these are the most common ways to ask if you do not have something. More examples: Excuse me, can I get some chopsticks please? Excuse me, would you mind getting me some water? Excuse me, can I have a spoon please? Could I bother you for a spoon please?
Excuse me, would you mind getting me some chopsticks please? (すみません、お箸いただけますか) まず第一に、丁寧に言いましょう。いろいろな聞き方ができますが、何かがあるかどうか尋ねる言い方として最も一般的なものをご紹介しました。 例: Excuse me, can I get some chopsticks please?(すみません、お箸いただけますか) Excuse me, would you mind getting me some water?(すみません、お水いただけますか) Excuse me, can I have a spoon please?(すみません、スプーンいただけますか) Could I bother you for a spoon please?(スプーンいただけますか)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Excuse me, could I have some chopsticks, please?

  • I need some chopsticks.

Both of these expressions are you asking for chopsticks however the first is considered more polite. You say "excuse me" to show that you realize you could be interrupting them or being an inconvenience. It is polite to say this even if they were wrong to not give you chopsticks. The use of the word "please" at the end of the sentence also makes this the most polite option.
どちらもお箸を頼む言い方ですが、一つ目の方が丁寧です。「Excuse me」は、相手の邪魔、また迷惑になる可能性があることをこちらが認識していることを表します。お箸をもらって当然の場面でも、このように言うと丁寧です。 文末に「please」を使うことでさらに丁寧な言い方になります。
Jessica B DMM英会話講師
  • May I please have some chopsticks, none came with my meal.

"May I please have some chopsticks, none came with my meal.'' can be said to politely ask the waiter to bring you some chopsticks.
"May I please have some chopsticks, none came with my meal.'' 箸がついてこなかったので、箸をもらえますか? ウェイターに、箸をもってきてもらうようにお願いする丁寧な表現です。
Eli M DMM英会話講師
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