世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/10/12 21:52
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  • Careful! You need to stay in the car, other drivers might not see you.

Careful is telling your child to be cautious of their surroundings. Next you tell them to stay in the car as a command. Finally you explain why they need to be careful and stay in the car by telling them that other drivers may not see them when they get out of the car.
Careful はあなたの子どもに周りに注意するようにと伝えます。 次に、車の中にいるようにと指示をします。 最後に、車の外に出た場合、他の運転手は彼らのことを見ていないかもしれないと伝えることで、なぜ注意しなければならないか、車の中にいなければならないかを説明します。
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • Wait until tell you to get out, a car might hit you.

  • Be careful! A car might hit you.

--> When you wait for something or someone, you spend some time doing very little, because you cannot act until that thing happens or that person arrives. --> When one thing hits another, it touches it with a lot of force. --> If you tell someone to be careful about doing something, you think that what they intend to do is probably wrong, and that they should think seriously before they do it. Wait until tell you to get out, a car might hit you. Be careful! A car might hit you.
-->waitは人や物などを、待っているという意味で、何かが起こるまで待たねばならず、多くのことをできないという時に使います。 --> hitは、大きな力で接触するという意味があります。 --> 誰かにbe careful about ... と言えば、相手がしようとしていることを間違っているか、もしくはそれをする前にしっかりと考えるべきだと伝えることができます。 例 Wait until tell you to get out, a car might hit you. 行っていいというまで待ちなさい。事故にあうかもしれないわよ。 Be careful! A car might hit you. 気を付けてね、車にひかれるかもしれないからね。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Please stay in the car - it's dangerous outside

  • Don't get out! There's too much traffic!

  • You'll get run over! Please don't get out!

It depends slightly how old the child is as to exactly what you say. If the child is old enough to make simple deductions such as: 'If there are other cars driving around the car park, it means I could get injured,' then you may just say, urgently: "Don't get out! There's too much traffic!" On the other hand, if you have a toddler, for example, you may believe that explaining exactly what could happen may impress upon the young mind a valuable thought: "You'll get run over! Please don't get out!"
その子供が何歳なのかによってあなたが言うべきことは僅かに違います。 もし子供が推測の話を理解できるような年齢の場合以下のように言います。: 'If there are other cars driving around the car park, it means I could get injured,' そして緊急時は次のように言えます。: "Don't get out! There's too much traffic!" 一方、幼い子どもの場合には、明確に何が起こるのかを説明することが価値のある考えとして強く印象づけると考えられるので、次のように言えます。: "You'll get run over! Please don't get out!"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Watch out! You might get hit by a car!

  • Don't run around the parking lot if you don't want to be hit by cars.

  • Be careful not to run on the road, you might get hit by a car.

「飛び出す」と聞くと”Run out”などと書きたくなりますが、不自然な表現です。この場合の「飛び出さないで!」は「危ない!」「気をつけて!」の気持ちが強く含まれているので、”Watch out!”と表現するのが一番シンプルで、切迫感が感じられる表現なので、お勧めします。
Brighture English Academy 語学学校
  • Don't jump out now. I will tell you when it is safe to do so.

  • Be careful, you might get hit by another car. I will tell you when to jump out.

The child can only jump out of the car when it is safe to do so otherwise he/she might get hit by another car. So, you may say: Don't jump out now. I will tell you when it is safe to do so. You may also start by telling your child to 'be careful' as he/she is attempting to jump out. So, you may say: Be careful, you might get hit by another car. I will tell you when to jump out.
子供は、安全な時だけ車から出ることができます。そうでなければ別の車にはねられるかもしれません。 ですからこう言うことができます。 例文 Don't jump out now. I will tell you when it is safe to do so. 今出てはダメよ。安全だと分かったら言うからね。 又は子供が飛び出そうとした時に'be careful'(気をつけて)と言うことから始めることもできます。 ですからこう言うことができます。 例文 Be careful, you might get hit by another car. I will tell you when to jump out. 気をつけて。そうしないと別の車にはねられるかもしれないよ。出ても良い時は言うからね。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • This is a very dangerous place for you to jump! You can have an accident!

  • We should be careful around this place. There is a lot of traffic here. Please don't jump here.

  • You must watch out in this place as are far too many cars here. You must walk, not jump.

This place is for walking, not jumping. We must be careful here as there are so many vehicles around.
例文 This place is for walking, not jumping. We must be careful here as there are so many vehicles around. この場所は歩くためのもので、飛び跳ねるためのものではないの。 この辺りは車が多いから、ここでは気をつけないとダメだよ。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • Be careful! a car might hit you!

  • Stay in the car, a car might hit you!

  • There's alot of traffic, don't get out yet

When telling your child to do or not to do something, you want to use words they understand You could say 'there is alot of traffic' or 'a car might hit you' by adding 'be careful' or 'stay in the car' you are telling them what you want them to do
子どもに何かをするあるいはしないよう言うなら、相手の分かる言葉を使わないといけません。 例えば、 'there is alot of traffic'(車が多い) あるいは、 'a car might hit you'(車にひかれるかもしれない) と言えるかもしれません。 'be careful'(気をつける)あるいは 'stay in the car'(車の中にいる)を加えて、何をして欲しいのか伝えています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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