世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/10/16 20:30
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  • I'm so happy I took your lesson! Thank you for all your encouragement.

  • Thank you for the awesome lesson! I really enjoyed your teaching skills and encouragement.

Both of these sentences would make your English teacher very happy! If you want to say any of these two sentences at the end of your lesson you can always add a big smile. If you want to write any of these two sentences after the lesson is over and you ended the call, you can add a smiley face emoji :).
この両方の言い方は、英語の先生をを喜ばせると思います! レッスンの最後にこの2つの言い方のどちらかを使いたい場合は、 更に付け加えて、とびっきりの笑顔でフレーズを言いましょう。 レッスンが終了して通話終了後、いずれかの2つの文章をメッセージで書きたい場合は、笑顔の絵文字をメッセージと一緒に付けてあげると良いでしょう :)
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I am very happy that I took your lesson. You taught me well and I am more confident.

  • This was an awesome lesson. I am glad I booked your class. Thank you for the encouragement.

>▪I am very happy that I took your lesson. You taught me well and I am more confident. >taught= past tense for teach >confident=feeling or showing certainty about something >▪This was an awesome lesson. I am glad I booked your class. Thank you for the encouragement. >Awesome=extremely good; excellent >encourage=give support, confidence, or hope to (someone)
>▪I am very happy that I took your lesson. You taught me well and I am more confident. (あなたのレッスンを受けて良かったです。よく教えて頂いて、とても自身が付きました) >taught= teach の過去形 >confident=何かに自信がつくこと >▪This was an awesome lesson. I am glad I booked your class. Thank you for the encouragement. (素晴らしいレッスンでした。あなたのレッスンを受けて良かったです。勇気が出ました、ありがとうございました) >Awesome=とても良い、素晴らしい >encourage=誰かを励ます、勇気づける
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I absolutely loved your lesson today, teacher!

  • Great lesson, teacher!

  • You're simply the best, teach!!

Teach = an abbreviation of 'teacher.' Simply the best = This is a famous song by Tina Turner, but the phrase is well-used in the UK when talking about someone or something that is outstanding. "My aunt's Victoria sponge and cream cake is simply the best!" It may be a little too much to explain to the teacher every detail of why the lesson was good for you. Just a short and simple phrase would be quite enough: "Great lesson, teacher!"
Teach ='teacher.'の略語 Simply the best = これはティナ・ターナーの有名な歌のタイトルですが、素晴らしい人や物について話す時にイギリスでよく使われます。 例文 "My aunt's Victoria sponge and cream cake is simply the best!" ビクトリアおばさんのスポンジケーキは最高だよ。 なぜ授業が良かったかの詳細を先生に説明するのは行き過ぎているかもしれません。短くてシンプルなフレーズを言えば十分です。 例文 "Great lesson, teacher!" 先生、授業がすごく良かったです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I loved your lesson today. You are such an awesome teacher.

  • Your teaching style is really good. I enjoyed your lesson today.

  • You are such a good teacher. Thanks for teaching me so well.

Also, I'm so glad I booked your lesson today. You are the best teacher. I enjoyed your lesson and your teaching style today. You are the best! You are a professional teacher! I learnt so much from you today. You are such a passionate teacher. I enjoyed being your student today. Your teaching style is so good. I was able to learn a lot today, thanks to you.
又は 例文 I'm so glad I booked your lesson today. You are the best teacher. 今日は先生のレッスンを予約できて良かったです。あなたは最高の先生です。 I enjoyed your lesson and your teaching style today. You are the best! 今日のレッスンと先生の教え方はとても良かったです。あなたは最高の先生です。 You are a professional teacher! I learnt so much from you today. あなたはプロの先生ですね。今日は先生からとても多くのことが学べました。 You are such a passionate teacher. I enjoyed being your student today. あなたは本当に熱心な先生ですね。今日あなたに教えて頂いて良かったです。 Your teaching style is so good. I was able to learn a lot today, thanks to you. 先生の教え方は本当に良かったです。今日も多くのことを学ぶことができました。ありがとうございます。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • I am so glad I booked your class today! You are a nice teacher

  • Thanks for being such an encouraging teacher, I am glad I booked your class!

" I had a great time in your class today, so I am glad I booked your class" "I learnt a lot in the class today, your encouragement helps me!" "I am glad I booked your class today, it was great!"
例文 " I had a great time in your class today, so I am glad I booked your class" 今日の授業はとても楽しかったです。先生の授業を受けることができて良かったです。 "I learnt a lot in the class today, your encouragement helps me!" 今日の授業でたくさん学ぶ事が出来ました。先生が励ましてくれたのが良かったです。 "I am glad I booked your class today, it was great!" 今日先生の授業を受けることができて良かったです。授業はとても良かったです。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • I'm pleased that I took your lesson today.

  • I'm glad I took your class today.

  • I am happy that I took a lesson with you. I learned a lot.

When you want to express to your teacher that you are glad that you took booked a lesson with them, then you can say: -I'm pleased that I took your lesson today. -I'm glad I took your class today. -I am happy that I took a lesson with you. I learned a lot.
先生のレッスンを受けて嬉しいと表現する時、次のように言えます。 -I'm pleased that I took your lesson today. 今日、先生のレッスンが受けられてよかったです。 -I'm glad I took your class today. 今日、先生の授業が受けられてよかったです。 -I am happy that I took a lesson with you. I learned a lot. 先生のレッスンが受けられてよかったです。たくさん学びました。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for the encouragement!

  • I really enjoyed our lesson

  • I'm happy I booked with you

Thanks for the encouragement! This is a very nice way to specifically thank the teacher for encouraging you during the lesson. I like the way you taught me, you were nice and encouraging. This is very simple and direct about how you feel. You liked the lesson is nice for the teacher to know. If you say "I really enjoyed our lesson" that is very polite as well, but not specific. You don't say why you enjoyed the lesson. Also "I am happy I booked with you" is really nice for a teacher to hear, and again, not specific.
Thanks for the encouragement! (励ましてくれてありがとう!) これは、先生に授業中励ましてくれたことを感謝するとてもいい言い方です。 I like the way you taught me, you were nice and encouraging. (先生の教え方が好きです。とても励みになりました。) 自分の気持ちをとてもシンプルに直接的に表現しています。授業が良かったことを先生に伝えるのはいいですね。 I really enjoyed our lesson. (レッスンすごく楽しかったです) とても丁寧ですが、漠然とした言い方です。授業が楽しかった理由は言っていません。 また、「I am happy I booked with you(先生のレッスンが受けられて良かった)」も、すごくいい表現ですが、漠然としています。
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
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