世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




片思い中の人に向けて。 少し切ない感じ。
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2017/10/18 00:02
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  • I want to know everything about you.

  • Tell me what makes you tick.

If you want the person that you like to tell you all about them, you can say: I want to know everything about you. This is the most simple way of saying it. It can be a nice statement so that the person feels free to talk about anything. You can also say: Tell me what makes you tick. What makes you tick - This is a phrase used to describe what gets you going or what is important to you. It is a nice, modern and native phrase that can sound romantic. I hope that helps!
好きな人の全てを教えてほしい場合、こんな風に表現する事ができます: I want to know everything about you. (あなたのことをすべて知りたいです。) これが一番シンプルな言い方です。 その人が話しやすくなるので、良い表現だと思います。 あなたはまたこんな風に表現する事ができます: Tell me what makes you tick. (あなたが何に興味があるのか教えて下さい。) what makes you tick. -これは、あなたが何に興味があるか、あなたにとって何が大切かを説明する際に使用されるフレーズです。 ロマンチックな雰囲気を演出する素敵なネイティブのフレーズです。 お役に立ちますように!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Please tell me your life story!

  • How did you become such a wonderful person?

Well, it seems like a bit of a cheesy request, so the best thing is to make a bit off a joke of it. Such a request would not be taken so seriously any way because it would take longer than most people have to give such details. Cheesy = Hackneyed and obviously sentimental. ‘An album of cheesy pop hits’ However, you could say something like: "How did you become such a wonderful person?" and your friend will probably laugh and may share something with you. But this also seems not such a serious question, just playful banter.
そうですね、少し古臭く聞こえるので、 一番良いのは少し冗談をほのめかす言い方にすることです。 こういった表現は真剣に捉えてもらえません。 なぜならその詳細について話すと時間がかかるからです。 Cheesy =古臭くて明らかにセンチメンタルな状態 ‘An album of cheesy pop hits’(古臭いポップヒットのアルバム) 質問として、次のように言うことができます: "How did you become such a wonderful person?" (どうやってそんな素晴らしい人になったのですか?) あなたの友人はおそらく笑い、なにか情報などを共有するかもしれません。 しかし、この言い方もまた真面目な質問に聞こえず、遊び心のある冗談を含んだ言い方になります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Tell me what you all about.

  • I would like to know more about you.

*Tell me what you all about. If someone says tell me what you all about it means that you would like to know what makes them special or different from other people. *I would like to know more about you. As much as we may want to know everything about someone it is impossible. We can only get to know more about them so that we can get closer to them.
*Tell me what you all about. (あなたのすべてを教えてください) 誰かがこのような質問をしたら、他の人とは違い、特別だという意味です。 *I would like to know more about you. (もう少しあなたの事を知りたいです) 誰かの事を出来る限り全部知ることは不可能です。 ちょっとだけ相手の事を知ったら、少し近づくことが出来ますよね。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Tell me everything about your successes and tribulations.

If someone has to tell you everything about himself /herself, he/she will have to tell you about his/her successes as well as his/her tribulations/failures. The noun 'tribulations' refers to 'problems or difficulties. If he/she highlights successes only I in his/her story, you can be sure that only part of the story has been told. So, you may say: Tell me everything about your successes and tribulations.
あなたが誰かの全てを知りたいという事は、その人の"successes"(成功) 、"tribulations"(苦難),"failures"(失敗)も全て知りたいと言う意味になります。 この'tribulations'(苦難)と言う名詞は 'problems or difficulties'(問題や困難) と言う事を意味します。 その人が成功したことばかり目立たたせて話したら、 一部分しか話していないようで、あなたには分からないですよね。 ですので、次のように表現することが出来ます。 【例文】 Tell me everything about your successes and tribulations. (あなたのすべてを教えてください、成功も苦難も)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I want to know you completely.

  • I want to know all there is to know about you.

  • Tell me everything that turns your gears!

It is always great to get to know somebody. It is important to know what drives them and what turns them off. The expression “turns your gears” is an idiomatic reference to a “clock gears”. They turn as the clock is working properly. The phrase basically means, “what gets you going?” or “what are you into?” or “what makes you tick?”. Saying you want to know them completely is also another way of expressing you would like to know everything about them.
誰かの事を知ることはいつもとても素晴らしい事ですよね。 何が相手をやる気にさせるか、 うんざりさせるか知ることはとても重要な事です。 この“turns your gears”(歯車が回る) イディオム的な表現です。 “clock gears”(歯車を回す)という様な事を意味しています。 時計がきちんと動くように歯車が回りますよね。 このフレーズは基本的に次のような意味になります。 “what gets you going?” (何があなたをやる気にしてくれますか?) “what are you into?” (何に興味がありますか?) “what makes you tick?” (どうしてそのように考えるの?) 相手の事を完全に知りたいという事は、 相手の事を全て知りたいというもう一つの表現ですよね。
Dezzi DMM英会話講師
  • I want to get to know him/ her

  • I want to know everything about you

When meeting anyone new it's important to learn things about them such as their likes, dislikes, favorites, personal experiences, Etc. When it's a crush, you may be compelled to know everything about them. So you have to spend the time to get to know them which may eventually lead to dating.
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • How did you get to where you are today?

  • I'm really interested, where have you been & what have you done?

  • What are your pet hates?

How did you get to where you are today? - This question is not letting on that you fancy the person, but more of a conversation starter which may develop in to something. I'm really interested, where have you been & what have you done? - Said with the right tone & facial expression, this may hint to the person that you fancy/have a crush on them & may be the beginning of something. What are your pet hates? - This is probably the best question, as you get to know what the person hates, then you can work out what the person likes :)
How did you get to where you are today? (どのように今日のあなたになったの?) - この質問は相手に魅了されていることは伝えず、 どちらかと言うと話を弾ませるための会話の切り出し方のようなものです。 I'm really interested, where have you been & what have you done? (あなたに興味があります、どこにいて何をしていたの?) - 軽い調子と顔つきで言いましょう。 相手の事が好きかもしれないというほのめかしで、 もしかしたら何かが始まるかも知れませんね。 What are your pet hates? (あなたが毛嫌いしてい物は何?) - これがもしかしたら一番いい質問かも知れませんね。 相手の嫌いなものを知ることによって、 相手が好きな物を知ることを探し出すことが出来るかもしれません :)
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • I want to know everything about you.

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、単純に I want to know everything about you. 「私はあなたの全てが知りたいです」 のように表現できると思いました(*^_^*) 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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