「ド忘れする」という動詞は slip one's mind ですので、他のアンカーの方も回答されている It slipped my mindでOKです。 わすれちゃった の「ちゃった」を表現するには just を使ってみてもいいと思います。
It slipped my mind.
でも↑の表現をど忘れした時は、forget を使えばいいんですよ。
I forgot for the moment. (ど忘れしちゃった)
I cannot recall at the moment. (今、思い出せない~)
1. 'Oh dear!' is an exclamation of regret. To slip one's mind = to temporarily forget something.
2. A statement that you cannot remember.
3. This is a stock expression for this situation. You complain about your poor memory!
1.. 'Oh dear!'!後悔の感嘆です。 To slip one's mind = 一時的に何かを忘れる
2. 覚えていないや、という表現。
This is weird. I cannot remember what I wanted to say.
This does not usually happen. I can remember what I wanted to say.
This shows that you knew what you wanted to say but somehow you have forgotten. Using expressions like "this is weird" and "this does not usually happen" implies that you do know what you want to say but you cannot remember.
これは、あなたが何を言いたいのか分かっていたが、なぜかあなたは忘れてしまったことを示している。"this is weird" または、 "this does not usually happen"のような表現を使用することは、あなたが何を言いたいのか分かっていても思い出せないことを意味します。
Saying something has 'slipped your mind' is the perfect way to say that you can not remember something. Similarly, saying 'my mind has gone blank' means you are struggling to remember something.
Saying something is 'on the tip of your tongue' is a way of expressing that you know you have forgotten something and you can nearly remember what it is, but you can't quite.
'Who sings this song?' 'Ah the name is on the tip of my tongue, but I cannot remember.'
slipped your mind' は「思い出せない」と言うときにピッタリのフレーズです。
同様に、'my mind has gone blank' は「思い出せない」という意味です。
'on the tip of your tongue' は「思い出せそうで思い出せない」と伝える言い方です。
'Who sings this song?'(この曲誰が歌っているの)
'Ah the name is on the tip of my tongue, but I cannot remember.'(名前がここまで出ているんだけど思い出せない)
I can't believe that I forgot about your birthday!
Please forgive me but I've been so preoccupied lately.
I cannot believe that I forgot about your birthday!
I cannot believe implies that it is out of the ordinary for
you to forget your friend / colleague's birthday.
Please forgive me but I've been so preoccupied lately.
Preoccupied means that there have been so many things
on your mind lately that is why you forgot on this occasion.
I cannot believe that I forgot about your birthday!ー私があなたの誕生日を忘れるなんて信じられない!
I cannot believeはふつうは忘れないということをほのめかしています。
Please forgive me but I've been so preoccupied lately.私を許してください。最近私は頭がいっぱいなの。
I can't believe that I forgot.
Can't (contraction)
- means cannot.
'Can't believe' shows that you are surprised or shocked that you forgot about something.
It implies that what you forgot is something you would usually remember.
A: Our meeting was supposed to happen yesterday.
B: I can't believe I forgot. I'm usually organised.
A: It was her birthday yesterday.
B: I can't believe that I forgot.
I can't believe that I forgot.
Can't - cannotの省略形
'Can't believe' とは、驚きとショックを表しています。
A: Our meeting was supposed to happen yesterday.
B: I can't believe I forgot. I'm usually organised.
A: It was her birthday yesterday.
B: I can't believe that I forgot.
My memory betrays me. I cannot remember what I usually do.
It's a very common situation when you forget very simple things. The first phrase is a commonly used way for explaining the problem but, for some reasons, I used to say the second one more often.
A) It completely slipped my mind!
*slipped my mind -When you say that something "slipped your mind", it means that you forgot about it. People use "slip (one's) mind" for talking about forgetting to do tasks, or forgetting people's names. If you didn't remember something at all, you can say that it "totally" or "completely" slipped your mind
B) I completely forgot!
*Completely -totally; utterly.
Example -"the fire completely destroyed the building"
*Forget -past tense: forgot,fail to remember.
Example -"he had forgotten his lines"
I hope this helps :-)
A) It completely slipped my mind!
*slipped my mind -もし何かが"slipped your mind"ということはその事についてすっかり忘れていたという意味になります。 "slip (one's) mind"を使って仕事とか人の名前などを忘れてしまった事を言います。もし、すっかり忘れてしまっていたら"totally" や "completely"つけて言うことが出来ます。
B) I completely forgot! (すっかり忘れてた!)
*Completely -全く、完全に
例 -"the fire completely destroyed the building"
*Forget -過去形"forgot"忘れる
例 -"he had forgotten his lines"
お役に立てれば幸いです :-)
・「I completely forgot what I was gonna tell you.」
(例文)I completely forgot what I was gonna tell you. Maybe I'm a little tired.