「それ、ある(何かの)映画で見たことあります」と言えばいいでしょう。「a movie」としているので映画の名前は特定せず、「ある映画」という言い方をします。本で読んだ場合は「I've read that in a book」、ラジオで聞いた場合は「I've heard that on the radio」となります。ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
You could simply say I know this from somewhere and the other person would understand you were talking about the movie, or would ask where you know it from.
We infer a lot of information when talking in English. Specifics are not vital in casual conversations.
I've seen it in a movie.
I've heard that in a movie.
I've read that in a book before.
I've seen that in a movie once.
Deja vu' literally means 'seen before' in French. If you have seem a very similar scene in a movie before (which happens a lot) then this phrase seems quite appropriate in that context.
Deja vu'はフランス語で「前に見たことがある」という意味です。映画でそっくりな場面を見たことがあるのなら(よくあることですが)、このフレーズが使えるでしょう。
The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that you have seen a particular scene from a movie in the past. In the second sentence you will notice the adverb previously. This word means before. This is a word that is common in our everyday conversation and it is appropriate for both formal and informal settings.
Remember that there are two words that sound the same but have different meanings.
Seen - means to view something...
Scene - is a moment in a movie...
Movies tend to use the same ideas over and over again so it is likely that at some point you will see something similar between movies which will warrant you saying either of the above sentences.
Seen - 見る。
Scene - 映画のシーン。
・「I've seen this scene in a movie.」
<例文>I've seen this scene in a movie. I think it was a French movie.
・vocabulary:movie 映画