世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/10/26 17:13
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  • I ate 10 plates worth of sushi at a sushi restaurant

  • I ate 10 dishes of sushi at a sushi conveyor belt restaurant

  • I ate 20 pieces of sushi

回転寿司 = sushi conveyor belt restaurant Plates and dishes are almost the same except for specific use of what specific English native country’s own slang is so I feel that you don’t need to worry. Since this is closely related to an aspect of culture, if you’re talking to someone who knows sushi is served 2 pieces on a plate then it’s fine to say either “ I ate 10 plates worth of sushi at a sushi restaurant.” Or “I ate 10 dishes of sushi at a sushi conveyor belt restaurant ” If it’s someone who does know the fact that in Japan 1 plate of sushi has 2 pieces of sushi in it, you can say “I ate 20 pieces of sushi” because you are counting individual pieces.
回転寿司 = "sushi conveyor belt restaurant" "Plates"と"dishes"は英語圏それぞれの俗語の特定の使い方を除いてほとんど同じです。よってこれらの違いを心配する必要はないと思います。 これは文化の側面に密接に関連しているため、寿司が1皿に2貫乗っていることを知っている人に話す時は“I ate 10 plates worth of sushi at a sushi restaurant.”(私は寿司屋で10皿分の寿司を食べました)または “I ate 10 dishes of sushi at a sushi conveyor belt restaurant ”(私は回転寿司屋で寿司を10皿食べました)と言っても大丈夫です。 日本では1皿に寿司が2貫乗っていることを知らない相手であれば寿司を数えて“I ate 20 pieces of sushi”(私は寿司を20貫食べました)ということができます。
Denise Nicole Tiu Tantuco Private English teacher
  • I ate 10 sushi plates at a sushi restaurant.

  • I had 10 plates of sushi at a sushi restaurant.

  • I ate 10 sushi plates/dishes.

In this case if you were to use the first or the second statement either one would be acceptable because the order of sushi and plates doesn't matter. It can be "10 sushi plates" or "10 plates of sushi." Most people will never call a sushi restaurant a "sushi-belt restaurant" because everyone knows or understands that there will likely be a belt there.
1番目のフレーズと2番目のフレーズでの違いは"10 sushi plates" と "10 plates of sushi."で「10皿の寿司」という意味で大差ありません。 通常寿司を何皿という会話をするのは回転寿司レストランだと聞き手も理解しているので、 "a sushi restaurant"だけで、回転寿司"sushi-belt restaurant"とわざわざ言及しなくても良いでしょう。
Ahmo DMM英会話講師
  • 10 plates of sushi

  • 10 sushi plates

  • 10 conveyor belt plates of sushi

You may easily just explain that you ate ten plates of sushi, however it does not exactly set the imagination on fire. To be more graphic you could explain exactly what happened: "10 conveyor belt plates of sushi." Then to make it more interesting, yould embellish it a little: "I gulped down 10 conveyor belts of sushi with hardly a pause for breath between each plate!"
10皿の寿司を食べたことをただ説明することは簡単かもしれませんが、これではあまり想像力が掻き立てられません。もっと具体的にイメージできるように、正に起こったことを説明してみましょう。 例文 "10 conveyor belt plates of sushi." コンベヤーベルトの10皿の寿司。 そして少し面白くするために、脚色しましょう。 例文 "I gulped down 10 conveyor belts of sushi with hardly a pause for breath between each plate!" コンベヤーベルトの10皿の寿司を、ひと皿ずつほんの一息で食べたんだ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I enjoyed 10 servings of sushi

  • I had ten small servings of sushi

  • I had ten pieces of sushi

I enjoyed 10 servings of sushi- A serving doesn't have to be a large amount of food. I had ten small servings of sushi- Indicating that they are small in amount. I had ten pieces of sushi- As sushi is often served in very small amounts pieces works well here.
例文 I enjoyed 10 servings of sushi- 私は寿司を10皿食べた。 A servingは、食べ物の量が多いということを言うだけに使われるわけではありません。 例文 I had ten small servings of sushi 私は寿司を小皿で10皿食べた。 量が少ないことを表しています。 例文 I had ten pieces of sushi 寿司を10貫食べた。 寿司は少量で出されることが多いので、ここでは貫を使うと良いでしょう。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • I ate 10 plates of sushi at the conveyor belt sushi restaurant.

  • I had 10 plates of sushi at the rotating belt at the sushi restaurant.

Explanation: I think that a person has to grab a plate as it moves along the conveyor belt. That would be the easiest thing to do and the safest too. Grabbing a piece of sushi would be tough and not very hygienic either. So if a plate is grabbed, then one would say I had a plate of sushi. But if one grabs a piece of sushi, then you would say I had 10 pieces of sushi.
説明 お寿司がコンベヤーベルトを廻っている時にお皿を取らないといけないのではないかと私は思います。 お皿を取るのが一番簡単ですし、安全です。お寿司を1貫ずつ取るのは大変ですし、衛生上あまり良いことではありません。 もしお皿を取ったのであれば、お寿司の皿を取ったと言います。しかしお寿司を1貫取ったのであれば、お寿司を10貫取ったと言わないといけません。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • 10 plates of sushi

  • 10 serving of sushi

  • 10 different dishes of sushi

When we say we had 10 plates of something that means we had 10 servings or portions like on 1 plate but dishes is a little more broader term. If I say I had 10 dishes of sushi then that means I ate 10 entirely different sushi meals . For example a dish is spaghetti, a turkey dinner etc. Sushi is a special food because the portions of sushi is usually two pieces on a plate that is why it sounds weird when we say 10 plates of sushi . Some people say pieces of sushi instead of plates of sushi. So we could say either: "I had 10 plates of sushi at the restaurant " or " I had 10 plates of 2 pieces of sushi"
"10 plates of something"というと、それは一つの皿の上にのった1つぶんまたは一人前が10個という意味になりますが、"dishes"というと少し幅広い意味になります。もし"10 dishes of sushi"というとそれは私が10個の全く異なる寿司セットを食べたということになります。例えば"dish"はスパゲッティや七面鳥などということになります。ふつう寿司2つが一皿なので、"10 plates of sushi"と言ってしまうと不自然な感じがあります。"pieces of sushi"と言うひともいます。 "I had 10 plates of sushi at the restaurant " (レストランで寿司を10皿食べたよ。) " I had 10 plates of 2 pieces of sushi." (寿司が2つのった皿を10皿食べたよ。) となります。
Sarah Olin DMM英語講師
  • I had 10 plates of sushi.

  • I had ten bowls of sushi.

  • I had 10 dishes of sushi.

All of these sentences express that you have eaten 10 plates worth of sushi.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
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