世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/01 18:46
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  • A real shop

  • A high street shop

  • A physical shop

Yes, as time moves forward and technology takes a more leading role in our everyday activities, it may become more and more necessary to explain that you are either talking about a virtual shop or business, or a real enterprise that actually exists. You could refer to the real thing as 'a high street shop' meaning a real building set in a traditional shopping area - or, just call it a 'physical shop,' which leads no room for misinterpretation.
はい、時が流れ、毎日の 活動において、技術が主たる 役割を果すようになるにつれて 仮想店舗、仮想ビジネス 又は実際に存在する実際の 企業について話している のかどうかを説明することが ますます必要になっています。 実在の店舗は”a high street shop” と説明することができ、 伝統的な商店街にある実存する 建物のことです。 又は単に”a physical shop”と 呼べば、誤解の余地は なくなります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • brick and mortar shop

Brick and mortar shop refers to a store that has a physical presence, not an online shop. Usually in conversation, if the store is not specifically identified as an online shop, then it means that it is a brick and mortar or physical shop with an address. A: Where did you buy that dress? It's cute. B: I bought it at the Macy's downtown. C: Where did you get your briefcase? I need a new one. D: I ordered it online from Neiman Marcus.
Brick and mortar shopは、オンライン ショップではなく、実存する店舗の ことを表しています。 通常会話では、店舗が、特に オンラインショップと明記 されていなければ、 その店は住所がある実店舗と いうことになります。 例文 A: Where did you buy that dress? It's cute. その服をどこで買ったの?かわいいね。 B: I bought it at the Macy's downtown. 街中のマーシーのお店で買ったよ。 C: Where did you get your briefcase? I need a new one. あなたのブリーフケースはどこで 買ったの?新しいのが必要なんだ。 D: I ordered it online from Neiman Marcus. ネットでネイマンマーカスで注文したよ。
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • A brick and mortar shop.

  • A real shop with an address ;)

  • The shop inside a mall or a department store

The store down the lane (e.g. I am going to the store down the lane. Do you want to come along with me?) A physical store = I like shopping at a physical store. The experience is much more enjoyable. A traditional store = Shopping at a traditional store is really tiring. I'd rather shop online and from the comfort of my own home.
The store down the lane 通りの向こう側の店 例文 I am going to the store down the lane. Do you want to come along with me? 通りの向こうの店に行くよ。 私と一緒に来たい? - A physical store 実店舗 例文 I like shopping at a physical store. 実店舗で買い物をするのが好きだ。 The experience is much more enjoyable. 実店舗での買い物のほうがはるかに楽しい。 - A traditional store 昔ながらの店舗 例文 Shopping at a traditional store is really tiring. 昔ながらの店での買い物は本当に退屈だ。 I'd rather shop online and from the comfort of my own home. ネットで家から快適に買い物を する方が良いよ。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • brick and mortar store

  • an actual store

  • a physical location (store, or any other building)

When a person is trying to describe or talk about a store/shop that is not only online, but can be gone to in the real world, you can call it a "a physical location" or an "actual/real store"
オンラインショップだけではなくて、実生活で訪れることのできる店舗について説明したり話したりする時、"a physical location" (実際の場所)あるいは "actual/real store" (実店舗)と表現出来ます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • A Bricks & Mortar Establishment.

  • I like shopping online so much...I rarely enter a bricks & mortar establishment these days.

The digital world has many advantages over bricks and mortar as in the more traditional shopping experience where real world service counts for a lot... The reality is prices are cheaper online since Bricks & Mortar stores have higher rates rent etc "I like shopping online so much...I rarely enter a bricks & mortar establishment these days."
実店舗が大いに価値のある伝統的な買物と同様に、デジタル世界にも実店舗に勝る多くの強みがあります。。。 現実的には、実店舗は家賃等諸経費がかさむ為、価格はオンラインの方が安く抑えられます。 I like shopping online so much...I rarely enter a bricks & mortar establishment these days. (私はオンラインで買物することがとても好きです。最近はめったに店舗には入りません。)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • a brick and mortar shop

  • an actual store

  • a physical store

The expression "brick and mortar store" is used to explain a store or place of business that is not virtual/ or on the internet. You can also say: traditional store physical store
「brick and mortar store」は「〔仮想空間(インターネット上)のお店ではなく〕現実世界のお店、リアルショップ」を表します。 また、次のように言うことも出来ます。 traditional store(従来のお店) physical store(実際に存在するお店)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • Brick and mortar shop

  • A shop

  • Physical store

When you're talking a physical store, a shop that isn't just online; the term "brick and mortar shop" is usually used. But remember that when we use the words shop/store most people would usually assume you're talking about a physical store. When it comes to an online store, then you'd have to mention specifically that the store is "online" to indicate that there is no physical store. For example: Gucci has brick and mortar shops but also has online stores.
あなたがオンライン上の店舗ではなく、実店舗のことを言いたいとき、「brick and mortar shop」という単語がしばしば使われます。しかし、あなたが「shop/store」という単語を使うと、ほとんどの人は、あなたが実店舗のことを言っていると思うでしょう。オンラインショップの場合は、特にオンラインであることを言い、実店舗がないことを示す必要があります。例えば: Gucci has brick and mortar shops but also has online stores. (Gucciは実店舗もありますが、オンラインショップもあります。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Physical store

  • Brick and mortar store

A 'physical store' is a store one that is located inside a building and not online. It is a store into which one can walk and buy items that he/she would like to buy. A physical store can also be called a 'brick and mortar' store, be it a clothing store, bookstore or any other store dealing in any other product. So, if asked by someone if you are going to buy your product online or otherwise, you may say: I will buy my clothes from a physical store, where I can physically try the clothes on to make sure that they fit me. or I will buy my kitchenware from a brick and mortar store in the city.
「physical store」は建物の中にある店のことで、オンライン上ではありません。店の中を歩いて、買いたい商品を歩いて買うことができます。 「physical store」は、「brick and mortar store」とも呼ばれ、衣服屋、本屋、またはその他の製品を扱う店があります。 もし、誰かがあなたにオンラインで買うのかそうでなければと尋ねたら、以下のように答えることができるでしょう: I will buy my clothes from a physical store, where I can physically try the clothes on to make sure that they fit me. (わたしは実店舗で服を買います。そこでは、試着ができ、私の体に合うのか確かめることができます。) I will buy my kitchenware from a brick and mortar store in the city. (私は、街の実店舗で台所用品を買います。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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