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「この家具は高いです」のようにひとつの「家具」の話のときと、「家具は買いません」のように複数の「家具」をさすときで使う英語は変わってきますか?どちらも furniture ですか?
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2017/11/02 17:54
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  • All of the furniture is in the house.

  • That once piece of furniture has been sold.

The word furniture stays the same when speaking of one piece or many pieces. "All of the furniture is in the house." The refers to many items. "That one piece of furniture has been sold."This refers to one item.
furnitureという語は、1つ又は 複数で言う時も同じ形です。 例文 "All of the furniture is in the house." 家具は全て家にあります。 これは多くの家具を表しています。. "That one piece of furniture has been sold. 家具の1つが販売された。 これは1つの家具を表しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Household furniture

  • Piece of furniture

The ,word 'household' functions as both a noun and an adjective. In this instance, it has been used as an adjective to describe the 'furniture'. The noun 'household' means 'the people of a house collectively; a family including its servants'. 'Household furniture' is the furniture of the household. So, you may say: We need to renew the household furniture. The noun 'piece' has several meanings, but, in this context, it means ' an item forming part of a set'. A single item of furniture can be referred to as a 'piece of furniture' So, you may say: This piece of furniture needs repairs or you may call it by the name it is known and say: The couch needs repairs.
"household"という語には、 動詞と形容詞の機能があります。 この場合は家具を表す形容詞と して使われています。 "household"という名詞は、 集合名詞としてお手伝いさん、 家族も含めて家にいる人 という意味です。 'Household furniture'は家の家具です。 ”piece"という名詞は意味がいくつかありますが、 この文章では、”全体の一部を構成するもの” という意味です。 家具1つは'piece of furniture'と 表します。 ですからこう言うことができます。 例文 This piece of furniture needs repairs この家具は修理が必要だ。 又はよく知られている名前で 呼ぶこともでき、こう言います。 例文 The couch needs repairs. 長椅子は修理が必要だ。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Household items

  • A household item

  • An item of furniture

You may call things like sofas and chairs: 'furniture,' items of furniture,' or 'household items.' The word 'item' may also include other articles in the home such as ornaments and carpets. The word 'furniture' is a general name for all types. We do not say 'furnitures.' One chair, for example is 'an item of furniture.' A chair is a type of furniture. In the UK if someone dies, their items of furniture and other things are sometimes collected and sold at auction. These thing may then be referred to as 'household effects.'
ソファーや椅子のような物は'furniture, items of furniture,' 又は 'household items.'と呼ぶことが出来ます。'item'という語は、装飾品やカーペットのような家にあるその他の物も含むことがあります。 'furniture' という語は、全ての家具の一般的な名称です。'furnitures'という言い方はしません。例えば、1脚の椅子は 'an item of furniture.' です。椅子は家具の一種です。 イギリスでは人が亡くなると、家具やその他の所有物はオークションで販売されることがあります。これらの物は、'household effects.'(家財)と表現されることもあります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • furniture

  • a piece of furniture

家具は一般的にfurnitureと言います。数を付けたい場合、pieceを付けなければいけないです。 例えば A piece of furnitureや Two pieces of furnitureです。 例) この家具は高いです This piece of furniture is expensive 家具は買いません I don't buy furniture ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Furniture (this noun has only the singular form)

  • An item of furniture

  • A piece of furniture

Furniture has only the singular for. Furnitures is incorrect as there is no plural form to this noun. When you wish to talk about 1 item or piece of furniture, you can use 'an item of furniture' or 'a piece of furniture.' Furniture is an uncountable noun. Example sentences: The furniture in that shop is very expensive (here furniture refers to all the furniture in that shop) I bought a new piece of furniture today, a dining suite. I bought some furniture online but when upon delivery I noticed that one piece of furniture was broken, a stool.
Furnitureには単数形しかありません。単数形しかありませんから Furnituresは間違いです。 1つの家具について言いたい時は、'an item of furniture' 又は 'a piece of furniture.'が使えます。' Furnitureは不可算名詞です。 例文 The furniture in that shop is very expensive (here furniture refers to all the furniture in that shop) あの店の家具はとても高価だ。(ここでの家具は、店の全ての家具について言っています。) I bought a new piece of furniture today, a dining suite. 今日は新しい家具を買ったよ。食卓家具だよ。 I bought some furniture online but when upon delivery I noticed that one piece of furniture was broken, a stool. ネットで家具をいくつか買ったんだけど、配送されてきたら、1つが壊れているのに気付いた。それはスツールだよ。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • Furniture...(singular & plural)

  • My furniture is all but worn out, I really need to update the house...

Household goods / " Furniture" is the generic name for all the STUFF we pack in to "Furnish our homes"...beds, sofas, chairs, desks, etc It can be used both as singular and plural...(We sometimes refer to "furnishings") but... its all furniture in the end;-))
"Household goods"(家財道具) / " Furniture" (家具)が私たちが "Furnish our homes"(家に備え付ける)すべて物の総称になります。 beds, sofas, chairs, desks, etc (ベッド、ソファー、椅子、机、など) これは単数でも複数でも使うことが出来ます。 (時々 "furnishings"ともいいます) でも、結局 "all furniture"(全ての家具)です;-))
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • furniture

「家具」は英語で「furniture」といいます。単数形と複数形は同じ「furniture」です。 I enjoy buying furniture. (私は家具を買う事が好きです。) My father’s hobby is making furniture. (父親の趣味は家具を作る事です。) My mother works at a furniture shop. (母親は家具屋で働いています。) He collects antique furniture. (彼はアンティーク家具を集めています。)
Mairi 英語講師/著者/英語ブロガー
  • furniture.

  • Furnishing

  • Movables

Furniture is any moveable object that decorates a room or makes it easier to live in. For example, there is furniture for different rooms in the house; the bathroom, the kitchen, the bedroom, etc Kitchen furniture can be things like the oven, cupboards, and refrigerator. "I am moving this piece of furniture to the end side of the room because it is too crowded in this part of the room." "This is my favorite piece of furniture." "This weekend I bought some furniture for my living room." "Please remove all the brown furniture from this room, it does not match well with the curtains."
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • furniture

  • piece of furniture

複数、単数、どちらでもfurnitureと言います。 例えば、 I don't buy furniture 家具は買いません でも困っていたら、話すときに単数の家具であればfurnitureの代わりにpieceもいいと思います。 This piece is expensive This piece of furniture is expensive この家具は高いです ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • furniture

  • piece of furniture

When talking about household items such as chairs, sofas, tables etc we simply call them furniture or 'household furniture' when talking about one piece as well as saying that piece 'the chair i bought was very expensive ' you could also use the term 'piece of furniture' so 'that piece of furniture was expensive'
椅子、ソファ、テーブルなどの家財道具は 'furniture' または 'household furniture' といいます。 一つについていうなら、 'the chair I bought was very expensive'(私の買った椅子は値段が高かった) とともに、'piece of furniture' を使って、 'that piece of furniture was expensive'(その家具は高かった) という言い方もできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • furniture

こんにちは。 家具は「furniture」といいます。 「一点の家具」は「a piece of furniture」といいます。 ・家具一点:a piece of furniture ・家具三点:three pieces of furniture 家具にまつわる単語をいくつかご紹介します。 ・家具:furniture ・テーブル:table ・ソファ:sofa/couch ・クッション:cushion ・椅子:chair ・肘掛け椅子:armchair ・ベッド:bed ・シーツ:bed sheet ・押入れ:closet 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • furniture

1)家具(furniture)はそれ単体で複数形の意味合いを持ちます。 個別の家具について述べるときはThis や The を前につけて特定します。 ex「This furniture is expensive.」 2)一般的な複数の家具をさす際にはFurnitureのみです。 ex「I don't buy funiture.」 特定していない一般的な家具のことを言っているので、定冠詞も不要です。
Akihito Mizukoshi トロント在住ライター
  • furniture

日本語「家具」を英語に訳すと「furniture」などになります。 「furniture」は「家具」という意味の名詞です。 「furniture」は数えられない名詞なので、複数形にはなりません。常に単数形です。 【例】 I don't have much furniture. →あまり家具は持っていません。 Furniture is expensive. →家具は高いです。 ご質問ありがとうございました。
DMM Eikaiwa F DMM英会話
  • There is a huge space in my room for lots of furniture.

  • I don't have lots of furniture.

"There is a huge space in my room for lots of furniture." "I don't have lots of furniture." "Furniture" is a noun and it is a movable article that is used to make a room or building suitable for living or working in." Furniture stays the same for singular and plural. "Possession" is something that you own and can be taken with you. Possession shows a relation or relationship to/with something.
"There is a huge space in my room for lots of furniture." 〔訳〕私の部屋には家具がたくさん置ける大きなスペースがある "I don't have lots of furniture." 〔訳〕 あまり家具を持っていません。 「furniture(=名詞)」は、部屋や建物を住みやすく(働きやすく)するために置く、移動可能な品物を言います。「furniture」は単数形でも複数形でも「furniture」、変わりません。「possession」は、持ち運びできる所有物です。「possession」は、物との関係性を表します。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Furniture.

The movable articles that are used to make a room or building suitable for living or working in, such as tables, chairs, or desks, (singular or plural). For example. We have just moved in, and we have nothing here. You really need to get some furniture. I know. We have a chair but it isn't enough. We can go and get some this weekend if you would like. That would be wonderful. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Furniture

  • Furnishings

  • Household goods

Furniture' is used for both the singular and plural, meaning that we say furniture for one piece of furniture or for all the furniture in your house. 'Furnishings' refers to all furniture, fittings, and other decorative accessories such as curtains and carpets, for a house or room. 'Household goods' Household goods are the goods and products that are used within a house, that aren't fixed in place and that can be moved around.
Furniture'(家具)とは単数でも複数でも使われます。 ですので "one piece of furniture"(一つの家具)や"all the furniture in your house"(家じゅうのすべての家具)と言う事が出来ます。 'Furnishings'(備え付け家具)とは全ての家具や、カーテンやカーペットなどの部屋を装飾するものなども含みます。 'Household goods' (家財道具)とは家で使われづ道具の事をいます。 これらは引っ越しに持ち運ぶもので、備え付けられてはいません。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • furniture (for both singular and pluar)

  • I bought a small piece of furniture from the store earlier today.

  • We have to move a lot of furniture to the new house.

"Furniture" is not countable. A quantifier must be added to the noun to make it countable such as: Ex: "some furniture" "a truck of furniture" "a piece of furniture"
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Furniture is a word that can be used as one object or a collection of similar objects.

  • This house has lots of furniture.

  • We need new furniture, ours is getting old and uncomfortable.

家具 furniture 家具は、1つのオブジェクトまたは類似したオブジェクトの コレクションとして使用できる単語です。 Furniture is a word that can be used as one object or a collection of similar objects. この家にはたくさんの家具があります。 This house has lots of furniture. 私たちは新しい家具を必要としています、 私たちの家具は古くて不快になっています。 We need new furniture, ours is getting old and uncomfortable.
  • furniture

家具はfurnitureと言います(*^_^*) 家の中によくある家具などの系統の英語を列挙しますね♪ cupboard 食器棚 chair 椅子 table テーブル desk 机 sofa ソファ pillow 枕 bed ベッド dresser タンス closet クローゼット bookshelf 本棚 safe 金庫 rug 絨毯 garbage can ゴミ箱 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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