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散歩の英語を検索すると walk や stroll が出てきますが、ぷらぷらと特にあてなく散歩をするのは英語でなんて言いますか?
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2017/11/02 18:08
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  • I am going for a walk.

  • I am going for a stroll

  • I am going for a wander/ I am wandering around

You can simply say you are going for a walk or a stroll. Both of these explain that you are moving around at a slow pace. "I am going for a wander" or " I am just wandering around" also explain that you are moving at a slow pace but more explains that you have no clear destination.
例文 ”going for a walk or a stroll” (散歩に行きます) とシンプルに言うことができます。 両方ともゆっくりとしたペースで [動き回る](ということを説明しています。 例文 "I am going for a wander" 歩きに行きます。 " I am just wandering around" ちょっと歩いてきます。 は両方共ゆっくりとしたペースで [歩く](が、はっきりとした目的地は ないということを説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I'm going for a stroll around the block

  • I'm going to take a walk around the block

  • John was just ambling hapazardly around the town centre

There are different types of walking, such as: a fast walking, a slow walking and 'speed walking,' which is a more serious form of exercise. However, strolling is always going at a calm, leisurely pace. You could also use the word 'amble,' which is very similar to 'stroll.' If there is no destination in your walking, then you could explain the purpose for your walking and where you are walking: "John was just killing time, strolling around the park." On the other hand, you could just say, you are walking or strolling 'aimlessly.'
散歩には様々な種類があります。早歩き、[ゆっくり](した散歩、早歩きがあり、早歩きは、本格的な運動の一種です。 しかしstrolling(ブラブラした散歩)は常に ゆっくりとくつろいだペースで歩きます。'stroll'に似た意味の'amble,'という言葉を使うことも出来ます。 散歩で目的地がないのであれば、散歩の目的とどこを歩いているかを説明することが出来ます。 例文 "John was just killing time, strolling around the park." ジョンは、公園の周辺をブラブラ歩きながら時間を潰している。 一方”散歩している又は目的もなくブラブラ歩いている”とだけ言うこともできます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • go for a long walk

  • walk around

ブラブラとあてもなく歩くは go for a long walk / walk around と言います。「散歩をする」は take a walk と言います。 A: What do you like to do on the weekends? B: I love going for long walks. A: 週末は何をして過ごすのが好きですか B: 散歩をしてます I always take my dog with me when I go on walks. 散歩に出るときはいつも犬も連れて行きます。 She likes to walk around the neighborhood. 彼女は家の近所を散歩するのが好きです
  • A stroll is more commonly used when there is no particular destination or goal and speaker is happy.

  • the noun walk can be used in the same way but it usually requires more effort and does not necessarily indicate relaxed state of mind.

  • the verb walk can be used with a desination

"It is a lovely summer evening I think I will go for a stroll and take some photos of the flowers". It means to walk in a relaxed and leisurely manner while enjoying the ambience. "I'm bored! I am going to take the dogs for a walk".(noun) "Lets go for a walk to the shopping mall tomorrow".(noun) "Before I retire I really want to walk along the Nakasendo Trail like my ancestors did".(verb) Stroll or wander (same pronunciation as wonder) can be used as a noun or verb when there is no particular destination or goal. e.g. I love strolling /wandering around Paris in the spring. OR Let's go for a stroll/wander around Harajuku we might find someone to talk to.
"It is a lovely summer evening I think I will go for a stroll and take some photos of the flowers". (ステキな夏の夕方だから、散歩に行って花の写真でも撮ってこようかな.) ムードを楽しみながら、のんびりとリラックスして歩くという状態を表します。 "I'm bored! I am going to take the dogs for a walk".(noun) (暇だな!犬の散歩にでも行こう。) "Lets go for a walk to the shopping mall tomorrow".(noun)(明日、ショッピングセンターまで歩いて行こう!)この2つはリラックスしてのんびりとというより、目的を持って歩く、目的地を目指して散歩する、という意味合いになります。) strollとwander ( wonder と同じ発音 )は名詞としても動詞としても使われ、特定の目的地がない場合に使うことができます。 I love strolling /wandering around Paris in the spring.(春にパリ周辺を散歩することが好きだ) Let's go for a stroll/wander around Harajuku we might find someone to talk to.(誰か話しかけられる人がいるかもしれないから原宿周辺をウロウロしてみよう。)
Daniel H DMM英会話講師
  • Walk (noun) means a journey made on foot, usually for enjoyment or pleasure (at normal pace or speed)

  • Stroll (noun) is to walk in a slow and leisurely manner, so as to enjoy the pleasure it brings.

Example sentences: 1. We went for a long stroll along the beach and picked up some shells. 2. I decided to walk to work today instead of taking the bus. 3. Let's go for a stroll in the woods. It is such a relaxing experience. 4. We better walk a bit faster or we will get caught in the rain.
例文 1. We went for a long stroll along the beach and picked up some shells. 私達は海岸沿いを長時間散歩して、貝殻をいくつか拾った。 2. I decided to walk to work today instead of taking the bus. 今日はバスに乗らずに歩いて仕事に行くことにした。 3. Let's go for a stroll in the woods. It is such a relaxing experience. 森の中を散歩しよう。とてもリラックスできるよ。 4. We better walk a bit faster or we will get caught in the rain. 少し速く歩いた方が良いね。そうしないと雨に濡れてしまう。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • I am going for a stroll to the park

  • I walk to walk

  • I like to stroll around the shops

Walk and stroll can mean the same thing. Although the word stroll is used when there is no set goal or route for example. Some other words that can be used instead of stroll can be amble/meander/wander I am going for a wander outside I love to meander around the garden I am going for a roam outside. I love to wander around the shops
Walkとstrollは同じ意味です。しかし、strollという語が使われるのは、例えば決まったゴールやルートがない時です。 stroll の代わりに使える他の語は、 amble,meander,wanderです。 例文 I am going for a wander outside 外へ歩きに行くつもりだ。 I love to meander around the garden 庭の周りをブラブラ歩くのが大好きだ。 I am going for a roam outside. 外へ散策に行くつもりだ。 I love to wander around the shops 店をブラブラ見て歩くのが大好きだ。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • Strolling...

  • I love strolling aorund on a warm summers evening...with no particular destination.

Walk and stroll are of course very cloes to each other in general terms... Moving ahead, using your legs as a form of transport;-) Howvever a walk can be at any pace...whereas "a stroll".... is a rather slow, relaxed and easy pace... We were strolling along... I love strolling aorund on a warm summer's evening...with no particular destination.
Walk と stroll は一般的にとても近い意味をもった言葉です。 自分の足を移動手段として、前に進むことです。しかし、a walk はどんな速度にもなり得るのに対して、"a stroll"はゆっくりとリラックスして歩きやすいペースで歩くことです。 例文: We were strolling along…(私達は散歩をしていました。) I love strolling aorund on a warm summer's evening...with no particular destination. (夏の夜に特別な行先もなく、散歩することが好きです。)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • walk

  • stroll

「散歩」は英語で「a walk」と言いますが、「a stroll」という言い方もあります。「stroll」は「walk」よりも「ゆっくり歩く」、「ぷらぷらと歩く」というニュアンスを与えます。 I took the dog for a walk. (私は犬を散歩に連れて行きました。) I strolled around the centre of town. (私町の中心に散歩しました。) Let’s go for a stroll by the river. (川沿いを散歩しましょう。)
Mairi 英語講師/著者/英語ブロガー
  • It's a lovely day for a stroll.

  • Lets take a stroll to the park.

  • Lets go for /take a walk to the park.

Stroll is used more often when one walks for leisure. You may also say; Let's take a walk to the park. Let's go for a walk to the park. Let's stretch our legs by strolling to the park.
Stroll は余暇を楽しむための散歩という時に使われることが多いです。 Let's take a walk to the park.(.公園まで散歩しよう。) Let's go for a walk to the park.(公園まで散歩しよう。−表現は若干違いますが意味は同じ) Let's stretch our legs by strolling to the park. (のんびり公園まで歩きながら足のストレッチでもしよう。)
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • Walk

  • Stroll

  • Galavant

"Walk" & "Stroll" have the same meaning. However, "walk" is more of a mission as in "I need to walk to the shop." Whereas "stroll" is a bit more relaxed. "I took a lovely stroll along the beach & watched the sun go down." "Galavant" is one of my most favourite words. It basically means to go somewhere aimlessly & have fun. A: "What are you up to this weekend?" B: "Nothing much, I'm just gonna go galavanting around the city."
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • I will walk to work today.

  • Im bored, lets go for a stroll in the park!

"Walk" is used more as a formal way of saying you have a specific purpose of walking such as " I will walk to work today" but it can be used casually too. "Stroll" is more of relaxed way of saying going for a walk. When using this word everyone knows that your walk has no particular destination because this word is used mainly when someone is bored and just wants to take a "stroll" out of boredom.
"Walk"は、 " I will walk to work today" (今日歩いて仕事に行きます)のような特定の目的があることを言う、よりフォーマルな表現として使われますが、カジュアルにも使われます。 "Stroll" は、散歩に行くことを言う、よりざっくばらんな表現です。この語を使う時は、散歩に特定の目的地がないことを皆知っています。というのもこの語が使われるのは、主に退屈で退屈しのぎにただ散歩をしたい時だからです。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • I am going for a walk

  • Going for a stroll about

"I am going for a walk" Often more widely used, this a phrase used when stating you are going out, not normally to a destination as this would be stated in the sentence. ex. "I'm going to go for a walk in an hour" and "I am going to walk to the shops". "Going for a stroll about" A very casual expression, a 'Stroll' is the term referred to going for a walk, but in a more casual sense. A 'Stroll about' usually has no destination planned, just going for a walk/stroll.
"I am going for a walk"(散歩に行きます) より一般的な言い方です。普通は目的地を持たずに出掛けることをいいます。もし目的地があるなら、文の中にそれは示されますので。 例: "I'm going to go for a walk in an hour"(1時間後に散歩に行きます) "I am going to walk to the shops"(歩いて買い物に行きます) "Going for a stroll about"(散策に出掛ける) 非常にカジュアルな表現です。'Stroll' は 'Going for a walk'(散歩に行く)のカジュアルな言い方です。'Stroll about' は普通目的地を持たずにぶらぶらと歩くことをいいます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Going for a walk

  • Take a walk

歩く - to talk 散歩 - go for a walk 散歩しますは”I am going for a walk”になります。 いつも妻と散歩します。話いっぱいできる! Me and my wife always go for walk. We can talk a lot! 毎日犬と2回散歩します I walk my dog two times a day I walk my dog twice a day
  • A) I am going for a walk

  • B) Let's go for a stroll

A) I am going for a walk * Walk :an act of travelling or an outing on foot. For example "She was too restless to sleep, so She went out for a walk" B) Let's go for a stroll * Stroll -a short leisurely walk. For example "we took a stroll in the garden" walk vs stroll : To walk is the general term It applies to any sort of movement by foot that is not fast enough to be a run. . To stroll refers to a specific kind of walking. A stroll is leisurely. Someone strolling does not walk quickly, and may even stop to look at things along the way. They may not have a particular route in mind, and may make a turn or detour i hope this helps :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Walk.

  • Stroll.

There is not much difference between them both although a stroll usually means there is no particular set goal or destination.
この二つに大差はありませんが、"Stroll" は普通特に当てもなく歩くことをいいます。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • I always want to stroll around the neighborhood after I finish a hard day at work.

  • I will walk to the store.

To stroll is used when you want to walk around area to relax/sight see/etc without hurry. It has a very relaxed connotation. To walk is more general. This verb does not tell the reader/listener anything about how you are feeling/why you are walking. It only tells the reader that you are walking to a place. The difference is that 'to stroll' is a more relaxed form of walking: without hurrying, to relax and commonly to talk with friends
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • Wander.

  • Stroll.

  • Roaming around.

You can use either of these three to describe this. Here are each of these phrases being used in context: I'm going for a wander to clear my head. Chris went for a stroll in the park yesterday. Yesterday I was roaming around town, I didn't have anything in particular to do.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Walk

  • Stroll

Walk; moving at a regular pace not too fast and not too slow. Stroll; to walk for leisure. Examples; - In the mornings, I like to take my dogs for a walk. - From time to time, I enjoy strolling through the park and looking at the nature.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • walk

「散歩」は英語で walk と言うことができます。 例: I'm going to take a walk in the park. 公園で散歩してきます。 Have you ever taken a walk in this park? この公園で散歩したことはありますか? walk は「歩く」という意味もあります。
  • Walk.

  • Stroll.

I am going for a walk. Where are you going? No where really, just going for a bit of a walk. Ahh, so you are going for stroll around? Yeah, I guess so. So what is the difference? Well, a stroll is a leisurely walk, and a walk is...a walk. Try one out, see how it goes, and see which one suits you. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Walk

  • Stroll

  • Wander

We can use all three of these verbs to describe the idea of just walking without any particular destination in mind. Example sentences : - I love for going on long walks. - I am going to wander around for awhile. - Let's go for a stroll!
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Walk

  • Stroll

「散歩」が英語で「walk」か「stroll」と言います。 例文: 公園に散歩に行こう ー Let's go for a walk in the park 彼は朝食前に海岸へ散歩に出かけた ー He went out for a stroll along the beach before breakfast. 湖の周りを散歩する ー Take a walk around the lake. 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • walk

  • stroll

意味は同じだと思います。どちらでも使って良いです。 ニュアンスとしてstrollの方が軽いと思いますが、あまり言いません。walkの方が自然な感じです。 友達にI'm going for a stroll(散歩に行ってきます)とか言われたことないです。大体みんながI'm going for a walkと言います。 違いは本当にそんなに大したことないと思いますけどね。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • a walk

以下のように表現することができます。 a walk 散歩 take a walk で「散歩する」を英語で表現することができます。 例: I am going to take a walk in the park. 公園で散歩してきます。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 またいつでも質問してください。
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