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2016/01/21 15:12
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  • They love each other.

「両想い」のような「名詞」ではなく、「動詞」で考えると英語にしやすくなります。 They love each other. 彼らは[お互い](を[愛している](。 これでいかがでしょうか?
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • They both have feelings for each other

  • mutual feelings

両方に[気持ち](がある というやくにしました They both have feelings for each other 同じ気持ちなら mutual feeling(s) 反対に [片思い](なら The feeling isn't mutual
  • We have feelings for each other.

to have feelings for each otherで、「お互いに〜気がある・〜好き合っている」 例 We have feelings for each other. 私たちは両思いです。 ちなみに「付き合っている」だと、 We are dating. We are seeing each other. と言います。
  • They are in love.

  • They have mutual feelings for each other.

"They" means both people. In love means they love each other very much. "they" means both people. "mutual feelings" means they share the same feelings.
"Theyは両方の人を意味します。 In loveはお互いに愛し合っていることを意味します。 Theyは両方の人を意味します。 mutual feelingsは同じ気持ちでいることをいるという意味です。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • 1. It's a one way love affair. She loves him more than he loves her.

  • 2. They love/like each other (a lot).

  • 3. They have a mutual love/affection for one another.

1. These are typical expressions of unequal love. 2. This expresses idea of a balanced relationship. 3. 'This expresses a two-way exchange of love or affection. You could also say "They are very fond of each other." This phrase could be referring to either love or friendship. 'Fond' has a wider and less specific meaning.
1.は不均等な愛を表す代表的な例です。 2.はバランスのとれた関係を表します。 3.は両者間で愛情が十分に行き交っていることを表します。または、"They are very fond of each other."ということもできます。これは愛だけでなく友情にも使える表現で、より広義な表現となります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • We fell head over heels for each other.

  • We intend to walk hand in hand into the sunset.

Romantic and poetic ways of expressing mutual love.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • They love one another.

  • They have mutual feelings for one another.

In both answers you can replace 'they' with the names of the couple. Examples Jane and John love one another. Jane and John have mutual feelings for one another. _______________________________________________________________________________ 'Mutual feelings' lets one know that both parties in the relationship experience the same feeling for the other. This means that if Jane loves John, John loves Jane equally. _______________________________________________________________________________ Example A: Jane and John are so cute together. B: They have mutual feelings for one another. A: What does that mean? B: They equally love and respect one another.
どちらの回答でも'they'をそのカップルの名前に置き換えられます。 Examples Jane and John love one another. ジェーンとジョンは両思いだ。 Jane and John have mutual feelings for one another. ジェーンとジョンはお互いに感情を抱いている。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 'Mutual feelings' はその関係の両方がお互いに同じ感情を経験していることを示しています。これは、もしジェーンがジョンを愛しているなら、ジョンも同じくジェーンを愛しているということを意味します。____________________________________________________________________________ Example A: Jane and John are so cute together. ジェーンとジョンはとっても可愛いカップルだ。 B: They have mutual feelings for one another. 彼らは両思いだ。 A: What does that mean? どういう意味? B: They equally love and respect one another. 彼らはお互いを同様に愛し尊敬している。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • We both love each other.

「私たちは2人ともお互いを愛し合っている」が直訳です。 もし自分のことを言うなら分かりやすくこれでよいです(^^)/
  • mutual feeling

  • they love each other

Mutual means when you have the same feeling about someone as they have towards you For example: My dad hated my boyfriend, and the feeling was mutual.
Mutualは相手も同じように思っているということです。 例: My dad hated my boyfriend, and the feeling was mutual.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • They love each other.

  • Their feelings are mutual.

When two people love each other, you can say: "They love each other." When two people have the same feelings for each other, you can say: "Their feelings are mutual."
お互いに愛し合っているなら、 "They love each other."(彼らは互いに愛し合っている) と言えます。 お互いに思い合っているなら、 "Their feelings are mutual."(彼らは両思いです) と言えます。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • They have mutual feelings for each other.

  • The feelings are one-sided.

"They have mutual feelings for each other," refers to the idea that two people have the same love of liking for each other and that not one person loves a person more than the other person. Ex : Joe and Sarah have mutual feelings for each other. "The feelings are one-sided," refers to the idea that only one person in a friendship/relationship likes more or is more in love with the other person. Ex : Joe loves Sarah, but the feelings are one-sided."
"They have mutual feelings for each other"(彼らは両思いだ)は、どちらかが一方的に愛しているのでなく「お互いに思い合っている状態」をいいます。 例: Joe and Sarah have mutual feelings for each other.(ジョーとサラは両思いだ) "The feelings are one-sided" は、友情や恋愛において、どちらかが一方的に思いを寄せている状態をいいます。 例: "Joe loves Sarah, but the feelings are onesided."(ジョーはサラのことを愛しているが、一方的に思いを寄せている状態)
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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