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こういう文を書きたいのですが、damaged countriesという表現は自然ですか? >Hurricane A hit several countries in the region. >Country A is providing emergency aid to the damaged countries.
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2017/11/04 01:40
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  • The affected areas

  • The blighted areas

  • The disaster areas

To blight = spoil, harm, or destroy, ruin, wreck, spoil, disrupt, undo, mar, play havoc with, make a mess of, put an end to, end, bring to an end, put a stop to, prevent, frustrate, crush, quell, quash, dash, destroy, scotch, shatter, devastate, demolish, sabotage; "The scandal blighted the careers of several leading politicians" No matter what kind of disaster or phenomenon, you may always describe the area as being 'an affected area.'
To blight(損傷させる、破滅させる) = spoil, harm, or destroy, ruin, wreck, spoil, disrupt, undo, mar, play havoc with, make a mess of, put an end to, end, bring to an end, put a stop to, prevent, frustrate, crush, quell, quash, dash, destroy, scotch, shatter, devastate, demolish, sabotage; 例文 "The scandal blighted the careers of several leading politicians" そのスキャンダルによって、数人の有料政治家のキャリアが台無しになった。 どのような災害や出来事であれ、必ずその地域を'an affected area.'(被災地)と表現するようにしてください。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The hurricane hit and serverly damaged countries in the region.

  • (Name of Country) Is providing emergency Aid to the damaged/effected countries.

"The hurricane hit and severely damaged countries in the region." The explains the hurricane did a lot of damage to the countries it hit. "(Name of Country) Is providing emergency aid to the damaged/affected countries." This explains that other countries are going to help the ones that have been damaged.
例文 "The hurricane hit and severely damaged countries in the region." そのハリケーンはその地域の国に 深刻な損害を与えた。 そのハリケーンが被災した国に 多大な損害を与えたことを 説明しています。 "(Name of Country) Is providing emergency aid to the damaged/affected countries." (国の名前)は被災した国に 緊急援助を行っています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Affected countries

  • Affected areas

  • Affected region

These are ways to refer to places that are impacted by something. In the news, you will often hear this about a natural phenomenon. "The affected area from this snowstorm is Northern Canada." They can also be affected by an outbreak of a disease such as the Ebola crisis in West Africa. The region, West Africa, was the affected area. For the context of a disaster, "affected" is the more proper term because "damaged" could be perceived negatively. "Damaged" sounds like there is something wrong with the place, but if there is a hurricane, the whole state of Florida is not "damaged." However, the whole state of Florida could be affected by that hurricane, including destruction of property and financial impacts.
これらは何かによってインパクトを受けた場所であることを言う方法です。ニュースでは、自然災害のことをよく聞くでしょう。 "The affected area from this snowstorm is Northern Canada." (この暴風雪の影響を受けた地域は、カナダ北部です。) 西アフリカのエボラ危機のような病気の大流行によって被害を受けた地域という風に言うこともできます。西アフリカと言う地域が被害地ということになります。 "damaged"はネガティブに受け取られることがあるので、災害の場合"affected"を使うのがより適切です。  "Damaged" は、その場所自体がダメージを受けたというふうに受け取られますが、もしハリケーンがおきてもフロリダ州全てがダメージを受けるわけではありません。しかし、フロリダ州全てがハリケーンによって、土地も経済的にも被災することはあり得ます。
Deb W DMM英会話講師
  • ~ was struck by a natural disaster.

  • ~ was hit by a natural disaster.

"~ was struck by a natural disaster." - 'Struck' or 'hit', when referring to a disaster, disease or any other unwelcome phenomenon, means that this has occurred suddenly and has had harmful and damaging effects on the afflicted area. Example: "A major earthquake struck the island." "A tsunami hit the city."
"~ was struck by a natural disaster." -'Struck'や'hit'は、災害や病気、望まれない現象について話す時には、それが突然起こり、罹患地域に有害であり損害の大きな影響を与えることを意味しています。 例文 "A major earthquake struck the island." "A tsunami hit the city."
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • The hurricane struck several countries in the region

  • Several countries in the region were affected by the hurricane

  • ....................... provided aid to the areas damaged/affected

A hurricane is very very strong winds and causes alot of damage to buildings and structures you can say that the hurricane 'struck' this means it happens suddenly and causes alot of harm or damage If something causes harm to an item then it is said to be affected so the hurricane would affect the buildings in the country To provide also means to hand out or give something
hurricane'(ハリケーン)はものすごく強い風のことで、建物に甚大な被害を及ぼします。 ある地域がハリケーンに「襲われる」ことは 'struck' で表せます。'struck' は「突然発生し甚大な被害を与える」という意味です。 物に害を与えることは 'affect' で表せます。ですから、ハリケーンはその国の建物に 'affect' します。 'provide' は「配る/与える」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • ... Was struck by a natural disaster

  • In the affected areas...

"... Was struck by a natural disaster" This sentence would start with the location and then go on to state it was 'struck'/hit/destroyed/attacked by a 'natural disaster', this often relates to hurricanes,tsunami,flash flooding etc. 'Affected areas' is the summary of the 'areas'/locations affected/damaged.
"... Was struck by a natural disaster"(~は自然災害で被災しました) この文は、その場所をはじめにいって、その後に自然災害によって被害を受けたことを伝えます。これは、ハリケーン、津波、洪水などを指します。   'Affected areas'は、被害を受けた地域を指します。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • A powerful hurricane destroyed several countries in the region. The NGO Gift of the Givers is providing aid to the affected areas.

  • A category five hurricane swept through several countries in the region damaging infrastructure and residential properties. Donor countries are providing aid to the affected areas.

When a hurricane of moves through a region, it leaves a lot of destruction and sometimes deaths. Infrastructure that took a long to build and residential properties are often damaged beyond repair. Hurricanes are categorized as category 1, which is the slowest in terms of wind speeds, up to category 5, which is the fastest in this regard. A category five hurricane is the most devastating. The affected regions are left needing help both financially and food wise. This sort of aid often comes from donor countries and NGOs. So, you may relay the news to someone as follows: A powerful hurricane destroyed several countries in the region. The NGO Gift of the Givers is providing aid to the affected areas. or A category five hurricane swept through several countries in the region damaging infrastructure and residential properties. Donor countries are providing aid to the affected areas.
ハリケーンが人の住むところを通り抜けると、建物は破壊され、時に死人が出ることもあります。長い時間をかけて整備したインフラや住宅が修復できないほどの損傷を受けることがよくあります。 ハリケーンは風速が最も弱い「カテゴリー1」から最も強い「カテゴリー5」までがあります。カテゴリー5のハリケーンが最も強力です。 被災した地域は、経済的にもそれから食料の面からも支援が必要になります。こうした援助は、支援国やNGOから提供されることが多いです。 次のように伝えることができます。 A powerful hurricane destroyed several countries in the region. The NGO Gift of the Givers is providing aid to the affected areas. (強力なハリケーンが複数の国を破壊しました。NGOグループ「Gift of the Givers」が被災地支援を行っています) A category five hurricane swept through several countries in the region damaging infrastructure and residential properties. Donor countries are providing aid to the affected areas. (カテゴリー5のハリケーンが複数の国を通過して、インフラや住宅に被害をもたらしました。複数の国が被災地支援を行っています)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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