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2017/11/04 16:08
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  • Scene

  • Part

  • Clip

Scene - a part of a movie where the action and characters stay in one lace for a certain period of time. Synonyms to 'scene', include: 'clip' or 'part'. Although, 'scene' and 'part' are commonly used when referring to movies and 'clip' is commonly used when referring to short videos. All words are accurate nonetheless. Example: Yusuke: Which scene in "Spiderman" was your favorite? Ayano: The one where Peter Parker is bitten by the spider is my favorite part. Example: Daisuke: Please watch this video clip, it's so funny. Jinko: Okay, sure.
Scene 一定の時間、話の展開や[登場人物](が いる[映画](の一部。 映画の話しをする時'scene' と'part'が 一般的に使われますが、 短い[ビデオ](では'clip'が一般的に 使われます。 とは言え、全ての語は正確です。 例文 Yusuke: Which scene in "Spiderman" was your favorite? スパイダーマンのどのシーンが気に入っている? Ayano: The one where Peter Parker is bitten by the spider is my favorite part. ピーター・パーカーがクモに噛まれる シーンが私のお気に入りのパートよ。 例文 Daisuke: Please watch this video clip, it's so funny. このビデオクリップを見て。 とても面白いよ。 Jinko: Okay, sure. 分かったわ。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • scene

  • clip

  • part

For example: I cried during that scene of the movie. I just want to see that particular clip from the movie. That part of the movie always makes me cry.
例: I cried during that scene of the movie. 私は、この映画のあのシーンの間[泣きました](。 I just want to see that particular clip from the movie. 私は、ただ映画のあの場面が[見た](いです。 That part of the movie always makes me cry. 映画のあの部分には、いつも泣かされます。
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • Scene

  • Part

  • Stage

Scene' is probably the best way to describe one particular part of the movie. For example, you could say: "I really enjoyed the love scene towards the end of the movie - where he asks her to marry him." Alternatively the words 'stage' or 'part' may also be appropriate. 'Stage' is better when describing a segment or distinguishable part of the movie: "I enjoyed the first stage of the movie as the suspense was building."
Scene' がおそらく映画のある特定の場面を表現するのに一番良い言い方です。例えばこういうことが出来ます。 例文 "I really enjoyed the love scene towards the end of the movie - where he asks her to marry him." 映画の最後辺りのラブシーンが本当に良かった。-彼が彼女にプロポーズをするシーンね。 又は 'stage' 又は 'part'も適切な語です。 'stage'を使う方が、映画のひとコマやはっきりと分かるシーンを説明する時には良いです。 例文 "I enjoyed the first stage of the movie as the suspense was building." とてもドキドキしたので、その映画の最初のシーンが良かった。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Section

  • part

  • scene

" I loved the scene with Sandy and Tom" " I really enjoyed the bit where Sandy met Tom" " I cried in the last scene, it was so sad!" " I didn't understand the section at the beginning, what was going on there?" " Can you explain the part where Tom was talking to Sandy?"
例文 " I loved the scene with Sandy and Tom" サンディとトムのシーンが大好きだ。 " I really enjoyed the bit where Sandy met Tom" サンディがトムと出会うシーンが本当に良かった。 " I cried in the last scene, it was so sad!" ラストシーンでは泣いたよ。本当に悲しかった。 " I didn't understand the section at the beginning, what was going on there?" 最初のシーンが良く分からなかった。何がどうなっていたの? " Can you explain the part where Tom was talking to Sandy?" トムがサンディと話しているシーンを説明してくれる?
Beke DMM英語講師
  • I was very touched by that scene in the movie!

  • I got very emotional for part of the story!

"I was very touched by that scene in the movie!" "I got very emotional for part of the story!" The scene is what best describes a part of the movie. I enjoyed the part of the "set" when Brad Pitt protected Angelina Jolie from being shot and killed. In this "scene" of the movie, they are a married couple and their lives are endangered, he does everything to protect his wife. Each "scene" in the movie tells a "story" about each character's weakness and strength.
"I was very touched by that scene in the movie!" ー映画の中のあのシーンに感動させられました。 "I got very emotional for part of the story!"ーストーリーのある一部にとても感動しました。 scene= a part of the movie(映画のある一部) 例文 ブラッドピットがアンジェリーナジョリーが撃たれ殺されるところから守る場面(set)がとくによかった。このシーン(scene)では、彼らは結婚していて命が危険にさらされていた。彼は彼女の命を守るためになんでもした。 それぞれのシーンが映画の話(story)を作り上げ、キャラクターの弱みや強みを描いていった。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • It is a scene

The story line of a film is told using various 'scenes'. The noun 'scene' in this case, means a certain part of the film in which the action stayed in one place for a continuous period of time. So, in an action movie for example, you might have been thrilled by the scene where the hero and the villain met and started fighting, and the hero seemed to be getting a serious beating but finally won the battle. So, you may say: I cried during the scene where my hero was getting a serious beating and and looked as though he/she was going to get killed, but, to my surprise, he/she finally won the battle.
映画のストーリーはいくつもの"scene"(シーン)がつながったものです。 この"scene"という言葉は、「ある動作が同じ場面で続けて映されたもの」のことを意味します。 例えば、アクション映画で「ヒーローが悪者と戦い負けそうになりながらも最後には勝つ」というシーンを見た場合、興奮した気分になるかもしれません。 例文: I cried during the scene where my hero was getting a serious beating and and looked as though he/she was going to get killed, but, to my surprise, he/she finally won the battle. 私は、ヒーローが本格的にやられて死にそうになりながらも、最後にはバトルに勝ったシーンで泣いた。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • A scene from a movie or film

  • A clip from a movie or film.

  • A segment from a movie or clip.

A scene = a part of a movie or a film dealing with one topic or event Also, A part of a movie or a film. A sequence from a movie or a film. An excerpt from a movie or a film, An extract from a movie or a film An episode from a movie or a film.
A scene = 1つの話題又は出来事を扱った映画のワンシーン。又は映画の一部。 又は A part of a movie or a film. 映画の一部 A sequence from a movie or a film. 映画の1シークエンス An excerpt from a movie or a film, 映画の抜粋 An extract from a movie or a film 映画の抜粋 An episode from a movie or a film. 映画のエピソード
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • scene

  • part of the movie

scene シーン part of the movie 映画の一部分 part は「部分」という意味の英語表現です。 ここでは「シーン」のようなニュアンスで使うことができます。 【例】 Which part of the movie was your favorite? 映画のどのシーンが一番好きでしたか? お役に立ちましたでしょうか? 英語学習頑張ってくださいね!
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