「地下」は underground と言います。
The store is located underground.
There is a bar underground.
似た意味で、「地下階」「地下室」という意味の basement という単語もあります。
I'll be in the basement.
You can use the word underground for something that is underground but if you are referring to a room in a house or restaurant being underground you would use the word basement
so for example - " i am going to the Italian restaurant in the basement for dinner tonight"
"I am going to the Italian restaurant in the basement for dinner tonight"
"The restaurant is underground"
"The restaurant is in the basement"
Both of these expressions convey that the restaurant is located underground. When using the second expression you are being more espcific as to the location of the place a "basement". Basement is not a known word around the world so not everyone will understand if you use this expression but underground is very general.
"The restaurant is underground"
"The restaurant is in the basement"
Usually you would describe the type of building and then where the venue (or restaurant) is.
"The medical centre is in the basement of the tower block."
例:The medical centre is in the basement of the tower block.(医療センターはタワーブロックの地下にあります。)
The word ‘underground’ describes the location of a place as literally being under street level. E.g. if a restaurant is underground, or a train travels underground, this is both happening under street level. However, if you are in an escalator and wish to go underground, the level is usually called ‘the basement’, e.g. ‘her office is in the basement’.
「underground(地下)」は、ある場所が、文字通り、道路より下にあることを表します。例えば、レストランが「underground」にあったり、列車が「underground」を走ることもあります。ただ、エスカレーターで「underground」に行く場合は、普通「the basement」が使われます。
Her office is in the basement.
The restaurant is underground.
There is a restaurant in the basement.
A basement is a floor or an area below the ground floor which is the surface floor. Usually, car parks are constructed below ground. These car parks are called 'underground car parks' or 'basement car parks. Likewise, a restaurant that is located in the basement can be referred to as a 'basement restaurant' or an underground restaurant'.
So, you may say:
Let us go to the restaurant in the basement.
Let us go to the restaurant underground.
Let us go to the basement restaurant.
"Basement"(地下)は、Ground floor(地上にある階)の下にある階のことですね。通常、車の駐車場などに使われます。
地下にある駐車場のことを”Underground car parks"または”Basement car parks"(地下駐車場)と言います。同じように、地下にあるレストランのことを”BasementまたはUnderground restaurant"と言います。
●Let us go to the restaurant in the basement.
●Let us go to the restaurant underground.
●Let us go to the basement restaurant.
That restaurant is in the basement. / That restaurant is underground.
The basement room at our school is spooky.
There is an underground passage in this building.
There are two basement floors in my house.
Basementは通常、店舗や建物にも地上にいくつかのレベルがある場合に使用されます。 undergroundは、地下レベルを表すために使用されます。
There is a supermarket in the basement of this department store.
The shoe department is on the 2nd basement floor, B2.
The bar is quite dark because it's underground.
ロンドンの地下鉄はLondon Undergroundと呼ばれています。
そのため、「その店は地下にあります」の意味は"That store is underground"です。
例文:Japan is really cool! It has so many underground shopping streets.
例えば、「デパ地下」の意味は"department store basement" 又は"basement of a / the department store"です。
These words describe things that are underground.
Metro and subway are also underground railways, they are both types of transport that travel below ground.
"Excuse me, can I find any lavatories on the ground floor?"
lavatory: toilet
'Metro'(メトロ/地下鉄)と 'Subway'(サブウェイ/地下鉄)は 'Underground railways'(地下鉄)、どちらも地下を走る交通機関です。
"Excuse me, can I find any lavatories on the ground floor?"(すみません、1階にお手洗いはありますか)
lavatory: トイレ
Something that is located underground can be described as :-
1. Underground
2. In the bsement
Since religion was against the law in our country we had to hold church services underground.
Everyone hid in the basement to surprise John for his surprise birthday party.
1. Underground
2. In the bsement
Since religion was against the law in our country we had to hold church services underground.
Everyone hid in the basement to surprise John for his surprise birthday party.
Usually, people say basement (without a floor) but it depends on the region and country. Undeground is a very popular word to use in some non-english speaking countries like Russia.
Want to go to this new restaurant?
Sure, where is it?
It is the new one underground.
Oh, the one in the basement. Sure, I'll see you there on Friday.
I hope this helps.
Have a great day.
「地下」は英語で underground や basement と言います。
The store is located underground.
It's located in the basement.
basement は「地下階」や「地下室」のようなニュアンスになります。
1) underground
2) basement
地下は英語で underground や basement と言うことができます。
The parking lot is underground.
It is on the basement floor.
He went down to the basement.