世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




自分の好きな女優と一緒に撮った写真を載せているファンや、好きな女優の恋人役の男優などが羨ましくて 「あ〜この人になりたい」 「この人に場所変わってほしい」 などと言いたいとき。
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2017/11/06 15:37
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  • I'd love to be them.

  • I'd kill to be in that picture.

The first phrase simply means you want to be the person in the picture. By saying 'I'd love to be them' - it expresses the want to be there. Love is a strong emotion. The second phrase is a common and natural phrase, we do not mean we want to actually kill anyone, it is an expression we use when we really want something. 'I'd kill for some chocolate right now'.
最初のフレーズは単純にあなたがその写真の中の人になりたいということを意味しています。 'I'd love to be them' - あなたがその場にいたいということを表現しています、愛は強い感情ですね。 二つ目のフレーズは、一般的で自然なフレーズで、その人を実際に殺したいということではなく、本当に何かが欲しいときに使われる表現です。 例文: 'I'd kill for some chocolate right now'.
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • I'd love to be in their position

  • I would love to be in their shoes

  • I wish I was them!

I'd love to be in their position- Position here is meaning you wish you could experience what they are experiencing I would love to be in their shoes- We use this idiom "being in someones shoes" when you want to experience things that others have experienced. Putting yourself into the position of someone else.
I'd love to be in their position - ここでのPositionはあなたが彼らが体験していることを体験できたらいいのにと思っていることを意味しています。 I would love to be in their shoes - 他の人が体験した何かを体験したいと思っているとき、"being in someones shoes" というフレーズを使います。 あなた自身を他の誰かのポジションに置き換えているのです。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • I wish I could be that person standing next to you in the photo.

  • If only I could be that person standing next to you in the picture.

  • How I wish I could be that person standing next to you in the photo.

All the above sentences indicates that you would have loved to be the person standing next to the other person in the photo, but you could not. 'Wish' indicates a strong desire or hope that something could have happened (in this case). 'If only' is quite similar to 'wish' but a bit stronger as it expresses regret (a feeling of disappointment).
上記の文章は全て、あなたが写真を見て、ある人の隣で写っている人と変わりたいという叶わぬ願いを示しています。 この場合の'Wish' は、こうだったらなあという強い思いや願望を表します。 'If only' は'Wish' と似た意味合いですが、少し強い感情で、後悔(失望感)を表現します。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • Why can't that be me?

  • I wish I was that person right now.

▪ Why can't that be me? This is an indirect way of wishing that was you. Also a sign of slight sadness and jealousy. jealousy= showing resentment of someones perceived advantages. ▪ I wish I was that person right now. wish= express a strong desire This is directly saying that you also want to be in the position that the other person is in.
▪ Why can't that be me? これは、それがあなたならいいのにと願っている直接的ではない表現です。また、わずかな悲しみとjealousyも示しています。 jealousy = 他の誰かの利点に鬱憤を示すこと。 ▪ I wish I was that person right now. wish = 強い野望を表現すること。 これは、あなたもその人がいるポジションにいたいということを直接的に言っています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I wish I were in his place!

  • If only I were there, having my photo taken with a celebrity!

If only - we use this structure used to express a wish, especially regretfully. "If only I had listened to you, I would never have married that cheat!" I wish + were - Wishful sentences call for the subjunctive mood of the verb "to be," so the right choice is "I were": "I wish I were more perceptive." I were - The mood of the verb "to be" when you use the phrase "I were" is called the subjunctive mood, and you use it when you're talking about something that isn't true or you're being wishful.
If only - この文体は、特に過去に起こった事への後悔の気持ちを含む希望を表現するのに使います。 例:"If only I had listened to you, I would never have married that cheat!" (あなたの話に耳を傾けていたら、あんな人と結婚しなかったのに!) I wish + were - 希望を表現する仮定法におけるbe動詞は "I were"です: 例:"I wish I were more perceptive." (もっと勘が鋭かったらなあ。) I were - 動詞の活用において”to be”は仮定法では "I were"と変化し、 事実ではない事柄やこうだったらという望みを表現する時に使います。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I wish it was I that stood next to that celebrity.

  • It should have been I that took the picture with that celebrity.

It often happens that fans take photos with celebrities (especially selfies) without the celebrity knowing who they are. However, it always looks like the celebrity knew who the fan was when the photo was taken. This can make someone envious (to feel envy) of the the person standing next to the celebrity in the picture. So, you may say: I wish it was I that stood next to that celebrity. or It should have been I that took the picture with that celebrity.
ファンが有名人と写真(特に自撮り)を撮ったが、有名人の方は一緒に写真に写った人が誰なのか知らないということはよく起こります。しかし、いかにも有名人はファンが誰でいつ写真を取ったのかが分かっているように見えるものです。写真の中で有名人の隣に立っている人をうらやましく思う人もいるでしょう。 そのため、このように言うことができます。 I wish it was I that stood next to that celebrity. (あの有名人の隣に立ってるのが私だったらいいのに。) It should have been I that took the picture with that celebrity. (あの有名人と写真を撮ったのが私であるべきだったのに。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I wish I was you.

  • I wish I was them

  • I wish I could take a picture with (Celebrity's Name)

"I wish I was you." This is said to the person in the picture. "I wish I was them" This is said to someone else, not in the picture. "I wish I could take a picture with (Celebrity's Name)" This expresses your longing to take a picture with that person.
"I wish I was you."という例文について これは、有名な人と一緒に撮った人に言う文章です。 "I wish I was them" この文は、(有名人と誰かが写っている写真を見ながら)その人ではない人に対して言う文章です。 "I wish I could take a picture with (有名人の名前)"という例文について これは、その人と一緒に写真を撮りたいと熱望していることを表現しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I envy her/him/them.

  • I am so jealous of her/him/them.

1) 羨ましいよりもちょっと強いニュアンスがあり、妬むという意味も含みます。また、書き言葉としてもっと使う表現です。 2) 日常会話でよく使う表現になり、誰々の事が羨ましい~という意味です。
  • I would love to be them.

  • I wish I was that person!

To explain that you wish you were in the picture with that celebrity, you can say: "I would love to be them." "I wish I was that person!"
有名人と一緒に写真に写った人を見て「うらやましい」「この人になりたい」と言いたいということなら、それは次のように表せます "I would love to be them."(彼らになりたい) "I wish I was that person!"(その人になりたい)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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