Two weekends ago- Referring to two weeks before now.
"We were in London two weekends ago"
The weekend before last - Short for the weekend before last weekend.
"We were at the festival on the weekend before last"
Two weekends ago
- 今から2週間前のことを意味しています。
"We were in London two weekends ago"
The weekend before last
- 先週末の前の週末を意味する省略形です。
"We were at the festival on the weekend before last"
Probably, in the UK, the most common way of describing the weekend which immediately preceeded the most recent weekend would be: "The weekend before last," as this leaves no room for misunderstanding. Another common explanation is, "Two weekends ago," however this may not be perfectly clear. For example if you say this on a Sunday, are you including the present weekend, or not?
おそらくイギリスでは、"The weekend before last," というフレーズが先々週の週末を表す上で誤解の少ない一般的な表現でしょう。
その他に、"Two weekends ago,"があります。
We use 'a couple' when we are talking about two things, people, etc.
For more examples -
"When was your birthday?"
"It was a couple of weekends ago".
You can also say a few weekends ago and for the future "There is a festival on in a couple of weekends".
2つの物や二人を表すのに'a couple' という単語を使用します。
いくつかの例を挙げます -
"When was your birthday?" (誕生日はいつだったの?)
"It was a couple of weekends ago". (数週間前の週末だったよ)
"There is a festival on in a couple of weekends".
DMM英会話講師 Alex CB(アレックス)
▪ Weekend before last weekend.
This means not the weekend that have just passed but the weekend before that one.
▪ Two weeks ago.
two weekends ago.
▪ The weekend of the "13th".
This is when you know the date of the weekend you are referring to.
Example sentences
a. There was a festival the weekend before last weekend.
b. There was a nice festival two weeks ago.
c. You missed the festival that was on the weekend of the "13th".
・Weekend before last weekend.
・Two weeks ago.
・The weekend of the "13th".
a. There was a festival the weekend before last weekend.
(a. 先々週末、お祭りがありました)
b. There was a nice festival two weeks ago.
(b. 2週間前に素晴らしいお祭りがありました)
c. You missed the festival that was on the weekend of the "13th".
(c. 13日の週末にあったお祭り、見逃しましたね)
You can explain this by saying "two weekends ago". Ago means in the past. You could also say "a couple of weekends ago". A couple strictly speaking means two but it can be used more loosely to describe a few if you are unsure of the number.
You could also say "not last weekend but the weekend before that" which means two weekends in the past.
「two weekends ago」と言えます。「ago」は、過去のことを意味します。「a couple of weekends ago」とも言えます。「a coupe」は正確には「2」という意味ですが、もし数字が確かでなければ、「2、3の」とより大まかにも表せます。
また、「not last weekend but the weekend before that」とも言え、2週間前の週末という意味です。
"before last" means the one that came before the last one. You can say, for example, "There was a festival the weekend before the last." / "Did you go to the festival the weekend before last?"
"Two weekends ago" requires you to count and the second will be the weekend you
are referring to - "There was a festival two weekends ago." / "Did you go to the festival that was on two weekends ago?"
"beofore last”を使うことで、”前の前”ということを表現できます。
”There was a festival the weekend before the last."(先々週の週末に祭りがありました。)
"Did you go to the festival the weekend before last?"(先々週の週末祭りに行きましたか?)
"two weekendds ago"(2週間前)どの週末から数えて2週間前かということを明確にしなければいけません。
"There was a festival two weekends ago." (2週間前に祭りがありました。)
"Did you go to the festival that was on two weekends ago?(2週間前にあったお祭りに行きましたか?)
The adjective 'previous' used in the first statement means 'the one before'. In this case it's the weekend before last weekend. It is the previous weekend. So, the 'previous' weekend exists before last weekend in time. Should you not want to use the adjective 'previous', you may use the expression 'the weekend before last weekend'.
So, you may say:
There was a festival the previous weekend.
There was a festival on the weekend before last weekend.
previous=the one before (一つ前の)という意味です。
もし、previousを使いたくなければ、"the weekend before last weekend"(先週末の前の週末)でもよいでしょう。
There was a festival the previous weekend.
There was a festival on the weekend before last weekend.
DMM英会話講師 Teddy Zee(テディ・ジー)
There was a festival on the weekend before last weekend.
There was a festival two weekends ago.
There was a festival on the weekend before last weekend. (先々週末にお祭りがありました)
There was a festival two weekends ago. (先々週/二週間前にお祭りがありました)
先々週はthe week before lastと言うので、
「先々週の週末」はthe weekend before lastと言いますm(__)m
the day before yesterday「一昨日」
the week before last「先々週」
the month before last「先々月」
the year before last「一昨年」
the day after tomorrow「明後日」
the week after next 「再来週」
the month after next「再来月」
the year after next「再来年」
「大阪 (難波・堺・河内長野)カフェ英語レッスン(1h1666円~)」