世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/13 16:33
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  • I thought I was going to sneezing but its gone away.

  • Sorry, I felt like I was going to sneeze but its run away.

"I thought I was going to sneezing but its gone away." "I Thought" means I think. "Gone away" means it is not there anymore/ it has left. This explains that the urge/feeling that you were going to sneeze has disappeared. "Sorry, I felt like I was going to sneeze but its run away." "Sorry" is an apology "I felt like" Means you had the feeling/urge that you get when you are going to sneeze. "Runaway" is a way of saying it has gone/ disappeared. This sentence apologizes for having to look away from the person because you thought you were going to sneeze but the sensation/feeling has gone away.
"I thought I was going to sneezing but its gone away." (くしゃみをすると思ったけど、くしゃみが出なかった) "I Thought"は、私は~と思ったという意味です。 "Gone away"は、もうそこにない、なくなったという意味です。今回の場合、くしゃみをすると思ったのがなくなったということを説明していますね。 "Sorry, I felt like I was going to sneeze but its run away." (ごめんね。くしゃみをしたい感じだったけど、くしゃみが出なかった) "Sorry" は、ごめんねと謝っています。 "I felt like" は、くしゃみをしたいという感じがしたという意味です。 "Runaway"は、なくなった、消えたという意味です。 くしゃみをすると思って、話し相手から背かなければいけなかったので謝っていますが、くしゃみをしたいという感じがなくなったと言っています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I felt a sneeze coming on.

  • My nose was tingling as if to sneeze, but I stopped myself.

I felt a sneeze coming on. - "coming on" means building up or growing. i.e. I feel a cold coming on. Today, I was lightheaded and feeling bit drowsy and under the weather. My nose was tingling as if to sneeze, but I stopped myself. - a tingling sensation is one that makes you want to itch or scratch something. Often times when we feel this tingling sensation, we stop ourselves from sneezing-- and it doesn't just go away on its own.
I felt a sneeze coming on. (くしゃみが出そう) - "coming on"とは高まる、増えるという様な意味になります。 例 I feel a cold coming on. Today, I was lightheaded and feeling bit drowsy and under the weather. (風邪ひきそうな気がする、今日は頭がくらくらするし、気だるいし、なんだか具合がよくない) My nose was tingling as if to sneeze, but I stopped myself. (くしゃみが出そうに鼻がムズムズする、でも止まっちゃった) -"a tingling sensation"とは痒いようなムズムズするような感じの事です。 "tingling sensation"の時はくしゃみするを止めようとしますよね。 でも、自然と止まるものではないですよね。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I was about to sneeze.

  • I was just about to sneeze.

  • I felt a sneeze but I lost it.

"I felt a sneeze, but I lost it." - this is more of a colloquial saying that native speakers use in California. This means you felt that you were going to sneeze, but then you didn't. You can also say, "I was about to sneeze," or "I was just about to sneeze." This means the same thing.
"I felt a sneeze, but I lost it." - これはどちらかと言うと口語的な言い方で、カリフォルニアの人が使います。くしゃみが出そうだったけど出なかったという意味です。 また他に、 "I was about to sneeze"(くしゃみが出そうだった) または、 "I was just about to sneeze"(くしゃみが出そうだった) と言うこともできます。意味は同じです。
Jaymie Gee DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, my nose was tingling I thought I was going to sneeze.

This expression is telling the person you are talking to that you thought you were going to sneeze, but you didn’t. By mentioning that your nose was tingling (or any reason), tells the person why you thought you were going to sneeze. By adding sorry at the beginning it is referring to an action, you possibly pausing or making a face, due to the fact you were going to sneeze.
これはくしゃみが出そうだけど出ないと伝える表現です。 これを言う事によって、あなたの鼻がムズムズしてくしゃみが出るかもしれないという事を相手に伝えることが出来ます。 最初に"sorry"と言う事によってくしゃみをする事によって話を止めたり、変な顔をしたりするかもしれない事を何気なく相手に伝えることが出来ます。
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • I thought i was going to sneeze, but didn't

  • I thought i needed to sneeze but its gone away

  • I thought i needed to sneeze but stopped myself

I thought' means that you were thinking you needed to do something So you could either say 'I thought i was going to sneeze, but didn't', 'i thought i needed to sneeze but its gone away' or 'I thought i needed to sneeze but stopped myself' all these would be good ways of saying it
I thought'は、する必要があると思っていた事を表します。 ですから、以下のように言えます。 'I thought I was going to sneeze, but didn't'(くしゃみが出そうだったけど、出なかった) 'I thought I needed to sneeze but its gone away'(くしゃみが出そうだったけど、出なかった) 'I thought I needed to sneeze but stopped myself'(くしゃみが出そうだったけど、止めた) どれも言いたいことを上手く伝えています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I thought I was going to sneeze

  • I felt like I was going to sneeze.

When you want to express that you were about to sneeze but it has gone away; then you may say it in the following ways: -I thought I was going to sneeze -I felt like I was going to sneeze.
くしゃみが出そうだったけど出なかったときは、以下のように言えます: -I thought I was going to sneeze(くしゃみが出そうだった) -I felt like I was going to sneeze(くしゃみが出そうだった)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I thought I was going to sneeze but I didn't.

I thought I was going to sneeze but I didn't. くしゃみが出ると思いましたが、出ませんでした。 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 sneeze は「くしゃみする」という意味の動詞、「くしゃみ」という意味の名詞のどちらにもなります。 例: Did you hear that sneeze? 今のくしゃみ、聞こえましたか? お役に立てればうれしいです。
  • excuse me, I was just about to sneeze but the feeling has gone away

  • oh dear, I thought I was going to sneeze

  • my nose feels irritated but I don't think I am going to sneeze

It may be tempting to explain why you suddenly paused and grabbed a handkerchief. Just be polite and say something like "excuse me, I was just about to sneeze but the feeling has gone away. Maybe you have made a little sniff and you wish to explain what happened. Just say "my nose feels a little irritated but I don't think I'm going to sneeze."
突然止まってハンカチをつかんだら、その理由を説明したくなるかもしれませんね。丁寧に以下のように言いましょう: "Excuse me, I was just about to sneeze but the feeling has gone away." (すみません。くしゃみが出そうだったんですけど、出ませんでした) 例えば、鼻を少しすすったことについて、その理由を説明したいなら: "My nose feels a little irritated but I don't think I'm going to sneeze." (鼻が少しヒリヒリするんです。でもくしゃみは出ないと思います) と言えます。
Suzi DMM英語講師
  • I almost sneezed

  • I was about to sneeze - but didn't!

If you are 'about to do something' then it means that it is imminent that you do it. Similarly, if you almost sneeze, you actually don't, but the conditions indicated that you were going to.
about to do something'は「まさに~するところ」という意味です。 'almost sneeze'も同じで、くしゃみが出そうだったけど出なかったことを表します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I thought I was gonna sneeze(, but it didn't come out.)

  • (I thought) I was about to sneeze.

  • I was going to sneeze, but it didn't come out.

You don't necessarily need to say 出なかった in English. "I was about to ~" means you were going to, but didn't because you couldn't or decided not to. You could say, "I was about to punch him..."
英語では必ずしも「出なかった」は言う必要ありません。 "I was about to ~" は「~しそうだったけどできなかった」または「~しそうだったけどしなかった」という意味です。 例えば: "I was about to punch him..." (彼を殴りそうになった)
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
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