世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/14 11:54
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  • I haven't got to the stage where I'm thinking in English yet

  • I am still mentally translating everything before speaking

When first learning to speak a language eveyone goes through a process of acquiring vocabulary and phrases and different people may have diverse ways of explaining this. Some people refer to the idea of: "thinking in English," where you become so familiar with certain phrases and vocabulary that you mentally acquire the language in its own right. The first words that a new student may acquire as spontaneous new language would probably be 'yes' and 'no,' Meanwhile, you can explain that, "I am still mentally translating everything before speaking."
言語を話そうと、言語を学び始めたころは、誰でも最初にボキャブラリーやフレーズを覚えますが、今回の件については人によって違った見解があるかもしれません。頭で習得したフレーズやボキャブラリーに慣れてきたら、英語で考えるようになるという人もいます。 新しい学生が自然と習得する単語といえば、恐らく、'yes'(はい)と 'no'(いいえ)かもしれません。 ひとまず、以下のように説明できます。 "I am still mentally translating everything before speaking." (私は話す前に、まだ頭の中で訳しています。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I always plan out my thoughts in Japanese before I say them in English.

  • I always think of my response in Japanese before I respond.

A. Why are you always waiting to respond? Is it me? Am I talking to fast? Do you understand. B. Sure, I just need some time to think of what I'm going to say. A. What do you mean? B. Like, I can't respond simultaneously because I need to plan out my thoughts in Japanese before I can say them in English.
A. Why are you always waiting to respond? Is it me? Am I talking to fast? Do you understand. (なんでいつも返事を待ってるの?私?私喋るの早すぎる?理解できてる?) B. Sure, I just need some time to think of what I'm going to say. (もちろん、ただ時々言おうとすることを考えてるの) A. What do you mean? (どういう意味?) B. Like, I can't respond simultaneously because I need to plan out my thoughts in Japanese before I can say them in English. (例えば、まず頭の中で最初に日本語で考えをまとめてから英語で答えるから、同時には返事をできないのよ。)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I first of all think in Japanese and translate that into English before I speak.

  • I think in Japanese first and mentally translate that into English before speaking.

The phrase 'first of all' means 'before doing anything else; at the beginning'. So in the first sentence, you are actually saying that 'before you speak in English, you think in Japanese and then translate your thoughts into English before you speak. So, you may say: I first of all think in Japanese and translate that into English before I speak. The second sentence is the same except that you have not used 'first of all'. You have just used the 'ordinal number' 'first' which has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'coming before all others in time or order; earliest; 1st'. You have also used the adverb 'mentally' which means 'connected with or related to the mind', to describe how you translate the Japanese thought into English. So, you may say: I think in Japanese first and mentally translate that into English before speaking.
first of all'は、「他のことを始める前に、最初に」という意味です。1番最初の文では、英語を話す前に、日本語で考えてから、自分の思いを英語に訳しているということを意味しています。 I first of all think in Japanese and translate that into English before I speak. (最初に日本語で考えて、話す前に英語に訳すんだ。) 2番目の文は、'first of all'を使っていないですが、それ以外は同じです。今回の文では、一般的な数字の'first'を使っていて、色んな意味がありますが、 「他のものより先に、一番最初に」という意味です。'mentally'という副詞は、頭の中でという意味で、日本語から英語に訳すことを意味しています。 I think in Japanese first and mentally translate that into English before speaking. (最初に日本語で考えて、話す前に頭の中で英語に訳すんだ。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Before speaking in English, I need to first think in Japanese

  • At the moment I am translating my thoughts from Japanese into English

  • I often think in Japanese, then translate it into English

At the moment I am translating my thoughts from Japanese into English- At the moment means that at this point in time, in the future you will be faster and get the hang of the translation. Get the hang of something- means to get used to something and get better at it.
At the moment I am translating my thoughts from Japanese into English. "At the moment"は、現在、今のところという意味です。 In the future you will be faster and get the hang of the translation.(将来はもっと早く話せるようになって、訳も上手になるでしょうね。) "Get the hang of ~"は、~に慣れて、上手になるという意味です。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • Before I answer people in English, I always first plan my response in Japanese than translate it to English.

  • Before I speak English, I always first think about what I want to say in Japanese then translate it to English.

▪ Before I answer people in English, I always first plan my response in Japanese than translate it to English. response = a verbal answer This means that you first think in you mind what you want to say in Japanese then translate it to English before. ▪ Before I speak English, I always first think about what I want to say in Japanese then translate it to English. This is saying that whenever you need to speak English you 1st plan it in Japanese in your mind then translate it to English before you speak.
▪ Before I answer people in English, I always first plan my response in Japanese than translate it to English. response = 口頭の答え こちらの文は、まず頭で何を言いたいか日本語で考えてから、英語に訳すという意味です。 ▪ Before I speak English, I always first think about what I want to say in Japanese then translate it to English. こちらの文は、英語で話す必要のあるときは、最初に頭で日本語で考えてから、話す前に英語に訳すという意味です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I need to think of what I want to say in Japanese first.

  • Before speaking in English, I need to think of what I want to say in Japanese first.

  • I think in Japanese and then translate it to English.

It is very common to need to think in your native language and then translate it when you are learning a new language. These are some sentences to express this. I need to think of what I want to say in Japanese first. Before speaking in English, I need to think of what I want to say in Japanese first. I think in Japanese and then translate it to English.
新しい言語を学んでいるときには、母国語で考えてからそれを訳す必要があるのはとても普通のことです。これらの文はこのことを伝えるフレーズです。 I need to think of what I want to say in Japanese first. (まず日本語で言いたいことを考える必要があります。) Before speaking in English, I need to think of what I want to say in Japanese first. (英語で話す前に、まず日本語で言いたいことを考えなくてはいけません。) I think in Japanese and then translate it to English. (日本語で考えてから、英語に訳します。)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Speaking English is a process for me. I think in Japanese then translate my thoughts into English.

  • Please mind my slow pace, I need time to translate my thoughts from Japanese into English.

  • My thought process is in Japanese then I need to translate my thoughts into English in my mind.

We all have a language we use when we are thinking. This is the prime language that allows you great self-expression. In order to be fully fluent in a language, it helps if you can think in that language in a fluent manner. If you still need to translate the word or expression, you need time to process the idea which causes a pause in the conversation. To express that you need to mentally translate your thoughts from Japanese to English, use the sentences above. Prime: first Self-expression: the ability to say exactly what is on your mind, how you feel, what you think Pause: stop for a short time Pace: the rate at which something is moving, slow, fast Please mind: please excuse
みんな考えるときに使う言語があります。これをprime language(一時言語)といい、自己表現に役立ちます。ある言語で流暢になるには、その言語で考えることが役立ちます。    言葉や表現を訳す必要があるなら、考えをまとめるのに時間がかかり、会話が止まるかもしれません。これらの例は、頭で日本語から英語に考えを訳す必要があることを伝えるフレーズです。  Prime: 第一 Self-expression: 自分の考えや感じていることを表現する力 Pause:少し止まること Pace: 動くスピード Please mind: すみませんが
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Before I speak in English I have to Think of what I want to say in Japanese first

  • I think In Japanese first before speaking in English

"Before I speak in English I have to think of what I want to say in Japanese first" "I think In Japanese first before speaking in English" These two sentences imply that when one is speaking English, before hand, they need to think in Japanese. This is normal because ones English skills are not very good and you will need time to think/process an English structured sentence.
"Before I speak in English I have to think of what I want to say in Japanese first" (英語で話す前に、まず日本語で言いたいことを考えなくてはいけない。) "I think In Japanese first before speaking in English" (まず英語で話す前に日本語で考えます。) これらは、英語で話すときに、あらかじめ日本語で考えるということを表しています。これは、英語力が不十分で、文を英語で考える時間が必要なので普通のことです。  
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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