世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/18 02:21
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  • Could you put some on here?

  • Could you put some on my plate?

  • Please put some on my plate.

"Could you put some on here?" - In this sentence, using the word 'some' means 'a portion of' or a 'little'. When saying some you are asking for a little portion of food and not the whole portion. Using the word 'here' would mean the plate. You would then be indicating to your friend when you want the food to be put. Example: Friend: Please have some of my food. You: Thank you. Could you put some on here?
"Could you put some on here?" (ここの上にのせてくれますか?) この表現では'some'を使っています。 これは少し、いくつか、と言う意味になります。 "some"を使って何かを尋ねる時は食べものを全部ではなく少しの量をください、と言う意味になります。 この'here'とは、お皿の上を意味します。 食べ物を置いてほしい場所を示すといいですよね。 【例】 Friend: Please have some of my food. (友達:私の食べ物をいくつか食べてください) You: Thank you. Could you put some on here? (あなた:ありがとう。ここの上にいくつかおいてくれますか?)
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • I'd love to try a little bit

  • Could I have a little taster?

  • I'd like to have a taste of your dish, if that is okay?

I'd love to try a little bit- A little bit of something is a small amount. You could go on to say I'd love to try a little bit, could you please put a some on my plate? Could I have a little taster?- A taster of something is enough to have a taste or get an idea of the flavours of the dish.
I'd love to try a little bit (喜んで少しいただきます) - "a little bit of something"とは少しの量と言う意味です。 次のように言うことが出来ます。 "I'd love to try a little bit, could you please put a some on my plate? " (喜んで少しいただきます。お皿の上にのせてくれますか?) Could I have a little taster? (ちょっと味見させてもらってもいいですか?) - "a taster of something"とはちょっと味見をする事です。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • Pass some of that over!

  • Put some on my plate!

  • Gimme some!

For a direct and simple request to a friend, you may use the imperative form - ideal for giving instructions, commands, or orders such as instructions to marching soldiers: "Turn left...quick march...halt...eyes right.....stand at ease!" In this case, the instruction would be: "Put some of your food on my plate!" More conversationally and informally, you may just say: "Gimme some!" meaning - 'Please give me some!"
友人に直接的にシンプルに頼むのであれば、命令形を使うことが出来ます。命令形は、前進する兵士に指示を出すように、指示、命令をするのに理想的な形です。 例文 "Turn left...quick march...halt...eyes right.....stand at ease!" 左を向け。早く進め。止まれ。右を向け。気を付け。 この場合、指示は以下のようになります。 例文 "Put some of your food on my plate!" 私のお皿に食べ物を取って。 より会話調で、くだけた言い方をするのであればこう言えます。 例文 "Gimme some!" ちょっと取って。 少し取って欲しいということです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Could you pass it here?

  • I'd like to try it.

  • Can I have some to?

A. That macaroni salad looks yummy! B. It's my grandmother's recipe. A. Could you pass it here? I'd like to try some too. B. *scoops* Here you go! Let me know if that's a large enough portion for you. A. Oh, thank you very much. This is fine.
A. That macaroni salad looks yummy!  (そのマカロニサラダ美味しそう!) B. It's my grandmother's recipe.  (私のおばあちゃんのレシピなの) A. Could you pass it here? I'd like to try some too.  (少しここにもらっていい?ちょっと食べてみたいわ) B. *scoops* Here you go! Let me know if that's a large enough portion for you.  (⦅少しすくって⦆はいどうぞ!多かったら言ってね) A. Oh, thank you very much. This is fine.  (ありがとう!それでいいです)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • You can put some on my plate.

*You can put some in my plate. This means you would like them to put your share into your plate. For example: A: Would you like some of my sweet and sour prawn stir fry. B: Yes please. You can put some in my plate.
例文 *You can put some in my plate. 私のお皿に少し分けてくれる? 私のお皿に料理を取り分けて欲しいということです。 例文 A: Would you like some of my sweet and sour prawn stir fry. 甘酸っぱい小エビのフライをいかがですか? B: Yes please. You can put some in my plate. はい、お願いします。私のお皿に少し分けて下さい。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • A) Put some on my plate please

  • B) That looks scrumptious ! Mind if i have a taste ?

A) Put some on my plate please *Put- to move something or someone into the stated place, position, or direction. Example- She put her arm around him. *Some-an unspecified amount or number of. Example-"I made some money running errands" *Plate- flat dish, typically circular and made of china, from which food is eaten or served. Example-"he pushed his empty plate to one side and sipped his wine" B) That looks scrumptious ! Mind if i have a taste ? *That-used to identify a specific person or thing observed or heard by the speaker. Example-"that's his wife over there" *Looks-.the appearance of someone or something, especially as expressing a particular quality. Example-"the bedraggled look of the village" Taste-the sensation of flavor perceived in the mouth and throat on contact with a substance. Example-"the wine had a fruity taste" *Scrumptious-(of food) extremely appetizing or delicious. Example-"a scrumptious chocolate tart" I hope this helps :-)
例文 A) Put some on my plate please 私のお皿に食べ物を少し下さい *Put-人や物を決まった場所や位置、方向に置くこと 例- She put her arm around him. 彼女は腕を彼の身体に回した。 *Some-不特定の量、数 例-"I made some money running errands" お使いをして、お金を少し稼いだ。 *Plate- 食べ物を食べたり、出したりする、通常中国で出来た丸い、平らなお皿 例-"he pushed his empty plate to one side and sipped his wine" 彼は空のお皿を脇へ置いて、ワインをちびちび飲んだ。 例文 B) That looks scrumptious ! Mind if i have a taste ? それはとても美味しそう!!味見しても良い? *That-話し手が見たり、聞いたりする具体的な人又は物を特定するために使われる 例-"that's his wife over there" むこうにいるのが彼の妻です。 *Looks-人や物の外観、特に他とは違う特徴を表しているもの 例-"the bedraggled look of the village" その村のみすぼらしい外観 Taste-物に触れた時に口や喉で感じる味覚 例-"the wine had a fruity taste" そのワインはフルーティーな味がする。 *Scrumptious-(食べ物が)特別に美味しい 例-"a scrumptious chocolate tart" 本当に美味しいチョコレートタルト お役に立てば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Can you put some on here?

  • Can you put some on my plate?

  • Can you put a little bit on my plate?

If the person knows where to put the food then you can simply say 'can you put some on here?' but to make sure they know where you could say 'can you put some on my plate?' If you only want a very small amount to try then you would say 'a little bit'
食べ物をどこに置けばいいか相手に伝わっていれば、シンプルに 'can you put some on here?'(ここに載せてくれますか)と言えます。 あるいは、確実に分かるように、 'can you put some on my plate?' と言ってもいいです。 もらう量がほんの少しでいいなら、'a little bit'(少しだけ)と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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