世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/19 00:25
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  • The numbers of tigers in the wild are very "slim".

  • There are only a "few" candies left in the jar.

  • That rare snake is very scarce.

By using this phrasing, you are letting the person you are talking to about small portions of the objects in question. Often people will use the words “slim”, “few” or “scarce” to describe the amount to something. All of these terms describe small quantities.
このフレーズを使う事によって問題になっている物の[量](が少ないという事を相手に伝えることが出来ます。 “slim”や “few”や “scarce” などの言葉は少ない量を表します。 これらは全て"少ない"と言う意味になります。
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • Small

  • Little

  • Few

▪ Small I only had a small portion of rice. ▪ Little I only ate a little of my rice. ▪ Few I ordered more rice a few times.
▪ Small 少ない 例文 I only had a small portion of rice. ご飯を[少しだけ](食べた。 ▪ Little 少ない 例文 I only ate a little of my rice. ご飯を少しだけ食べた。 ▪ Few 少ない 例文 I ordered more rice a few times. 数回ライスのおかわりを注文した。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • There's very little rice here!

  • What a measly portion of rice!

Measly = ridiculously small or few. "The Conservative MP got just three measly votes." Very little = you can use this phrase when you are disappointed that something is very small, or when you wish to tell people about some fact that may be interesting or significant. "The team we were playing against seemed to have very little motivation to win."
Measly =とんでもなく小さい、少ない 例文 "The Conservative MP got just three measly votes." 保守プラットホームはたった3票を得ただけだった。 Very little = このフレーズを使うことができるのは、物がとても小さかったり、人に面白い又は重要なことを話したいと思っている時です。 例文 "The team we were playing against seemed to have very little motivation to win." 私達が戦っているチームは、勝つ気がほとんどないように思えた。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • There's not much food left.

  • I don't eat much for breakfast.

  • Most Japanese people don't understand English.

「少ない」はいろいろな場面で使われますね。 「少ない」をどのように英語に訳すかは文脈によります。 【例】 There's not much food left. →食べ物が少ししか残っていない。 I don't eat much for breakfast. →朝ご飯は少ししか食べません。 Most Japanese people don't understand English. →英語が理解できる日本人は少ない。 「most」は「ほとんどの」という意味の形容詞です。 ご質問ありがとうございました。
DMM Eikaiwa F DMM英会話
  • small portion

  • not much

  • few/less

「少ない」は英語で色々な言い方がありますが、「ご飯が少ない」という文脈で「that’s a small portion」や「that’s not much」などの言い方を使えます。 I don’t recommend that restaurant. The portions are too small. (そのレストランをお勧めできない。ご飯が少ないよ。) That’s not a very big dinner. (今夜の夕食は少ないな。) I have less homework today than usual. (今日の宿題はいつもより少ない。) We have fewer customers than usual today. (今日はいつもよりお客さんが少ない。)
Mairi 英語講師/著者/英語ブロガー
  • There's only a little bit of rice.

  • There were hardly any animals at the zoo.

The two sentences you see above are great ways to express that there is a small amount of something. The two phrases used in these sentences(a little bit and hardly any) are common in our everyday conversation and would be a great addition to your vocabulary. I hope these sentences and explanation help you out!
この二つの例文は、何か量が少ないときに表現する良い言い方です。a little bitと、hardly anyというフレーズが含まれ日常会話でよく使われ、単語力強化にもなるでしょう。 この二つの例文と、説明が手助けになることを願います!
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • meager

  • a little bit

meager - very little, but usually this is said with disdain A. Are you happy with your meal? B. No, you expect this meager serving of rice to fill me? A. Well, you can always order another. B. This is ridiculous! How can you call this a serving???
meager - とても少ないという意味で、通常これは見下した感じを伴います。 A. Are you happy with your meal?  (お食事に満足いただけましたか?) B. No, you expect this meager serving of rice to fill me?  (いいや、あんな少ないご飯で僕が満足すると思う?) A. Well, you can always order another.  (えっと、他の物もご注文できます) B. This is ridiculous! How can you call this a serving??? (ばかげている!これをサービスと君は呼ぶのか??)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • not very much

少ないは英語でnot very muchと言います。 例) 少ないな That's not very much 今はお金が少ない I don't have very much money right now 100gは少ないね 100 grams isn't very much ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Little

  • Few

  • Small

Small and little can both be used to describe the size of something; for example: It was a small cat. It is a little dress. She is a little girl. It's a small portion of food. A few is used to describe the amount of something, for example: There are only a few pieces left. I went to buy a few loaves of bread.
smallと、littleは、どちらも何かのサイズを表すのに使えます。 例: It was a small cat. あれは、小さな猫でした。 It is a little dress. あれは、小さなドレスです。 She is a little girl. 彼女は小さいです。 It's a small portion of food. それは、少ない量の食事です。 また、a fewは何かの量を表します。 例: There are only a few pieces left. そこには、2,3個(切れ)のみ残ってます。 I went to buy a few loaves of bread. 私は、2,3斤のパンを買いに行きました。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Few

  • Little

日本語の「少ない」が英語でか「few」か「little」といいます。 以下は例文です。 水はごく少なかった ー There was little water 100歳まで生きる人は少ない ー Very few people live to be one hundred years old 彼は口数が少ない ー He talks very little 勉強が好きな生徒はごく少ない ー Very few students like studying. 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • can i have a small peice

  • can i have a tiny bit

  • i would like a small one please

example "Can I have a small portion?" or "Can I have a tiny piece?" or "Can I have a little bit?" or "Can I have a small one?"
"Can I have a small portion?" 少なめをもらえますか?   "Can I have a tiny piece?"  ちょっとだけもらえますか? "Can I have a little bit?"  少しだけもらえますか? "Can I have a small one?" 小さいのをもらえますか?
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I could do with more.

  • Such a small portion!

少々不満を言う感じで「もっとあってもいいけどね」は1行目。 普通に驚きを交えて「小さいね!」は2行目。 Portionは量を示しています。 例文を挙げると、 "This meal is quite small. I could do with more." (食事の量は少ないな。もっと食べれるな。) "Wow, such a small portion! I am used to eat more than this!" (おー量は結構少ない!普段はもっと食べるけどね。)
Michey House 新宿区高田馬場の言語カフェ
  • not enough

  • small portion

ご質問ありがとうございます。 この場合は、not enough がいいと思います。 例えばよそったご飯の量が足りますか(Is that enough rice?)と聞かれた場合: No, it's not enough. Could you add some more? = 足りないな、もう少し足してくれる? 食べ物の量が少ない場合は、the portion is smallと言ってもいいです。 Portion:料理の一人分の量 Small:少し 例文:We ordered 2 dishes but the portions were so small, we ended up ordering 2 more dishes. 2品頼んだけど量が少なかったから結局2品追加で頼んだ。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Few people visit our town.

  • Only a few succeed in life.

  • May I have a small portion of what he's eating? It looks delicious.

少ない scarce, little, few 少ない人が私たちの町を訪れません。 Few people visit our town. 人生で成功する人はごく少ないです。 Very few people succeed in life. 彼が食べているものの一部をいただけますか? それはおいしそう。 May I have a small portion of what he's eating? It looks delicious.
  • a few

  • not many /not much

you can use the above phrases by saying "there was only a few animals at the zoo." saying not much/not many means the same thing but you should say "not many" when referring to living things people, animals, plants ect. but you will use "not much" when referring to non living things like food or items.
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • very little

  • small portion

  • few

Words/phrases that may be used to express that the amount of something is small may include: very little; small portion; few; etc. You may use the above in sentences in the following ways: -I dished a small portion of rice for myself because I don't like starch. -There are very few pandas at the zoo. I expected to see more. -I have a few coins on me so that I may be able to pay for the bus.
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • There are less cars being in produced in 2020 than 2019

  • There are fewer tourists visiting Thailand this year

By using the expressions "less" and "fewer" you are explaining that the number or size of something is getting smaller. Other causal terms are "Small", "Scarce", "few". "The size of the meals are getting smaller and smaller". "Water is scarce in some deserts". "There are few places on earth untouched by humans".
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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