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2017/11/25 15:38
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  • How many bullets can you load at once?

  • How many cartridges can you load in it?

cartridges - gun cartridges are units that carry many bullets bullets - the individual units that shoot out of the gun to load (bullets/cartridges) into a gun- to load is to pack something in, so in this case, you are packing in bullets/cartridges in order to fill the gun You can also load a moving car, for example, when you are moving. This means you are filling it to capacity so that you can fit all of your belongings.
・cartridges - カートリッジとは弾丸が束になったものです。 ・bullets - これは弾丸の事で銃を撃つときに発射されます。 "to load (bullets/cartridges) into a gun" (弾⦅カートリッジ⦆を銃に込める) -この"to load "とはこの場合、弾やカートリッジを銃に込めるという意味になります。 また"load a moving car"というと引っ越しの時などに荷物を引っ越し屋さんのトラックに積み込む、と言う意味になります。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • What is the bullet capacity of that gun?

  • How many bullets does that gun take?

Well, bullets are put into the barrel of a traditional gun and the barrel therefore dictates how many bullets the gun may fire without reloading. However, these days, some guns - especially machine guns are fed by bullets being unloaded from a magazine and the magazines may themselves hold hundreds of bullets.
そうですね、弾は伝統的な銃のbarrelに入れますので、barrelによって何回撃てるか決まります。 しかし最近では、銃によっては、(特にマシンガンは)弾倉から弾が装填され、 弾倉自体に数百の弾を入れることができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How many bullets does it hold/contain.

  • How many bullets can fill the magazine.

"How many bullets does it hold/contain." this asks the person to tell you how many bullets can be in the gun at once. "How many bullets can fill the magazine." "magazine" is the case that fits into the handle of the gun and it has the bullets in.
"How many bullets does it hold/contain." (弾は何発入るのですか?) これはその銃に弾が何個込められるのか質問する表現です。 "How many bullets can fill the magazine." (そのカートリッジに弾は何個込められますか?) "magazine"(カートリッジ)とは自動小銃や機関銃などに装着する複数の弾を込められるケースの事です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • How many bullets can be loaded into a pistol magazine?

*How many bullets can be loaded into a pistol magazine?- This means that you would like to know how many bullets can be loaded into the gun. Pistol is the type of gun. A magazine is the where bullets are stored in a gun. For example: A: How many bullets can be loaded into a pistol magazine? B: On average it can be between 8 to 10 bullets.
*How many bullets can be loaded into a pistol magazine? (何発の弾をその銃に込めることが出来ますか?) - これは何発の弾を銃の中に込められるのか知りたいという意味になります。 "Pistol"(ピストル)j銃の事ですよね。 "magazine"とは複数の弾を込められる銃のカートリッジの事です。 【例】 A: How many bullets can be loaded into a pistol magazine? (一つの銃に何発の弾を込められるんですか?) B: On average it can be between 8 to 10 bullets. (平均で8発から10発を込められることが出来ます)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • How many bullets does it hold?

  • It was an automatic weapon, so I asked how many bullets it could hold...

A gun has "a magazine" / or bullet chamber...that is said" to hold" the bullets... Whe we need to know how many bullets a gun is capable of firing "in one load" IE without reloading...we could ask: "how many bullets it could hold...?"
銃には弾倉又は薬室があり、銃弾を内蔵すると言われています。1回の装薬でつまり再装弾することなく何発の弾丸を銃が発射できるかを知る必要がある時は、こう尋ねることが出来ます。 例文 "how many bullets it could hold...?" その銃には何発の銃弾が入りますか?
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • How many bullets can you put in this gun?

  • How many bullets can you put in the gun at once?

When you want to ask a person how many bullets you can put in a gun at once; then you may say it in the following ways: -How many bullets can you put in this gun? -How many bullets can you put in the gun at once?
その銃に弾が何発入るか質問したいなら、次のように言えます。 -How many bullets can you put in this gun?(この銃には何発弾が入りますか) -How many bullets can you put in the gun at once?(この銃には一度に何発弾が入りますか)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • How many bullets can you insert in this at one time?

  • How many bullets can you load the gun with?

"How many bullets can you insert in this at one time?" 'Bullets' are what a gun shoots, normally a gun can store a handful of bullets. to insert/load bullets is the term used to store bullets in a gun.
"How many bullets can you insert in this at one time?"(これには一度に何発入りますか) 'Bullets' は弾丸のことです。普通は、銃(gun)にはそれほど多く弾丸は入りません。 'to insert/load bullets' は、銃に弾を込めることをいいます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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