世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/27 06:03
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  • My priority has been my college work so my English studies have sl;ipped a little

  • I haven't had time to study English due to pressure of college work.

To slip - to go into a worse state, often because of lack of control or care: Productivity in the factory has slipped noticeably in the last year. "The schedule has started to slip." (= things are happening later than planned). "I don't know what went wrong with my performance. I must be slipping." Due to...... = We use this expression at the beginning or middle of a sentence to show that something is affectedv by something else. 'Due to heavy rain, all football games have been cancelled.'
To slip - 悪い状態になること。コントロールやケアのなさによることが多い。 【例文】 Productivity in the factory has slipped noticeably in the last year.(昨年、工場の生産性は著しく低下した) "The schedule has started to slip." (= 計画よりも遅く起こっている). "I don't know what went wrong with my performance. I must be slipping."(私のパフォーマンスの何が悪かったのかわからない。不調に違いない) Due to...... = この表現を文頭または文中に使用して、何かが他のことによる影響を受けたことを表します。 'Due to heavy rain, all football games have been cancelled.'(大雨によって、すべてのサッカーの試合が中止になった)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My college classes occupy so much of my time that I don't have any time to study English.

  • After I'm done with my classwork, I have no time left to study English.

  • School has taken over my life!

(something) has taken over my life- to take over means to rule, so if something has taken over your life, that means it rules you, and it is all you do.. you have no more time and freedom for basically anything else. A. How are you? I haven't seen you in my DMM Eikawa class in so long. B. Yes, teacher, I've just been busy. A. Really, how so? B. I've been taking extra classes this semester, so school has just taken over my life! After I'm done with my classwork, I have no time left to study English.
(something) has taken over my life- 人生のほとんどを占めるという意味です。 (英文) A. How are you? I haven't seen you in my DMM Eikawa class in so long. B. Yes, teacher, I've just been busy. A. Really, how so? B. I've been taking extra classes this semester, so school has just taken over my life! After I'm done with my classwork, I have no time left to study English. (訳) A:元気ですか?最近DMM英会話で見かけませんね。 B:そうなんです。最近忙しくて。 A:本当ですか?なぜでしょうか? B:今学期多めに授業を受けているのです。学校が私の人生のほとんどを占めています!学校の課題の後ほとんど英語を勉強する時間がないのです。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I've been so busy with college that I haven't been studying English much.

  • College has been taking up a lot of my time, so I haven't been studying English much.

If you want to explain that you are so busy with your college studies that you haven't had the time to study English much, you can say: "I've been so busy with college that I haven't been studying English much." "College has been taking up a lot of my time, so I haven't been studying English much."
「大学の勉強が忙しくて英語を勉強する時間がない」は、次のように言えます。 "I've been so busy with college that I haven't been studying English much."(大学の勉強が忙しくて、あまり英語を勉強できていない) "College has been taking up a lot of my time, so I haven't been studying English much." (大学の勉強に時間を取られて、あまり英語を勉強できていない)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • I have been so busy at college that i haven't studied English much

  • I haven't had much time to study English as i have been busy with college

To say "i have been so busy at college i haven't studied English much" or " i haven't had much time to study English as i have been busy at college" would describe exactly what has happened you have not been studying your English as you have been busy at college
上記例文はどちらとも、大学の勉強が忙しくて英語の勉強が疎かになってしまっている状況を表す文章です。 ●I have been so busy at college that I haven't studied English much.(大学の方が忙しくて、あまり英語を勉強していない。) ●I haven't had much time to study English as I have been busy at college.(大学の方が忙しくて、英語を勉強する時間があまりない。)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I have been so busy with other work that I have had to sideline English for a little while.

  • Recently my college studies have taken priority over English.

  • I have put my English studies on the back-burner whilst I focus on my college work.

When we 'sideline' something in our lives this means that we have had to stop doing it for a duration of time, either willingly or unwillingly. This phrase can be used in many contexts. For example - "I have had to sideline my social life for my family for a while." When we put something on the 'back-burner' this again means that we have had to postpone something and is similar in meaning to 'sideline'.
sideline' は、しばらくの間何かを積極的に、または渋々、やめることを表します。 この表現はいろいろな文脈で使うことができます。 例: "I have had to sideline my social life for my family for a while." しばらくの間家族のことで遊びは二の次にしないといけなかった。 'put something on the back-burner'も'sideline'とよく似た意味です。何かを後回しにすることを表します。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I've had a full plate with my studies, so I haven't been able to study English.

  • I've been wrapped up in my studies, so I haven't had much time to study English.

The two sentences you see above are great ways to express to your listener that you haven't had much time to study English because you have been busy studying in the university. In the first sentence you will see the term full plate. When we have a full plate that means we are very busy. You will also see the phrase wrapped up in the second sentence. This also means to be very busy. I hope these two sentences and this explanation help you out!
これら2つの文は、大学の勉強が忙しくて英語の勉強をする時間があまりないことを伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 はじめの文では、full plateという言葉が使われています。have a full plateは、とても忙しいという意味です。 また、2つ目の文ではwrapped upというフレーズが使われています。これもとても忙しいという意味です。 この例と、説明がお役にたてば幸いです。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I've been so busy with my studies that I have not been able to focus on doing my English lessons

  • I've been preoccupied with my studies that I have not been able to take more English lessons

  • I haven't been able to focus a lot on my English because I have been busy with my college studies

When you want to explain that you have been very busy with your college studies that you have not been able to do more English lessons or study English much, then can say: -I've been so busy with my studies that I have not been able to focus on doing my English lessons -I've been preoccupied with my studies that I have not been able to take more English lessons -I haven't been able to focus a lot on my English because I have been busy with my college studies
大学の勉強が忙しくてあまり英語の勉強ができていない(レッスンが受けられていない)なら、次のように言うことができます: 【例文】 -I've been so busy with my studies that I have not been able to focus on doing my English lessons (学校の勉強が忙しすぎて、英語のレッスンがあまりできていません) -I've been preoccupied with my studies that I have not been able to take more English lessons (学校の勉強がいっぱいで、英語のレッスンを増やせません) -I haven't been able to focus a lot on my English because I have been busy with my college studies (大学の勉強が忙しすぎて、あまり英語の勉強ができていません)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I'm so busy studying for college that I didn't have the time to study English

  • I'm studying a lot for college now and I don't have time to study English

Native speakers will say like this: “I'm so busy studying for college that I didn't have the time to study English”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this: A: Did you study English? B: No, I'm so busy studying for college that I didn't have the time to study English.
ネイティブスピーカーは以下のように言うでしょう: I'm so busy studying for college that I didn't have the time to study English. (大学の勉強が忙しくて英語を勉強する時間はありませんでした。) 他にも色々な言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で、よく使われます。 これを使った例です: A: Did you study English? (英語を勉強しましたか?) B: No, I'm so busy studying for college that I didn't have the time to study English. (いいえ、大学の勉強が忙しくて英語を勉強する時間はありませんでした。)
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • College studies have been so hectic i haven't had much time to focus on English.

Hectic means very busy, Example "Work has been hectic today". Focus means to give a lot of attention to something, So to explain you haven't had much time to study English because College studies you could say "College studies have been so hectic i haven't had much time to focus on English.
"Hectic" は「とても忙しい」という意味です。 例: "Work has been hectic today".(今日は仕事がすごく忙しい) "Focus" は「~に注意を集中させる」という意味です。 ですから、「大学が忙しくて、英語を勉強する時間がない」は、 "College studies have been so hectic i haven't had much time to focus on English." と言えます。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • I have been occupied with my college studies, that I haven't had the time to take English lessons.

  • I have been so busy with college that I have not had the time to study and practice my English.

Occupied-to be busy with something.
Occupied - 忙しい
Kweena DMM英会話講師
  • I'm extremely busy studying for college that I didn't have the time to study English

  • I have been so busy at college that I haven't studied English much

These two sentences will help you to describe the situation accurately: 1) I'm extremely busy studying for college that I didn't have the time to study English or 2) I have been so busy at college that I haven't studied English much
次のように説明できます。 1) I'm extremely busy studying for college that I didn't have the time to study English (大学の勉強が忙しくて、英語を勉強する時間はなかった) 2) I have been so busy at college that I haven't studied English much (大学のことで忙しくて、あまり英語を勉強できていない)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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