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待たせてごめん、困らせてごめんと言う時の、I'm sorry for の後が分かりません。受動態にするのでしょうか?
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2017/11/29 15:29
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  • Sorry for the wait.

  • Sorry for making you wait.

I'm sorry for~を使いたい場合はI'm sorry for making you waitです。 これらは全て同じ意味で待たせて[ごめん](という意味です。
  • Sorry to have kept you waiting

  • Sorry I kept you waiting

If you are addressing someone who was waiting to see you, then you may wish to make an apology. You could use the present perfect tense: "Sorry to have kept you waiting." Or, the past simple: "Sorry I kept you waiting." If the person waiting needs to wait even longer that they have already waited, you could say: "Sorry to keep you waiting."
あなたが誰かを待たせてしまったなら、[謝り](たいと思うでしょう。現在完了形が使えます。 Sorry to have kept you waiting. または、過去形も使えます。 Sorry I kept you waiting. 既に待ってる時間よりもさらに長く[待つ](場合には、下記のように言えます。 Sorry to keep you waiting.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry I kept you waiting.

  • I'm sorry to keep you waiting.

  • I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.

学校などでは"sorry for ~ing"の形を勉強しますが、I'm sorryの後に続けて理由を文章で言うことも多いです。 また、"sorry for ~ing"の他にも"sorry to"という形もあります。 一般的には、"for"を使うのは過去の出来事に対しての謝罪、"to"は現在進行中、 または、これからのことについて使います。待たせてごめんね、というときは、 "sorry to keep you waiting" "to have kept you waiting"をよく使います。 違いは、"to keep you waiting"はまだ待たせてしまいそうなとき、 "to have kept you waiting"はもう用事が終わって、約束の場所に着いたときに使えます。
  • I apologize for being late

  • Please forgive me for making you wait

  • I'm sorry you had to wait for me

Formally you can say or write, "I apologize for being late", "please accept my apologies for making you wait," or "please forgive me for making you wait.". Casually just saying "I'm sorry you had to wait for me" is okay.
フォーマルに言う、または書くなら: "I apologize for being late" 〔訳〕遅れて申し訳ありません。 "Please accept my apologies for making you wait," 〔訳〕お待たせして申し訳ございません。 "Please forgive me for making you wait." 〔訳〕お待たせして申し訳ございません。 カジュアルに言うなら: "I'm sorry you had to wait for me" 〔訳〕待たせてごめんなさい。 でオッケーです。
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I am really sorry I'm late and for making you wait.

  • I am so sorry to have kept you waiting or I am so sorry for making you wait.

  • I apologise for the inconvenience.

If the delay is minor and you are friendly with the person who has been kept waiting "sorry I am late or I am really sorry I am late and for making you wait" should be ok. The longer the delay and the less you know the person the more formal apologies should be employed. "I am so sorry to have kept you waiting" It is sometimes good to give a reason as to why you have kept them waiting "My train was delayed"
少しの遅刻で仲の良い人を待たせたのであれば、"sorry I am late / I am really sorry I am late and for making you wait" (ごめんね、遅くなって/遅れて本当にごめんね、 待たせちゃったね)でOKだと思います。 大幅な遅刻でそこまで知り合いではない場合は、もっと丁寧 に謝る必要があります。 "I am so sorry to have kept you waiting" (お待たせして申し 訳ございません) 何故遅刻したのか、理由を伝えた方がいい場合も時々ありま す。 "My train was delayed"(電車の遅れがありまして)
Daniel H DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry to have kept you waiting

  • My apologies for being late

  • My apologies for making you wait

When you've made someone wait, it's important to be polite and apologize. It might be helpful to say something like: -"I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting..." and then maybe explain why you were late. Or -"my apologies for being late" or "my apologies for making you wait".
誰かを待たせてしまったら、丁寧に謝ることが重要です。 次のように言うといいかもしれません。 -"I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting..." (待たせてごめんなさい) そして、遅れた理由を説明しましょう。 また、次のようも表現できます。 -"my apologies for being late" (遅れてごめんなさい) "my apologies for making you wait" (お待たせしてごめんなさい)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry! Please forgive me for being late.

  • I am sorry you had to wait on me.

  • Sorry for making you wait.

1. I'm sorry! Please forgive me for being late. Sentence example: I'm sorry for making you late! Please forgive me. I will try to be on time in the future. (This is a polite way to tell someone you are sorry for being late, also you're asking for their forgiveness for being late and you're telling them you will try to improve for the next time you meet.) 2. I am sorry you had to wait on me. Sentence example: I am sorry you had to wait on me, I hope you did not have to wait very long! (This is another way to tell someone you're apologetic for being late and telling them you hope that you did not inconvenience them too much.) 3. Sorry for making you wait. Sentence example: Sorry for making you wait, hopefully you were not too inconvenienced! (You're telling them you are sorry that you were not on time and that you potentially inconvenienced them.) You can say all of the suggestions without the extra words in the example sentences, they stand alone just fine. Only add more to your sentence if you want to elaborate more.
1. I'm sorry! Please forgive me for being late. ごめんなさい。遅れたことを許してください。 例:I'm sorry for making you late! Please forgive me. I will try to be on time in the future. 遅刻させてしまってごめんなさい。許して。今度からは時間通りにするから。 2. I am sorry you had to wait on me. 待たせてしまってごめんなさい。 例:I am sorry you had to wait on me, I hope you did not have to wait very long! 待たせてしまってごめんなさい。長く待ってないならいいんだけど。 3. Sorry for making you wait. 待たせてごめん。 例: Sorry for making you wait, hopefully you were not too inconvenienced! 待たせてごめん。迷惑かけてないならいいのだけど。 これらすべて、言葉を付け足さずにそのまま使うことができます。
Sarahh DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry to have kept you waiting

  • I'm sorry you had to wait for me

Kept is the third form of the keep. Both of these sentences could be used because they mean the same. For example - There was such a big traffic. I'm sorry you had to wait for me
"Kept" は "Keep" の過去形・過去分詞形です。 上のどちらの文も使うことができます、これらは同じ意味です。 例えば: There was such a big traffic. I'm sorry you had to wait for me (道が混んでいたんだ。待たせてしまって申し訳ない)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry to keep you waiting.

  • I'm sorry for making you wait.

1. Sorry to keep you waiting. 2. I'm sorry for making you wait. 上記のように言うことができます。 どちらも「待たせてごめん」を表すことができます。 sorry の他に apologize という表現を使うこともできます。 こちらは sorry よりも丁寧な言い方です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
  • I sorry for the delay.

  • Apologies for being late and have you waiting on me.

"I sorry for the delay." This statement is used when you and another party have a set date and time and you were late to that, there is no need to say kept you waiting because you both had a set time and date to meet. "Apologies for being late and have you waiting on me." In this statement you are acknowledging that keeping people waiting or not being puntcual is a bit rude. This is a form of showing humbleness and also apoligizing for keeping the person waiting.
"I sorry for the delay." (遅れてごめんなさい) この表現は誰かと時間や場所など決めて待ち合わせをしたときなどに、あなたが遅れてしまった場合に使うことが出来ます。 この場合、合うために時間と日にちを設定ているので"kept you waiting"(あなたを待たせて)と言う必要はありません。 "Apologies for being late and have you waiting on me." (遅れて、あなたを待たせてしまいすみません) この表現は、あなたが時間に遅れてしまい相手を待たせて、少し失礼だという事を認識している表現になります。 これはあなたが相手を待たせてしまったことに、謙虚に謝罪をしている形形になります。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry that I kept you waiting.

  • Am so sorry that you had to wait.

  • I apologize for being late.

If you kept someone waiting and you want to apologize for keeping them waiting. you can use any of the following sentences to apologize:- 1. Sorry that I kept you waiting. Example: Sorry that I kept you waiting, I missed my bus and had to wait for the next one. 2. Am so sorry that you had to wait. Example: Am so sorry that you had to wait, I promise I will make it up to you. 3. I apologize for being late. Example: I apologize for being late, I had to wait for my boss the sign these documents.
「待たせてごめん」は次のように言えます。 1. Sorry that I kept you waiting.(待たせてごめん) 例: Sorry that I kept you waiting, I missed my bus and had to wait for the next one.(待たせてごめん、バスに乗り遅れてしまって) 2. Am so sorry that you had to wait.(待たせてごめんなさい) 例: Am so sorry that you had to wait, I promise I will make it up to you. (待たせてごめんなさい、この埋め合わせは必ずするから) 3. I apologize for being late.(遅れて申し訳ありません) 例: I apologize for being late, I had to wait for my boss the sign these documents. (遅れて申し訳ありません、この文書に上司のサインが必要だったので)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
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