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2017/11/29 18:41
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  • I won the quarter final.

  • I lost the quarter final.

A quarter-final is one of the four matches in a competition which decides which four players or teams will compete in the semifinal. Therefore in the sentences above, you are saying that you either won or lost the quarter-final, the match before the semi-final.
A quarter-finalは、どの4選手又は4チームが準決勝で争うかを決める4試合の中の1つです。 ですから上記の文で、準決勝の前の準々決勝で、勝つか負けるかのどちらかだと言います。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • I won my quarter final game

  • I was knocked out in the quarter finals

  • I was elliminated in the quarter finals

Tournaments are organised in a variety of ways. The most popular ways are either by having a 'knockout' competition where only the winner progresses; or a league format where all teams play each other.Additionally, tournaments may take place over a short or long period of time. When 8 teams or individuals are left in a knockout competition, then those teams or players are said to be 'in the quarter finals.' The players are then either knocked out (ellimninated) or win at this stage, and progress through to the semi finals.
トーナメントは様々な方法で運営されます。最も一般的な方法は、勝者だけが勝ち上がる勝ち抜き戦か、全チームが総当りするリーグ戦です。 さらにトーナメント戦は短期又は長期に渡って行われることもあります。8チーム又は8人が勝ち抜き戦で残った場合、これらのチーム又は選手は準々決勝に残っていると言われます。 選手は勝ち抜くか(敗れるか)、このステージを勝ち上がれば準決勝に進みます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • quarter finals (round)

  • I was knocked out in the quarter finals.

  • I'm advancing to the semi-finals. / I'm advancing to the semi-finals because I won the last round. / I'm advancing to the semi-finals because I won the quarter finals.

quarter finals - since "semi-finals" is like 1/2 way to the finals, then the "quarter finals" is 1/4 of the way (or a quarter) or the way to the finals knocked out - this means you lost... in boxing, a total knock out (TKO) is when you are punched so hard in a round that you are incapacitated and end up losing the round to advance - this means to move on to the next round. If you won the quarter finals, you would "advance to the semi-finals."
quarter finals - 準々決勝 準決勝から決勝までは1/2の確率で進み、準々決勝からは1/4の確率で決勝に進みます。 knocked out - ノックアウトされる ボクシングで負けることで、a total knock out (TKO) は、ラウンドの途中であまりに強烈なパンチを受け、戦闘不能になり、その結果そのラウンドを負けてしまいます。 to advance -進む 次のラウンドへ進むことです。準々決勝を勝つと、準決勝に進みます。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • quarter final

Example sentences- 1.I lost in the quarter finals of our game. 2. In won in the quarter finals!
例文:  1.I lost in the quarter finals of our game.  準々決勝の試合で負けた。 2. I won in the quarter finals!  準々決勝で勝った!  
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • quarter final

  • My favorite basketball team made it to the quarter finals this season.

The "quarter final" is the time in the tournament when teams or individuals try to make it to the next step of the semifinals, and then finals.
"quarter final" とは、セミファイナル、それからファイナルへの次のステップに進むための試合のことを指します。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I reached the quarter-finals.

  • I won /lost in the quarter-finals.

I reached the quarter-finals. Reached means that you only made it as far as the quarter-finals but lost the match and was unable to progress any further. I won /lost in the quarter-finals. This is self-explanatory. If you lost, you were out of the tournament, but if you won, then you made it to the next round which is the semi-final match.
I reached the quarter-finals. (準々決勝まで行きました) "Reached" は、準々決勝まで行ったけど、そこで負けてその先には進めなかったことを表します。 I won /lost in the quarter-finals. (準々決勝で勝ち/負けました) これは一目瞭然ですね。 負けるとトーナメントから敗退します、勝ったら次へ進むことが出来ます、それは"the semi final match"(準決勝)です。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • A) I won the quarter final.

  • B) I only made it to the quarter final round.

A) I won the quarter final. B) I only made it to the quarter final round. Quarter final - a match or round of a knockout competition that precedes the semi-final. "the Scottish Cup quarter-final between Hearts and Dundee"
A) I won the quarter final.  準々決勝に勝った。 B) I only made it to the quarter final round.  準々決勝までいった。   Quarter final - 準決勝に勝ちあがる試合のこと "the Scottish Cup quarter-final between Hearts and Dundee" ハーツ対ダンディーのスコットランドカップ準々決勝
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • I won in the quarterfinals of the competition and proceeded to the semi-finals.

In a knockout competition, the round that precedes or comes before the semi-final is called the quarter-final. In football (soccer) for example, if you lose in the quarter-finals, you are out of the competition and you go home. If you win in this round, you proceed to the semi-finals. The semi-final is the round that precedes the final. So, if you won in quarter-finals, you may say: I won in the quarterfinals of the competition and proceeded to the semi-finals.
トーナメント戦では、semi-final(準決勝)の前の試合を、quarter-final(準々決勝)と言います。 サッカーでは例えば、quarter-final(準々決勝)で負けると、敗退し、大会を去ることになります。もし、このラウンドで勝てば、準決勝に進みます。 semi-final(準決勝)は、final(決勝)の前の試合です。 ですので、もし準々決勝に勝ったのなら、以下のように言うことができます。 I won in the quarterfinals of the competition and proceeded to the semi-finals.(準々決勝に勝って、準決勝に進んだ。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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