In the UK such rooms are not generally available. Traditionally prostitutes use such rooms so such an establishment would have a tremendous stigma in the UK if you were able to find such a place - which is doubtful.
"Room for rent", "Rental space" and "Hotel room" are all ways to describe a room you pay money for to spend time in. However, this time period is normally a minimum of a day.
"Room for rent", "Rental space"そして "Hotel room" のこれらの表現はお金を払って数時間使う部屋の事を言います。
available to rent for short-time use from 2 hours upwards
「レンタルルーム」= a rental room/a room for rent/rental space
「2時間からの短時間での利用」= available to rent for short-time use from 2 hours upwards
「ホテル代わりや仮眠に使う」= may be used instead of a hotel room for a rest or a nap
"room for rent" or "hotel room" are the most common phrases used in the UK although these rooms are normally charged for an entire day. I'm not aware of an ability to rent only for a few hours.
"room for rent" または "hotel room" がイギリスでは最も一般的なフレーズです。ただし、これらの部屋は普通1日分の料金を請求されます。私は数時間のみ貸す所というのは知りません。
When you can rent a room for a few hours at a hotel, then you may use the following phrases:
-to rent a room by the hour
-room to rent hourly
You may use the above phrases in a sentence in the following ways:
-I usually go to a hotel near work to rent a room by the hour.
-The hotel opposite my workplace allows customers to rent a room by the hour
-to rent a room by the hour(時間単位で部屋を借りる)
-room to rent hourly(時間単位で借りる部屋)
-I usually go to a hotel near work to rent a room by the hour.(たいていは職場の近くのホテルで部屋を時間単位で借ります)
-The hotel opposite my workplace allows customers to rent a room by the hour(職場の反対側にあるホテルでは部屋を時間単位で借りられます)
"Rental room"and "Hotel room" are essentially the same, whereas "hotel" specifies that the rental room is located at a hotel.
"A room available for hourly rental" is even more specific, and explains that the rental room is rented at an hourly rate.
"Rental room"(レンタルルーム)と "Hotel room"(ホテルの部屋)は本質的には同じものですが、"Hotel" はそれがホテルの "Rental room" であることを示します。
"A room available for hourly rental" はそれよりもさらに具体的です。これはその "Rental room" が1時間ごとの料金で利用できることを表します。
Although this accommodation is common in Japan, it is not common in Ireland or the UK.
In Japan, I seen signs like 'Hourly rental' , 'Hourly rate ____ per room'. etc.