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2017/12/03 23:20
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  • Sorry for shouting at my child. I feel bad about it.

  • Sorry for scolding my kid in public. I shouldn't have shouted at him/her.

scold = 叱る 日本人だと、こういうことするなら、参りにいる人に迷惑かけていると思いますが、英語のネイティブの考え方で、その人から何もモンクとか言われてないなら、そう思い込まないだろうので、「too」とか「either」とかは言わないと思います。
Tim Young 主催
  • I apologise for shouting in front of you, it's not something I like doing.

  • I feel bad for shouting in front of you, I am sorry.

Saying "I apologise" is a bit more of a formal way of saying sorry.
I apologiseと言う事によってもう少しフォーマルな "sorry"の言い方です。
Kirst English teacher
  • I'm sorry for shouting, I'm not normally like this.

We start off the sentence with the apology as it makes the sentence seem more sincere. By saying you are not normally like this, it implies that it is a one time thing and out of character for you. It lets the person know that you feel remorse or embarrassed about shouting.
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • I regret shouting at her, but she can be so difficult sometimes!

  • I hate shouting at her and it upsets me afterwards, but sometimes she drives me crazy when she ignores me!

If you want to apologise, substantiate your actions and also explain your feelings after this outburst, then it is necessary to form quite a long sentence: "I hate shouting at her and it upsets me afterwards, but sometimes she drives me crazy when she ignores me!" A shortened version may be enough in a public situation: "I regret shouting at her, but she can be so difficult sometimes!"
叫んだ後に、謝罪し、行動を立証し、気持ちを説明したい場合は、かなり長い文章を作成する必要があります。 【例文】 "I hate shouting at her and it upsets me afterwards, but sometimes she drives me crazy when she ignores me!"(彼女には叫びたくないですし、後で私も悲しくなりますが、彼女に無視をされると時々おかしくなってしまいます) 公の場では、短いバージョンでも十分かもしれません。 "I regret shouting at her, but she can be so difficult sometimes!"(彼女に叫んだことは後悔していますが、時々とても対応しづらいことがあります)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I apologize for shouting at my child in public it's because she 'gets on my nerves' (annoys me a lot) sometimes.

  • I'm sorry everyone for shouting at my child in public, it's just that she irritates me so much sometimes and I 'can't help it'.

Children can be quite a nuisance sometimes. Often, they may do things that you may have told them not to do a number of times before, and, they will do that in public. You, as a parent, may 'lose your cool' (suddenly become extremely annoyed) and shout at the child because he/she is embarrassing you in public. The phrase 'I can't help it' means 'there is nothing I can do about it, I just have to shout at the child'. So, you may say: I apologize for shouting at my child in public it's because she gets on my nerves sometimes. or I'm sorry everyone for shouting at my child in public, it's just that she irritates me so much sometimes and I can't help it.
子どもにイライラすることありますね。何度も注意していることをしてしまう、それも人前で。親として、人前で恥をかいてカッとなって怒鳴ってしまうこともあると思います。"I can't help it" は「どうしようもない、子どもを怒鳴るしかない」という意味になります。 以下のように言うことができます: I apologize for shouting at my child in public it's because she gets on my nerves sometimes. 〔訳〕子どもを怒鳴ってしまってすみません、時々イライラしてしまって。 または、 I'm sorry everyone for shouting at my child in public, it's just that she irritates me so much sometimes and I can't help it. 〔訳〕子どもを怒鳴ってしまってごめんなさい。時々イライラしてしまってどうしてもそうなってしまうんです。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I'm sorry for shouting. It's just that my child won't listen.

  • My apologies for shouting. This is a naughty one and does not listen

When you want to apologize for shouting at your child, then you may express this in the following ways: -I'm sorry for shouting. It's just that my child won't listen. -My apologies for shouting. This is a naughty one and does not listen
子どもに怒鳴ってしまったことについて謝りたいなら、次のように言えます。 -I'm sorry for shouting. It's just that my child won't listen.(怒鳴ってすみません。子どもが言うことを聞かなかったので) -My apologies for shouting. This is a naughty one and does not listen(怒鳴って申し訳ありません。いたずらっ子で言うことを聞かないので)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I apologize for shouting, It's something I didn't want to do.

  • I'm sorry you had to see that, I hate to shout at my children.

"I apologize for shouting, It's something I didn't want to do." To 'apologize' for something is to feel sorry/remorse, in this case for shouting in front of other people. "I'm sorry you had to see that, I hate to shout at my children." A very polite way of apologizing/saying sorry, 'I'm sorry you had to see this' is a polite term to say sorry for making a scene in front of others who possibly didn't expect/want to see/hear something.
"I apologize for shouting, It's something I didn't want to do."(大声を出してすみません、私もやりたくはありませんでした) 'apologize' とは、申し訳なく思うことです。この場合は、「人前で大声を出したこと」を申し訳なく思っています。 "I'm sorry you had to see that, I hate to shout at my children."(お見苦しいところを見せてしまってごめんなさい、私も子どもには怒鳴りたくないんですけど) 非常に丁寧な謝罪です。'I'm sorry you had to see this' は人前で騒いでしまったことを謝罪するときの言い方です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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